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About Enator18

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  1. it is meant to continue the line of the more feature-conservative source ports (vanilla -> boom -> mbf) so this means any general features that expand what you can do with the game while still staying true to the general engine limitations and style of the original game. So it could add map feature and it did (stuff like instakill floors and the block land monsters line flag) but things like 3d floors and slopes wouldn’t really fit with this idea.
  2. Someone else suggested adding an A_Thrust codepointer that applies velocity to something. I think they were suggesting it for enemies but it could be added for weapons as well I guess. Could also be useful if you wanted to make a weapon that has kickback or something.
  3. Yes it replaces the ammo that the slot 2 weapon uses, but it isn't able to replace the ammotype that the player starts with so instead they chose to set the starting bullet amount to 0 and just place shells towards the start of the map.
  4. You can change the ammo amount but not the type I think. Unless I'm really dumb and you can, but I can't find a way to
  5. One thing that would be nice to have is the ability to change the ammotype that the player starts with so that you can have the starting weapon be able to use an ammo type other than bullets
  6. YES, THIS. or at least some version of this. Would also be useful for walk over lines that are split up by texture or height changes or are curved.
  7. Only problem is won't most people be super used to it? I don't really know how impactful it is but won't it be jarring to turn it off?
  8. Oh yeah looking at how this is implemented currently, it seems like this feature would be not too bad to implement.
  9. I just had an interesting idea for a feature. A way to edit the cast sequence. Basically somewhere like a lump or maybe just in umapinfo or something to put a list of thing nums for the enemies that will appear in the cast sequence so that you can add your custom enemies to it, instead of it just being all of the doom 2 enemies or whatever they were replaced with.
  10. Oh yeah, the BOUNCES flag is also very messed up. To get the grenade-like behavior shown in the MBFEDIT demo, you have to have a projectile with BOUNCES but without MISSILE which creates incredibly inconsistent behavior with the various missile shooting codepointers, so that could definitely use fixing
  11. Yeah, that makes sense. In the mean time, I thought of more stuff that would be useful. The ability to do an archvile raise, but more arbitrarily, so it doesn't have to be part of a chase call, you choose the radius, and you choose the offset of the center of the check.
  12. We definitely have enough stuff here for a new spec
  13. I realized I forgot something when writing this yesterday. This would be a big useful one. A codepointer called A_Move or something which is the same as A_Chase, but it does not call A_FaceTarget first, and has parameters for x y z movement amounts relative to the enemies rotation. This would allow for much more versatile movement control that doesn't rely on only moving towards the target. Also I just wanted to say I really like another idea I saw in this thread which is to have counters on things that can be incremented and decremented with codepointers and can be checked with jump conditionals
  14. I'd like to start out by saying massive thanks to you guys for creating the mbf21 spec, as it is super awesome and useful. I have many thoughts about things that would be really useful in the next spec. Now, I don't really know how realistic some of these requests are, also many of them are probably repeats of things others have suggested, but I figured that I would jot them down anyways. 1. A generalized way to add new weapons without having to replace the existing slots. Just a way to define a weapon, select a number slot for it, and it would be stacked on top of whatever weapons are already in that slot. 2. Better support for bouncy things. The current implementation of the BOUNCES flag is jank due to relying on the presence or absence of the MISSILE flag to determine the behavior of the bouncing. When you have a projectile with the BOUNCES flag but without the MISSILE flag, which is the combination that provides the grenade-like behavior, they do not function properly with the missile codepointers. It would be nice to have a better working way of doing bouncing things. 3. Require the implementation of the umapinfo and musinfo lumps (and maybe dsdhacked but idk about that one) in the standard so that when you are working on a project, you can use them without having to worry about a couple of ports that don't support them. It also makes it so when you release a project, you don't have to say something like "runs on ports that support mbf21 and umapinfo." 4. Speaking of umapinfo and musinfo, there are a few things that I think could be improved about them. For umapinfo, it would be nice to be able to use the ExMy system for a Doom 2 wad. I feel like this helps the flow of episodic wads more, especially if they have episodes that are not 5 maps each. In addition, it would be nice to be able to set the intermission stats screen music per level instead of globally. And for musinfo, it would be nice to be able to trigger a music change using a linedef instead of a thing, allowing it to be triggered by voodoo sequences and such. Perhaps the tag on the linedef could be the index for the song to choose in the musinfo for that map. Perhaps, the musinfo definitions could even be moved to the umapinfo map definitions. 5. Speaking of voodoo dolls, one feature idea I had was introducing an entity flag called "Triggers Lines" that will trigger walk over lines like voodoo dolls do, so that we don't need to use multiple player starts anymore, which would be in my opinion a cleaner way of doing things.
  15. yo uh, dude, i think i remember you from like 2 years ago in the doom dsicord

    1. Enator18


      I’m active in a few doom discords and have been for a little while

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