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About Wo0p

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    Dogedemon or Cacodoge?

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  1. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Marathon Classic on Steam is already available to access now. The thread just got closed, so I couldn'r reply there. :(

    1. Wo0p


      Yep, I know ^_^


      Thanks for the consideration though!

  2. I'm more excited for Marathon, Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity being released to Steam (soontm) tbh. Courtesy of the crafty fellows in Aleph One :) Also, they're free.
  3. My goodness this thread is just a treasure trove of inspiration. I sincerely commend you all for all your wonderful and beautiful art (Not that I feel my opinion matters a whole lot, but we don't hear praise enough in our lives so here's one for you all <3)!
  4. To be fair, you succeeded ;P Keep at it, it's looking good :) Olawd I didn't realise skewed ceiling in this kind of sloping design was a thing I needed in my life. I'll have to incorporate this sort of thing into some of my own maps at some point ^_^
  5. You're kind for saying :) No problem, at first I thought the light was just very bright but then I noticed the tell-tale sign of checker-marked texture! And that's when I got confirmation hehe. Heck yeah, onwards to map 2!
  6. This was wonderful ^_^ just played through it on HMP (Because filthy casual that I am) in GZDoom. I found this oopsie but otherwise no problems running through it: Atmosphere is spot on but I still think the heavy fog should have been switched for some more darkness instead but hey, it's an artistic choice. And that's what you chose so who am I to say you should do something else? The highlight location was the red key room. It had its own red theme and strobing guiding lights. It was right proper tense entering that room! You know how there's always a tinge of apprehension when picking up a key item in almost every WAD in existence since that usually means combat is about to start and you're not quite sure where it's going to come from. Well your red key room really intensified all that usual apprehension to new heights. Great work :) The new monsters and arsenal all felt properly implemented and not just as graphical replacements, which was nice to experience. I especially liked the machinegun. It felt proper meaty to handle! (Giggity giggity) As others have mentioned, I would love to see more maps of this style from you ^_^ again, great work! EDIT Accidentally posted this in "The Craven" thread by you lmao. So here it is instead in its proper place! Sorry for the confusing reply.
  7. Such a fun concept :) And I especially like the look of the humble emplacement guns ^_^
  8. Look at all these younglings coming together and/or arguing over Doom. Brings a goddamn tear to my eye.
  9. Those overgrown cave walls warm my cold soul. Looks great :D Although that waterfall has a bit of ye olde texture misalignment syndrome!
  10. Just here to shamelessly bump the project to the front page with some progress screenshots :^) "Another soul battered and broken, cast aside like a spent torch" Big Brother's watching:
  11. I mean... Just making a single map with quake-ish levels of detail takes weeks or even months. Have you tried making a WAD? Now imagine you need to create a map with sixteen times (I'm still disappointed Bethesda) the detail and repeat it 20-30 times (while not being repetetive in your layouts). And that's BEFORE upper and middle management gets in your face and tells you to change the map 60 times to cater to various tangible and intangible "consumer demands."
  12. If it's got caco in the name, I have to play it. Will edit this post with post-play thoughts and perhaps a bit of constructive criticism :) 1st EDIT, Maps played: 01-05 Loving the maps so far with one exception (Can't win them all right?). The atmosphere is great, the titlescreen made me chortle (I wouldn't date an imp girl either!) and the music "bops hard" as the kids say (Do they still say that?). The intro map was in particular a hilarious concept and a great execution imo. I didn't understand the first time that I had to run from the Fiend so I died lulz, but I figured it out eventually and was pleasantly surprised to find that you get 100% kills despite not killing him and the complete trashbag Imp that's out on the wing :) I didn't want map 2 to end simply because the music is so goshdarn awesome in that level in particular. Generally upbeat, adventurous and energetic though throughout the maps I've played so far. So yeah map 3 killed the mood for me a bit because of the severe lack of ammo. I imagine the design in this map was to limit the player to Rocket Launcher and fists since it seems there's mostly only rocket pickups later in the level. It felt like a somewhat odd difficulty curve for me at least. Played on HMP btw in GZDoom. And also that one particular room with 2 pain elementals, a revenant and an archvile can go suck a duck >:( But that's ok, because maps 4 and 5 are peak entertainment. Some big open maps like this punish the player for going a particular way but your maps here are balanced perfectly. There's a gun in each corner and armor and health aplenty if you're willing to run around for it. Great stuff! Am thoroughly enjoying myself with these adventurous maps! Although, there's not enough Cacos >:( But there's never enough cacos... ;_;
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