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Sgt. Daniel mk. XII

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About Sgt. Daniel mk. XII

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    A friendly buddy of yours
    Warming Up

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  1. Made this AK by using only Doom's sprites
  2. For RL, pressing alt-fire will launch seeking missiles
  3. MOD UPDATED! Changes: - Rifle reload is now reanimated by myself. - SSG sprites changed to fit the D64 style. - Improved hit puff effects. - SSG can now single-fire like in BD. - Fixed unsynchronized pump sound after fully reloading shotgun.
  4. Minigun and Rocket Launcher Creds: Midway, SMIV, Zedek the Plague Doctor, Amuscaria, 3D Realms
  5. Alright, Doomers! I made this new little weapon pack that is mostly inspired by Led's Generic Weapon mod and Simple Weapons by Joblez. Featuring: reloading, dropped casings(when firing) and mags(when reloading). Compatibilty: Should work on ZDoom 2.8.1 (untested) Zandrodum (mod designed primarly for this source-port so it's obvious that it'll work) GZDoom (same reason as Zand) LZDoom (same as above) DOWNLOAD BETA! - Beta version, with placeholder and unfinished stuff! DOWNLOAD V1.0! - Full release! DOWNLOAD V1.0B! - Hotfixed! Screenshots!
  6. Vanilla-styled insult sprites. Credits: id Software, Sgt. Mark IV
  7. Alright, all weapon sprites are done. (Except for molotov, it's from Postal 3D weapon demo cuz I'm lazy to make myself) Mod progress: Sprites are finished, player code finished, weapon codes WIP
  8. Postal Weapon Pack (WIP) - Sprites Credits: 3D Realms (for Duke64 and Blood), TSF/Tesefy (USAS Sprite) There are only 3 weapons sprites finished. Auto-Shotgun/Spray Cannon/USAS-12: MP5K/Machine Gun(NOTE: in both OG and Redux it has inf. ammo): Shotgun/SPAS-12(no pumping as in OG Postal):
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