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  1. Heyy ! Made an another demo, an another record of mine, improved by 1s from my last playthrough (i could improve my 5 to 6 seconds more). Demo zip : Doom.wad_E1it535.zip Youtube link : I'm active again !! (i wanna see my name in my frofile in DSDA pls)
  2. Hey ! Posted a new replay here : Ultimate Doom, I'm too young to die speed I don't know how i pulled this one with this amount of bad luck and bad RNG (1s faster than my last PB, but i could improve by 7s, as stated by the in-game timer when i was running) (i'm fixing the video for now, there's some encoding issues with this one, but it's watchable and without delay, just some freezes and flicker) Here's the zip file : E1it536.zip here's the video :
  3. One of the best Doom WADs that i played since i know Doom, made by an amazing person, yes, i talk of you Emma Essex, i'm one of your biggest fans since Cold Cash and Anthrocon 2012, i'm hyped for Circuit_02
  4. no. No it's not. It's my avatar that i made ages ago
  5. oh okay, it's the last version of freedoom, so the 0.12.1 btw
  6. Some unknown demon from Hexen i think. Hello ?
  7. Here's a Freedoom record on EC-Speed (UV-speed equivalent on freeedoom) i made 2 days ago. Zip : fdE1EC-2523.zip Video link :
  8. I made a speedrun.com world record right now (not verified yet but wait) [MxCraven, do your job] on Freedoom 0.12.1 fdE1EC-2523.zip video link :
  9. Why my Freedoom run is not on DSDA Archive yet (it's been two months so i'm questionning) ? (it seems that Feedoom is on it).
  10. it's deleted (at least formatted to be like it's deleted, 'cuz i cannot delete my own posts) Also i'm sorry on posting on two places, sometimes i don't know where to post (now it will be only in this thread, not duplicated to another, i'm new, i don't know where to post things sometimes)
  11. Hello, this is a UV-Speed E1M1 speedrun I posted it in an another topic, i will delete it later, so now, here we go. 10.00s, and there's the file : E1M1uv-1000.zip And the video :
  12. I did a Freedoom: Phase One speedrun on E1M1 like Ultimate Doom. If someone wants the video, i can upload it to YouTube fd (freedoom) it (ITYTD-Speed) ITYTD-Speed in 26.80s Zip file : fdE1M1it-2680.zip
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