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Everything posted by Nockson

  1. Check out DBP59: Zeppelin Armada - it is incredible (NPCs and quests in the Doom engine!). You can also check out DBP page on the DoomWiki - it contains links to small articles about each WAD as well as all the download links.
  2. It appears that Heretic HE was more popular, a few mods using it are on idgames. It is also used in some latest mapsets, like Fastest Shovels 6 and PUSS XXVIII: Quoth the Raven. HEX however is nowhere to be find.
  3. So, it looks like HEX is just an obscure unfinished utilty that saw little to no use. Well, if no other exe-editor for Hexen has come out in the last 25 years, that means the demand is not that great. There are only nine Hexen WADs covered on the DoomWiki right now, and only two of them are for Vanilla Hexen. It is also sad that the source code for both HEX and HHE was never released.
  4. Thank you all for answers! Do you remember what versions you were using? Was it final 0.84f or maybe some other early version?
  5. (Not sure if it goes here or in Everything Else) Hello everyone! I've just made a small DoomWiki page for an old DeHackEd equivalent for Hexen called Hexen Hack Editor (HEX). But, unlike Heretic Hack Editor and SeHackEd, it appears that this utility wasn't that much used and its patches are not supported by any source port. The only thing I was able to find is this closed feature request in Chocolate Doom repo. My search through the idgames archive didn't show any mods using HEX. And it seems strange, because according to its release history HEX was in very active development (almost 20 public releases between February 1996 and June 1998). So, the question is - does anyone here ever used this program? Have you heard of any mods using it? Maybe you know some HEX-related stories - please share!
  6. No problem, I made the corrections! I should have noticed that these two music tracks had almost the same titles.
  7. Hello! To complete the DoomWiki article, can you please tell me what music tracks are used for MAP99, intermission and text screens? This information is absent from the txt file.
  8. Hello! I'm filling out the DoomWiki page for The Settlements. Can you please tell me which music tracks are used in the WAD? One from MAP04 is silent and one from MAP03 contains info in the MIDI itself, but what are the others? Judging by the first post, MAP01 uses original track by Ribbiks. Does it has any name?
  9. That's exactly what I was thinking about when warping to these maps and looking at them in editor. Thanks for your answers!
  10. Oh no, you've missed the page for Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders! It was a redirect and now it's a full page, long overdue. And Hexen capitalization is almost over, only a few pages remaining.
  11. Hello! I made a page for this mapset on the DoomWiki. Was I right to assume that map07 was made by Ravendesk and General Roasterock, and map08 by Ravendesk? This information is absent from the text file. And can you please tell me what is the purpose of these last two levels? Unfortunately, I don't have time to play the mapset. :(
  12. My pleasure! Well, the soundtrack section is done! Thanks for all the info!
  13. Hello! Congratulations on getting the Cacoward! I'm here to gather some information for the DoomWiki article. Can you please tell me what music tracks are used for the title screen (D_DM2TTL), intermission (D_DM2INT), and text screen (D_READ_M)? Because these tracks are not listed in the extended credits. Could you also clarify the music track for MAP10? It is listed as "Airs Rock from Golden souls 2, sequenced by MaliceX", but I wasn't able to find it anywhere. Is it from Doom: The Golden Souls 2? There are no tracks with a similar name.
  14. It looks like that won't happen anytime soon. If you need to know why - check out Scuba Steve's answer on 4th page of 2023 Cacowards thread. Sorry, but I'm not going to quote and post it here.
  15. Thank you all, the soundtrack section is now complete!
  16. This is exactly what I expected to hear. Thanks for your honesty.
  17. I tend to disagree. DBP59 was mentioned like a dozen times in the Cacowards 2023 mentionation thread. A lot of people played it, you can just look at its release thread here on Doomworld (4 pages long, 119 likes as of right now) or at dozens of playthroughs on YouTube. It even got its own drama about the usage of characters from indie game without credit (which happily resolved). It's strange and sad that this rather important piece of this years's Doom modding scene was left unattended.
  18. Thank you! Was this track created specifically for this project?
  19. Congratulations on winning the Cacoward! For a complete description of the mod on DoomWiki, please tell me what music tracks are used on: MAP08, MAP11, MAP14, MAP19, and the text screen (D_READ_M)?
  20. I know I might ruin the holiday spirit a little, but I just can't help but speak out. When I woke up this morning and opened the Cacowards page, I was very excited. Doom, my beloved game from childhood, turned thirty, and ahead of me was a description of the best mods of the year, many of which I had seen or even played as part of my work at DoomWiki (I don't play much because, you know, age). Some of my favorites received awards or mentions this year: Insanity Edged, BOOMER, DBK03, UDINO, MyHouse. But when I read to the end, the feeling of joy gave way to confusion. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. I returned to the beginning again and began to carefully look through page by page. And by the third or fourth time, my feelings changed from confusion to disappointment. I kept asking out loud why? Why didn't DBP59: Zeppelin Armada receive an award, or runner up, or at least a mention? This is a gorgeous set of levels with beautiful steampunk architecture, exciting battles, and NPCs and quests implemented in an almost vanilla engine. Many people liked this mod, even outside the Doom community. But now it feels like it simply doesn’t exist. And while I collected my thoughts and wrote this message, which took about half an hour, my severe frustration cooled down. I understand that, as we say in Russia, you do not argue about tastes. Not everyone will like what you like. You just have to accept it and move on. But the feeling of disappointment will still not leave me soon. It's sad.
  21. Congrats on the release! I created a small page for it on the DoomWiki and in the process discovered that in the MAPINFO lump the name of E2M5 was misspelled as "Command Centre" (the WILV14 is okay though).
  22. @Pieruskwurje Could you answer a few questions: 1) What's the reason behind options for parts 2 and 3 in the "New game" menu warping you to different maps depending on whether or not you completed certain parts? It really confused me because I haven't (sadly) finished the entire mod yet, and part 3 option warped me to MAP03 while part 2 option warped me to MAP00, which is AFTER MAP03 (I wanted to divide levels in DoomWiki article by parts as in the WF page but scrapped that idea for now). 2) MAPINFO refers to levels that don't exist: MAP32 and MAYBE. Are these leftovers from the development stage? 3) What's the MAP06 for?
  23. Oh, damn, I should've looked at the contents more carefully! Sorry! I'll keep it in mind to tell you if I ever find it for real.
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