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Fiber Wire

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About Fiber Wire

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  1. Wouldn’t mind having Doom shirts in tall length. Seems they only make the shirts wider, not longer, for any official merch. Also hats that aren’t just baseball caps like a bucket or boonie hat with Doom stuff on it would be cool. I do have a nice Doom belt buckle though I got over a decade ago:
  2. Quite a few come from the Sound Ideas audio libraries series 2000 and 6000. Also, a few come from Sound Bible and The Edge Edition Volume 1. Many more seem to be in-house or from Aubrey Hodges’s own personal sample collections.
  3. Scary news: We are a single spec of a massive universe that is seemingly endless. So far, we have not discovered life beyond our planet, and in our own lifetimes that may remain to be the case, but more people now than ever believe life exists beyond our planet, and they’re more than likely right. The question is when we do discover life beyond Earth will it be something we can relate to? Will their conditions for life be the same as ours, therefore their native species could be comparable to the various creatures on Earth? Or will their conditions for life be so drastically different and completely alien from life as we know it that it would essentially result in us having to go back to the drawing board to make sense of it? To me, that would be far scarier if there exists intelligent life forms that are nothing whatsoever relatable to humans than if we encountered humanoid alien beings from an Earth-like planet.
  4. I know this has been idle for a while now, but I wanted to bring attention to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s free new podcast on Spotify. It has really helped keep me motivated and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their health, physique, or needs help getting unstuck in general. If you don’t use Spotify you can sign up to his free newsletter email instead here. It will give you the same information from the podcast only in written form.
  5. I don't think BUILD games are "by design worse than" Doom or Quake. They're just different FPS games and not by Id Software. It seems the fact that the editor requires you to remember key bindings has turned so many people away from the engine because it isn't a carbon copy of Doombuilder. I think these same people would have struggled in the early days of Doom level editing, too. At least BUILD always had a 3D map view.
  6. This should get you what you want. I’m surprised a google search gave you no results. Anyways, this WAD file has all the PS1 sound effects within.
  7. I have done both. If I don’t have time to actually work on a map then I usually can at least access my pen and small notepad I bring anywhere I go and start there. Then I’ll take what I have to the computer when I have time. Usually, the end result turns out a lot different from the drawing. So that’s why more often than not, I just start from scratch anyhow and have found myself using the pen and paper less and less as time went on.
  8. Something else about the chaingun is that it is often considered a light machine gun but that is not really possible seeing as it uses the same ammo as the pistol, which we can infer is 9×19mm Parabellum since the pistol is clearly meant to be an M9. This would make the chaingun technically more of a fictional full auto pistol-caliber-carbine (PCC) or a Sub Machine Gun (SMG), that is multi-barrel in design.
  9. There are machine guns that can be fed from both linked ammunition (belt fed) and magazine loaded. So it isn’t really out of the ordinary. The M249 SAW is an example of such a machine gun that can accept both methods of loading. It’s far from the only one but it’s the one I know off the top of my head.
  10. Personally I think the BFG is fine as-is. Nerfing it would only make it useless and it doesn't need to be anymore powerful than it already is either. It's just powerful enough that it takes somewhat of a learning curve to truly understand how to use the BFG effectively. You can easily waste its ammo by using it improperly, especially in Deathmatch.
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