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About Tangra

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  1. That's not a very good way to present an idea i'm afraid. Poor sentencing, with no capital letters and no punctuation is bad enough, but there's also no clear vision of what you're trying to suggest. For example, i've never played "The Long Trek Back Home"*, so even if i'm down on working on your suggestion, i'm already lost from the get go. Do i have to do my own research and guess what you want? Okay, i see, you want a follow up to the story of Doom 1... isn't Sigil and Sigil 2 exactly that? And why do we return back to Phobos when Doom 2 takes place on Earth after the events of Doom 1? Are we going to need another megawad to takes us from Phobos to Earth? And i have to say, i don't mind your Grungo gimmick, but you're pushing it with your spam. Can't you at least drop the 3rd person talk and be more serious when you try to make an idea thread that's supposed to be serious?
  2. You didn't like the blue sky with the red, hellish textures? What type of sky do you prefer for a hell episode, other than the overused, cliche red sky, or the orange episode 4 one? You know, there used to be a time when the skies didn't have to be the same color as the rest of the textures in the maps. Now we have examples of entire map sets being dominated by one color for everything, and to be honest, i find that to be quite boring. I think Romero's choice was a nice change - 6 episodes, all with different skies. Also, a dark/night sky was something that was missing in the previous episodes.
  3. For those who asked, i've compiled and uploaded all maps into a single episode that can be played continuously. Check the first page for additional information. DOWNLOAD: https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-ii/addons/deceiver-of-the-underworld
  4. This is a small map i made during the last two days to celebrate my one-year anniversary as a mapper. Technically, i started at the beginning of 2023, but my first real "release" was in March of that year. The map is partially designed after a place where i worked 11 years ago. Hope you enjoy. Format: Doom/Doom 2 IWAD: Doom 2 Gameplay: Single Player Tested in: DSDA-Doom Difficulty Levels: Yes Textures: CC4 Texture Pack Crouch and Jump: Disabled LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/80erkn0lnovt6vj/CorporateDivision.zip/file
  5. Just played the three maps and had a fun time. It wasn't too difficult, and that's how i like it, i rather take a gradual climb in difficulty as the maps progress, than to get my ass kicked in Map01. Still, there are some good surprising traps here, but they are not cruel and give you time to react and fight back. The visuals are really nice, and the architecture is quite unique with all the oval shapes, which is something i typically don't use in my maps, because i hate dealing in texture alignment on oval surfaces. One minor issue i noticed, i think you have a wrong doortrak texture on the blue door in Map03, it's one of the crate textures. Good stuff, looking forward to the rest of the set.
  6. Isn't a project from a few mappers, still a community project? Especially since you're asking for volunteers? 1024 maps are fun to make, and i might have been up to it, but after you abandoned the CP you started in september (30 Sectors), when you had me and a bunch of other people mapping for months, only to close it at the end. Not cool, man. I don't get why you want to do this to yourself, what's so cool about leading a project without having the knowledge to do it? For me that only adds unnecessary pressure of not letting down the people who map for you.
  7. This is very interesting, just the other day i played an episode replacement for Doom, from 1996 and in the txt file the author claims to have used DoomEd. I was like, wait second, was that even available back then? I wasn't sure until you confirmed my suspicion. The episode in question - https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/d-f/debut_ep Was there a community DoomEd knock-off with the same name back then, or this author could have got his hands on the real one somehow?
  8. @Zahid Thanks for playing. Right now the map is in the early testing state, so i haven't quite balanced it yet difficulty wise, and there might be a bit too much health, so i can see it getting easier once you clear the initial horde that occupies the facility. I always place more health for testing, just to be sure, then in the process i trim it down until i feel it's the right amount. Everything will land in place eventually when i have the time to do a few more runs of my own. I think some of the later encounters could use a few more monsters as well.
  9. @Insaneprophet wow, that is too nice, maybe more than i deserve. It's always fun to read your interpretation of the maps, as they are more or less open to the imagination of the player. So whatever you want, that's the story of what's happening here. I only need to tie up the continuity with that sewage entrance, i guess the map that precedes it should end in a sewer, which is funny because i made the opening map to end in such way, but Chaos Factory is planned for map 06-07, so i can't use it earlier. I guess i'll be going liquid crazy with this episode, already have plans for a nukage map and a foundry, so i'll wait and see where these two will take me.
  10. @S3M_XM thank you for your discoveries. I think i fixed the problem with that stucked HK. I don't know what's going on in that sector but there's plenty of room, and there is distance between the three HK's. I deleted and remade the sector, and did a quick test, it seems to be working now. The yellow switch that acts like a door is a personal choice. I usually prefer my doors to lead to somewhere. This fake door/switch, only leads to the switch that lowers the bars to the blue key, and since in vanilla there's no key-locked action to lower directly the bars, i had to do it this way. I want the player to know in advance that once he gets the yellow key, it serves to lower the bars to the blue key and it's not meant to be just a door. The sky problem should be fixed as well, for some reason the error didn't appear to me on DSDA, but it's an oversight in the mapinfo lump. Should be okay now. And i forgot to fix the lift in question... I assume you're talking about the bridge that connects the central and western buildings? At first i made it like that on purpose, so the player can have the choice to keep the bridge down when he's done with the yellow key area. But the more i think about it, there is no point of that, it should indeed be a repeatable lift. I will change it tonight, it's not that urgent now.
  11. A little map in need of some serious playtesting love, of which i have none to give at the moment. I'm burnt out, i'm tired, and i have to work all week like a dog, before i can get some free time for dooming again. I am trying to make an episode for Doom 2, and this map will be somewhere in the mix. Name: Chaos Factory Format: Doom/Doom 2 IWAD: Doom 2 Gameplay: Single Player Tested in: DSDA-Doom (very little). Needs testing in Crispy Doom Difficulty Levels: Yes Textures: CC4 Texture Pack Crouch and Jump: Disabled LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ncsyzi0c6w7td9y/ChaosFactory.wad/file PICS:
  12. Probably won't be sooner than Doom II's birthday, but that's still soon enough. Has he announced the number of maps in Hellion yet? There were rumors of a full 32 level megawad, but i don't believe it, considering Sigil II took more than a year to be built.
  13. Thanks for trying it out. Unfortunately, i think i messed up one of the spawn points again. In the last fight, there are some cacodemons and a pain elemental that teleport on to a platform and get stuck there. I forgot i made the lines on that platform impassable. I'll wait for another month, or a day before the deadline, before i update the map again, i want to be sure this time.
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