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About jetbradley

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  1. I've bleached shirts before but I decided I wanted to try a way more complex pattern than last time. DOOM 64 was my first DOOM game and the logo looks awesome and I figured it would look neat even if it came out pretty messy. And I like how it came out! Gonna post some process pictures as well. The stencil was more complicated than anything else I've ever tried to bleach onto a shirt (which I think is like, 1-2 things, to be clear) and I ended up giving up and making some of the details out of duct tape. (Duct tape is overkill for this, but it's what I had around.) I made this by printing out the DOOM 64 logo and taping it to a thicker paper bag, since the printer paper wasn't gonna mask this at all. I then cut out the entire logo with scissors, because I didn't know how I felt about using an xacto knife over two layers of paper which weren't adhered to each other very well near where I was actually cutting. All the edges of the stencil were then taped down onto the fabric underneath to try to minimize bleeding at least a little bit (including the cut-out details on the text & face.) But I wasn't going for a super perfect design anyways, just enough definition to be able to make out at least the DOOM text. Here's what it looked like after the first layer of bleach. Of course, safety first for the bleach. Here's my main "mistake" for the shirt. I originally wanted to have a dual-tone effect, with the "DOOM 64" text being lighter than the symbol in the back. I wanted to do this by applying less bleach to the face as the text. What ended up happening was, I was worried about the face showing up at all, so I applied too much bleach to it and tried to get the same effect by just throwing tons of bleach at the text. As you can see, once I tore off the stencil, it bled WAY more there than anywhere else. I wasn't too worried though since I'm aiming for an imperfect look anyways, and you can still more or less make out that it's supposed to be the DOOM logo. You can see how wet the text is! Oops. At this point you could also pretty clearly see where the stencil was. I took this picture after applying a couple dabs of bleach to the sides of the stencil so it'd be a touch less obvious. I threw a lot more bleach at it (and some on the back, which I didn't get any pictures of oops) and this was what it was looking like! Now to get the bleach out - I usually start by just shooting a hose at it but I'm in an apartment right now, so I gave it a cold shower. Finally I threw it in the wash, ran it twice through the wash cause it still smelled badly of bleach the first time, and when it was all dried out here was the final result! I'm pretty happy with the result. It looks really messy but I had a lot of fun doing it, and I think the total cost of this was within the range of $5-10. And it's more comfortable than a lot of graphic tees, because I got the shirt secondhand so I could make sure I would really enjoy wearing it. The fabric near the logo is probably like, completely destroyed structurally though. But that's my own fault lol. Completely recommend trying this if you've got an outdoor space - but making and using that stencil was a huge pain in the ass, so keep that in mind. If you try it let me know!
  2. A utility pole snapped near my street today and is being held in place by the power wires! It still hasn't been fixed and power has been intermittent. The guys from the power company have blocked it off with CONES and are just staring at it talking. It's been windy but it hasn't been THAT windy!
  3. Currently rewatching Moon Knight through some websites that are giving my antivirus programs a workout. My first watchthrough of it, a friend streamed it for me from their D+ account. But we're both busy at different hours and I don't wanna bother her this time lol
  4. TRON 2.0 popcorn


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