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I gotta ask...has anyone made a Pacman clone where the player assumes control of a Cacodemon instead? Having the power dots replaced with mega spheres or soul spheres would also be a nice touch. Enemies? Maybe ghostly space marines? I dunno...some more thought should probably go into that. Full song here...
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Okay, so what I gather from the prologue trailer is that Phobos has turned heel and is either the 'dragon' or the 'big bad' of the story - almost reminiscent of "Contra: Shattered Soldier" with Lance Bean casted as the primary ( but misunderstood ) antagonist of that game. With Phobos now being identified in the dialogue as "Flynn Taggart", this now begs the obvious question...if "Fly" is actually Phobos, then who exactly is Doomguy? I have read the theories that the treacherous superiors who sealed Phobos' fate in his Quake III bio were actually the game devs - referring to the end screen of Episode 1 in the original DOOM, but after reading the 90s novelization I have always interpreted Phobos to correspond to Weems in the DOOM Universe. If Flynn Taggart is not Doomguy, then the only other established identity for a name drop would be John Grimm portrayed by Karl Urban in that terrible 2005 film...that is, unless the direction of the story takes a turn where Phobos and Doomguy are each others' counterparts from different parallel universes. Not trying to spoil the plot, just thinking aloud.
What would be the worse game universe to be stuck in?
Lost_Soul replied to Apex Veiko's topic in Everything Else
Probably Contra ( Shattered Soldier era ), Command & Conquer, Metal Gear, and some of the later iterations of Mass Effect - the latter for reasons I will not give on here ( I'll probably get into trouble if I do ). -
I am not very skilled at all at drawing or video editing but I would absolutely love to see somebody make an animated parody of indie synthwave band September 87's music video for their song "Bad Dream Baby". Just from imagining the scenario in my head, I can see having at least two of the band members dressed in space marine gear - maybe one of them can be a common Zombieman with green hair, and have Dr. Hayden playing the saxophone and replace the alien producer with an Imp. Maybe replace the alien dancer girl with the OC dubbed the "Porn Imp" or Imp Cheesecake that made cameos in "The Golden Souls 2" wad ,and have a bunch of the monsters from the cast of DOOM 2 dancing in the background. That would be sweet. And no, I'm not expecting great production values on the art and animation quality, although that would be very nice too. Here's the video for the "Dootdoot" Monster Band performing "I Sawed the Demons" : What are your ideas for some super hilarious DOOM parodies and skits? Do share.
give me scenarios where stupid dumbass barons don't completely suck
Lost_Soul replied to roadworx's topic in Doom General
It is true that Barons are more like brawlers than the mobile artillery platform that the Revenants are. The Bruisers are still scary looking though. That awakening noise they make also still gives me the willies. -
Double Poll: Which DOOM Monster Would Be Most Terrifying in Real Life?
Lost_Soul replied to Lost_Soul's topic in Doom General
Fixed now. I'm glad you caught that for me. I would be remiss to forget the Revy's inclusion for a question like that. -
Double Poll: Which DOOM Monster Would Be Most Terrifying in Real Life?
Lost_Soul replied to Lost_Soul's topic in Doom General
Well, it was identified in the plot as being the actual source of the invasion even though it couldn't move in the original canon ( mentions of flailing limbs notwithstanding ). And yeah, I'm sure the devs realized that having him spawn Cyberdemons and Masterminds would have broken the game. The gun itself even sort of looks like one of those 30mm rotary cannons that are famously used by the A-10 Thunderbolt even though the game has their weapon behaving more like the zombie sergeant's shotgun in full auto mode. They would be a beast. We're talking about the monsters as they were in Classic DOOM, not DOOM 3. When I said the thing about "forgetting established canon", I actually meant to imagine Ultimate DOOM with all the monsters from DOOM II being present on the moon bases as well. That's what I was getting at. That was DOOM 3, this thread is about classic DOOM. Possessed zombies could theoretically pose a very significant threat indeed if they retained all of the host's memories and used them to their advantage. They would be like the Pod People from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." This would be terrifying and deadly in and of itself. The Archie would have been my next choice for most dangerous overall ( that is, Question #2 ). At least he can't fly though ( that's good ). Uh oh...I may have just given the slaughter modders an idea. Oops. Yup, we're talking about Icon of Sin 1.0...so the Zombiemen it is. -
Imagine being just another member of the faceless rank and file personnel working in one of the facilities on the UAC outposts on Phobos and Deimos during the Demon Invasion. You are not Doomguy, and you do not have 200HP and 200 armour with the ability to stow multiple weapons at once. Forget the official canon and when the DOOM II Monsters were first introduced; just imagine that every denizen of Hell comes out to play. You are merely a frail human being and the rules of real life physics apply to you. One little mistake and you are demon food! Out of all the bestiary in DOOM II, which do you think would be the most terrifying to encounter in real life? How much of a threat or a problem would they present tactically? Consider not only the monster's toughness or destructive power, but also their mobility and their numbers. The Cyberdemon or the Arch-vile would be rather tempting for their obvious attributes. What about the floating enemies though? Having given this some serious thought, I think that I personally would have to consider the Caco and the Pain Elemental to likely be the biggest problems in this fictional scenario. At any moment there could be a giant tomato or meatball with big sharp teeth floating right above you, ready to bite off your head. Even worse, the Caco and the Pain Elemental would likely behave like real predators do...silently stalking their prey until they are in position to strike, only belching ball lightning or Lost Souls if they lose the element of surprise and are forced into a pursuit hunt. It would be very difficult to mitigate against attacks from creatures like this, there are just so many different angles that they could come at you from in a real life setting. Then again, a Cyberdemon could simply burst through concrete walls or blast them open with their missile pod, so there's that problem too. I still haven't forgotten how terrible that the Mancubi, Revenants and Barons would be. Even still, I think I am going with Cacos and Painos as my most dangerous. My choice for the psychological factor of intimidation? That is a much more difficult one for me...I think all of the heavyweights look terrifying ( if that makes sense to you ). If I am forced to pick only one, maybe the Cyberdemon or the Baron ( for their looks and awakening sound ). Those Pinky Demons look pretty freaky themselves even though they aren't particularly dangerous in the game. Also see: Ultimate DOOM: Creepiest Map in Episode 1? Ultimate DOOM's Scariest Music Tracks?
Scariest Music Track From Ultimate DOOM ( PC Version )
Lost_Soul replied to Lost_Soul's topic in Doom General
Interesting choice. The creepiness and menacing tone of "Sinister" certainly cannot be denied. This is actually true. My personal favorite was, "I Sawed The Demons". The AVGN actually did a skit where the eponymous character complained about the Playstation port's absence of those metal themed tracks. The Playstation DOOM had so many horror tracks that it made it much more difficult for any one song to stand out alone as the most terrifying, although most people seem to think Hodges' "Mt. Erebus" and "Geryon" Themes were the pinnacle. And honestly...I think I agree. -
Hey guys! With Halloween being just around the corner now let's have some more spooky fun with DOOM! Hahaha!! Warning: May Contain Spoilers When it comes to game music that is designed to be fear-inducing, some of the first titles that will invariably be mentioned are the famous "Resident Evil" and "Silent Hill" franchises ( and rightly so ). But what about DOOM? I always felt that the spooky songs from DOOM were rather underrated for what they were at the time of release. I'm not even gonna bother with DOOM II because it did not have the same spooky atmosphere that the original had despite the bigger bestiary roster with additional monster types. I think the devs did the music wrong on DOOM II. I actually felt terrified as a child when certain tracks would play while navigating through the dark corridors of Episode 1 and then later the hell textures in the backgrounds of Episodes 2 & 3. I usually played it on the easier difficulties before working my way up to "Hurt Me Plenty!" Very seldom have I ever played vanilla DOOM on "Ultraviolence". I would consider myself to be a fairly skilled player but I was never really a pro at using berserk packs very well like certain Doomtubers such as Big Mac Davis; this created problems for me once I made it to Episode 2, to the point where I was eventually forced to dodge some of the extra Barons that this difficulty adds to the maps due to shortage of ammo. And no, I was not well versed in using monster infighting as a tool at the time ( even though it's mentioned in the manual - I did read it ). On rare occasions the AI would also do something unexpected which would have a similar effect to a jumpscare. The most memorable happened to me once on E2M7 Spawning Vats...inside the Baron Room ( the one that always appears there ) -- this one actually happened after I had cleared this map in other marathon play sessions, having already somewhat learned the layout and where the enemies are found. Long story short, instead of me spotting him where he was supposed to be, the Baron was the one who found me instead! That was brutal! I'll save the details of that story for a different thread but it was nuts. Now back to the main idea of this thread...which song in vanilla DOOM is truly...the most disturbing? There are several worthy contenders for that honor. "Suspense" ranks very high ( especially being the first one used ), "On The Hunt" was perhaps the most startling with its more dramatic intro, and then there is "The Demons From Adrian's Pen". For me personally...out of all the tracks in the game that made my skin crawl, I honestly do not think any of them outspooked the track "They're Going To Get You" from Deimos Lab ( E2M4 ). This song absolutely scared the bejeezus out of me. I literally spent weeks ( maybe months ) building up the courage to play that map all the way through even though I had done it on some console ports before at that point already ( the PC version of the map having slight differences ). That was how powerful that this horror tune was at setting the tone for me. If anyone was actually scared by "Dark Halls" on their first play then you probably weren't ready for this game. I also didn't include "Nobody Told Me About Id" in the choices but I would even consider that one to be scarier than the Toxin Refinery Theme. The theme used for the battle with the Cyberdemon at the end of Episode 2 is vaguely reminiscent of the opening of that 70s film "A Clockwork Orange" - did anyone else get those vibes from that track? Oddly enough, I think the SNES version of the E2M4 Theme is perhaps the best version of it despite being a vastly inferior console port of the game... SNES Version ( Extremely Dark! ) : Which song from the original DOOM do you consider to be the most unnerving and why?
This is awesome! An evil clown wad!
Hey guys, In your honest opinion, which level in the first episode of the original DOOM did you find most disturbing in regard to the atmosphere and design or layout of the map? What about the level design made it so unsettling to you and why? Speaking for myself personally, I would definitely have to pick Phobos Lab out of these. Phobos Anomaly and Central Processing both tie at a close second. I will give an honorable mention to the dark tech maze inside the Nuclear Plant; even without the hell textures it looks foreboding with its strobing lights and builds a lot of tension. Why is Phobos Lab my number one? First reason is that the music is the first track in the game to sound like it came directly from a horror movie. The next reason is simply due to the way that the console ports gave the textures of the level a makeover resembling a medieval castle with chilly walls of stone and creepy looking wooden doors. The last area of the stage before reaching the exit also features strobing lights just like the tech maze area in E1M2, and induces a sense of dread and not wanting to be there - not all versions had the light amplification goggles to pick up in there either. The absence of any big nasties did not make E1M5 any less unnerving. It would not surprise me if Phobos Anomaly was the pick of most other people for the obvious reasons. Even still, I feel that the map's psychological impact was somewhat undercut by how obvious that the monster placement was. I remember being scared to encounter any Barons just from reading what the manual had to say about them, describing them as "the worst thing to walk on two legs since the T. Rex." They must be pretty formidable to be given that type of description I thought. My first time playing, I remember feeling sure that there would be a Baron right around the corner in Phobos Lab in one of those dark alcoves...to my surprise, no Barons! Now on to Central Processing...just listen to that loud scary music! If that doesn't foreshadow a battle with a Baron of Hell then I don't know what does! Still no Barons...music sure had me on edge anticipating them to show up at any moment. The devs were trolling when they picked those tracks for levels populated with low tier monsters. Entering the Computer Station...maybe...maybe this is it?? I wasn't really sure what to expect the first time playing this map. Again no Barons! Were these heavies hiding from Doomguy or what?! Finally I enter Phobos Anomaly...the music is kinda creepy but it sounds rather subdued compared to the tracks that played on some of the maps before it. Upon taking the lift which leads to the infamous star-shaped arena with the two doors, I already knew instinctively what was about to happen...a couple of big nasties were gonna pop out. I already had the bazooka drawn before approaching the doors and then taking cover to put some distance between us. The devs were not even trying to be subtle with the introduction. After soundly dispatching the "Bruiser Brothers" on my first playthrough I was actually a little bit disappointed. I was kinda expecting a bit more out of them. I mean, the fact that they can take five direct hits with the bazooka is quite impressive in itself but their projectile attacks were nothing special. I later learned to respect the Barons more in claustrophobic spaces where the player can be cornered. The Military Base would be scary enough if one didn't compare it to maps from Episodes 2 and 3. I did not discover this secret level during my first few playthroughs, as such it did not leave as big of an impression on me. It's an okay level. Certain maps which are exclusive to particular versions of the game will be omitted here.
Not sure if this is the right place for this but "Golden Souls" is probably the coolest WAD that I have ever seen. I have never even imagined a crossover like this one. Love that "Secret of Mana" music that plays in the art gallery. DOOM + Mario = Win! Thank you to BMD for the let's play video.
A thread dedicated to roasting and poking morbid fun at the darker aspects of the Classic DOOM Universe. I'll go first. Doomguy ( Flynn Taggart ) always follows the Left-Hand Path at the Unholy Cathedral. ^ ^ ( please refer to the hyperlink for context ) The walkthrough video that made me think of this reference ( and no, I am not accusing BMD of consciously deciding to go that route for such subtle ritualistic reasons - that would be silly ) :
Age 12 aye? Does it feel weird being a retro-gamer growing up in Generation Z? I actually think that's really cool. It's so unusual to find kids that aren't always pursuing the latest trends. The fact that you're able to make your own choices is a very precious gift. Don't listen to the people who say things like, "why do you care about that game? it's older than your father is."
Did I accidentally put 12? I meant to put 21 lol. Anyways, being a member of generation Z who likes retro games is pretty interesting, thought not uncommon, it's kinda hard to find other members of my generation who like classic Doom as much as I do, especially seeing as I consider myself somewhat of a vanilla purist, with my source port of choice being Chocolate Doom and all (though, I'm not the kind of guy who'll make fun of someone who prefers modern source ports, that's just stupid).