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Matt Eldrydge

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Everything posted by Matt Eldrydge

  1. Pretty cool! I'll keep this in mind when playing more vanilla-oriented stuff. Keep up the good work!
  2. Room 7: What's in the box? Didn't bother picking a midi because it's so short, feel free to pick your own. DOWNLOAD All skills levels accounted for.
  3. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the thread! I kinda forgot I had made it, will update the OP soon.
  4. Gonna take a crack at this, I'll take slot 7 for now! I've been meaning to really make a very compact thing, it'll be an interesting challenge.
  5. New playthrough today, felt like playing something less fancy and letting more classic level design do its thing! Shallow World is a lot of fun with or without Vesper, can't recommend it enough!
  6. After being asked about how I map a few times, I've decided to just sit down and record my process in a somewhat step by step manner! I should say I'm still fairly new to mapping, so I'm bound to do things a little different. :P
  7. Gave this a try and wow, what a compelling and odd map. I think you pulled off the whole reality breaking down theme quite well, though not having the exit actually marked caused me to wander around the map for 20 more minutes - not sure if that's a bad thing or not, but it was pretty good. The starting section when you're running away from bigger monsters and the odd cement-textured parts really stuck with me. Good job!
  8. And Final Carnage is over for now! The three cybers gave me some trouble, but this is a fantastic closer to set of very fun maps.
  9. Getting close to the end! I find Final Carnage is more fun when it lets go off the gas a little and lets you explore its maps - that's when the added atmosphere really helps.
  10. This map wound up kicking my teeth in towards the end, but I still found it to be quite enjoyable all in all. It's tense alright!
  11. Congrats on the release! I'm happy to have contributed with this both on the music and playtesting departments!
  12. Thanks a lot! While I've been working on Structure whenever I have the time, I had a certain craving to start something else - it's a long endeavor, after all. So I started making a limit-removing episode! Currently it's called Deconstructor and it'll have a slightly tweaked arsenal to go with it. Map 01: Map 02, still very early in actual mapping: Streamable link showing off the pistol replacement.
  13. Fourth map! I finally get the super shotgun in this one, and boy is it super!
  14. Lots of cool stuff in the thread today! I've been meaning to post more screenies here, but Doomworld seems to be having trouble with actually attaching them to the post. Any tips on how to post them from somewhere like Imgur?
  15. I'm really liking these maps, the way they're put together and have references to Half Life and the newer Doom games make for a pretty unique atmosphere!
  16. Just the second map of Final Carnage, which has some nice level destruction going in its little office space!
  17. Now that I have a new laptop, I can go back to recording videos like usual! The first Doom playthrough is going to be Final Carnage with Project Brutality 3.0, a set of almost Half Life-like maps meant to be played with PB. I must say that even though I have some gripes with Brutal Doom, I've been enjoying this combo and encourage anyone on the fence to give it a try!
  18. I saw this during the weekend and knew I had to play it! I got through map 01 and 02 in no time flat, the new weapons are really cool and I particularly like how the chaingun feels. The heavy cannon is probably my new favorite pistol replacement of all time, it just feels great and handles clumps of monsters or even tankier monsters like a champ until you get heavier hardware! Will definitely be playing through this over the week. Good job!
  19. I think I should have said dnolowad. dloadwn? English is hard. Thanks for the compliment though, I'm sure you'll enjoy it when it's done if you like what you saw!
  20. What @DSC linked. It's an architectural style composed of raw concrete, glass and exposed metal, usually with some sharp angles. Happy to see people are interested in it. :)
  21. Since I can't figure out how to get Doomworld to actually embed images, I'll post a video of Structure, the map I've been working on for a while. I talk about my channel in the beginning but if you just wanna see the map, skip to 03:35.
  22. Hey, it's me again. Been a little while since I showed up. More details in the video, but the gist of it is I can't record gameplay videos anymore after my laptop just...I don't know, stopped registering any microphone as plugged in and not allowing any video recording software I tried to even pick up the sounds from the game and such. I also show a map I've been working on for a while now.
  23. FORMAT: UDMF PORT: LZDoom/GZDoom, possibly Zandronum (untested). MODE: Singleplayer. Co-op starts are present but untested. Way too big for deathmatch. RENDERER: Hardware, with software sector lighting. MOUSELOOK: Yes. JUMPING AND CROUCHING: Yes. Required to fully explore the map. LENGTH: 20 minutes to one hour and a half (estimated). DIFFICULTY: Mild. Exploration is the main draw here. Only UV is implemented for this reason. There are no marked secrets either, that way you can explore without worrying about where that darn secret is! CUSTOM CONTENT: Yes. A few new monsters will be included in the actual release. CREDITS: In the spoiler below. It'll likely change over time given the scope of this project. DWONLOAD: ALPHA, DECEMBER 2023 MOST RECENT POST: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2745959 DISCLAIMER: MyHouse.WAD has indeed inspired this map, but I'll say I couldn't dream of piggybacking off Veddge's work. Period. What Veddge achieved is far beyond anything I could hope to make. The inspiration has purely come from how exploration is handled in that map, and more importantly, how finding a new area is its own reward. With that out of the way... Back in March of this 2023, I released a map called Exalvid under another account. I had planned for it to ship with a secret map themed after liminal spaces and still inspired by places I'd seen in my dreams, but with the way things went, I wound up not having the energy to actually finish it. Structure is the same idea, but realized after I made a few maps and got arguably ok at this whole mapping thing. It includes a few more UDMF features, like 3D floors. The main visual theme of this map is brutalism, with some liminal space goodness thrown in to break up the primarily monochrome palette of the map. It has a lot of dead ends, twists and turns, places that don't make a lot of sense, long hallways that stretch on for no reason, that kind of thing. A few areas do stray from this vibe, but by and large this is meant to be a very grey, labirynthine map with doors that open in a number of directions. This is why this map will have multiple exits. None of them require keys to unlock, finding them is enough of a challenge. By the time you find one, you're free to take it or continue exploring. Supplies are fairly abundant if you go looking for them. Resupply rooms are sprinkled around, offering a full heal and some ammo in most cases. A few also hold spare weapons, should you not find any elsewhere.
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