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Matt Eldrydge

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Everything posted by Matt Eldrydge

  1. I was surprised to see no one had commented on this thread, honestly - JPF is quality stuff, though with the advent of Bullet Time X it becomes slightly easier and cooler to play! I recorded a video with it the other day and some of its surprises got to me. Also, is there any mapset (or single maps) you'd recommend for JPF? I've been thinking of taking it through Glaive, which seems to fit with the whole crazy fast nature of the mod!
  2. Took Kinsie's excellent Juvenile Power Fantasy for a bit of a trip yesterday, it's a lot more funny than I remember!
  3. You're welcome! You can absolutely go to the TEXTURE1 lump (and edit the patch table through it as well) and remove the textures already present in doom2.wad, but for a set of like 50 textures it shouldn't be a big deal. I had the same issue with the new textures not loading correctly in 3d mode but closing Doom Builder and opening it again seemed to fix it.
  4. I've found the issue! You didn't place the new textures and flats between their proper markers, which are PP_START and PP_END for textures, FF_START and FF_END for flats. Vanilla mapping is pretty strict as to where data needs to be placed, if you don't have it in the right place then it either won't load or will cause other issues. For comparison, yours is to the left and mine is to the right: To avoid this issue in the future, just straight up paste the texture pack's content on your WAD and don't trim "unnecessary" content. The project lead is probably gonna remove all that stuff when the time to compile the maps into a single WAD comes, after all. I also noticed your REJECT is a marker, but I'm not really sure how to help you with that. Pretty sure it's gonna cause a problem of some sort, so I'll defer to anyone else more familiar with vanilla mapping. Anyway, attached a fixed version of your WAD - digging that automap view, by the way! 1pollo.rar
  5. I'm a novice myself, but I'm sure I (or anyone else in the thread really) can help. I think this might be something to do with the TEXTURE1 and patches lump, but I could be wrong there too. EDIT: Forgot saying you should post it here in a ZIP or something, woops. :P
  6. Found a couple of minor issues with my map: -sector 339 and 292 were accidentally tagged as secrets -sector 262 had the wrong brightness Fixed both and updated the OP with a link to the fixed map.
  7. MAP TITLE: Drowning Witch MAP NUMBER: MAP04 MIDI: Drowning Witch by Frank Zappa, sequenced by Doomkid DESCRIPTION: A short map with few monsters and lots of interconnectivity, with alternate routes for those who like picking their fights. It ends in a small but tricky fight. DOWNLOAD (UPDATED): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tRY75qZO5kOemrllaAOZx0Gm1jR7x9s8/view?usp=sharing I tested it on DSDA-Doom and Doom Retro as well.I had some trouble with getting some lifts and lowering walls to work since I mostly play on GZDoom, but they should work now. If you happen to find any issues, please let me know how I can fix them. First time I do a vanilla map. Extra screenies:
  8. You're welcome! Doomkid is a savior when it comes to MIDI covers, I got the MIDIs for my first set of maps from his site. :) Also, map 04 is roughly 50% done. Will try to finish and balance it by tomorrow.
  9. Since we're talking about MIDIs, you can find a bunch of Frank Zappa MIDIs here. Doomkid has a ton of stuff and also tuned them so they sound good - there's also 300 and such Frank Zappa MIDIs, just scroll down. Haven't checked for Mr. Green Genes, but it might be useful for someone else!
  10. Taking the Darkening 2 for a spin with a snazzy weapons mod!
  11. Got some more progress on map 04 too! The first area seen here is mostly done, just gotta tweak monster and item placement. With some luck I'll finish it next week.
  12. Today's video is quite special! It previews a cool little mod currently in development made by @WorldMachine with Myolden's excellent Nostalgia megaWAD!
  13. Indeed, the video is finally up! It took a bit of extra planning on my part, but it happened. Looking forward to the next versions!
  14. Finished Meat Machine yesterday, definitely give it a try if slaughter-ish WADs are your thing!
  15. Forgot posting this yesterday, whoops. Anyway, still having a blast with Treehouseminis' Meat Machine!
  16. Adding this to my list! Just heard yesterday that DSDA-Doom has partial UDMF support and i'm very excited for it - having mapped primarily in UDMF so far, this makes it very easy to map for this port too!
  17. Started texturing map 04 earlier today to get a good grasp on vanilla mapping. I've been listening a lot to a MIDI cover of Drowning Witch by Frank Zappa (it was sort a kind of inspiration anchor), so I think I'll go with the same name for the map. Now, this will be my first vanilla map. I don't tend to detail too much even, but I'm restraining some of my usual habits to work around with flats not being able to be offset. Ingame screenshots with LZDoom's software renderer: I kinda go crazy with border textures, so it's been fun finding out I can only use one texture offset per line. :P Overall concept is that of a slightly urban place, with the action taking place mostly indoors. Might throw in one archvile (the titular drowning witch) in an encounter towards the end. On the topic of water, could we get some WFALL textures to work with? It's alright if not.
  18. Iiiiit's map 02 of Meat Machine! Probably my favorite of the set, it's a nice blend of hard and moody in my opinion and caps off with the most cybers I've ever fought in a map!
  19. So I did something a bit out of my norm, which is shorter, easier maps...and by that I mean I paired the excellent Meat Machine by Treehouseminis with the excellentier Vesper weapons mod by Xaser. Call me crazy, but I think I actually like slaughter WADs now!
  20. Hey, it's me again, doing the unthinkable and pairing Vesper with what I'm pretty sure is a slaughter WAD. Turns out it's deceptively good for those given the nox launcher's damage over time and increased projectile/splash damage!
  21. It really doesn't show, honestly. I did sort of get that feeling from map 01's starting area but after I got through it a few times, I was awed by the level design. I'll give UV a try sooner or later, maybe when I figured out where all the secrets are so I can UV max it. :P And like I said in the video, all four maps will be released in sequence - stay tuned for map 02 today!
  22. I started publishing the videos I recorded with Meat Machine today! I decided to spice it up a little with Vesper, which surprisingly enough preserves the balance I experienced in my vanilla playthroughs - and by that I mean I still die at least five times per map, naturally. :P Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed playing it!
  23. Hey, I'm interested in giving this a try. Could I get map 04? Also, I assume the format is vanilla Doom 2?
  24. Commenting so I can come back to this later, the premise alone has me hooked!
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