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Matt Eldrydge

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Everything posted by Matt Eldrydge

  1. Looking forward to this! I'm yet to finish Relic, but the underwater theme is really underrated.
  2. Hey, hope you're doing ok! Just passing by to share the video I recorded for Reptilia. :)
  3. Hm, could be that! I tend to consult the automap fairly often (mostly out of habit and in case I'm missing something), so that one's on me. :P I did find a small oversight in map 01, the blue door has its back linedef flipped so once you cross it, you can't go back to the first half of the map. It's really not a big deal, just felt I should mention it since in the video I talked about it but won't publish it for a few more days - one of the disadvantages of running a daily upload schedule, sadly. Aside from that, I really didn't notice the frilled lizard in map 03's courtyard immediately but after you said it, I can see the resemblance! That's it, looking forward to whatever you cook up next. :)
  4. Adding this to my backlog, expect some videos with your maps soon! Will likely come back to post my thoughts on the maps once I beat them vanilla. :) Thoughts after playing: All in all, an enjoyable little snack of a minisode! I quite enjoyed the texture variety and overall compact nature of these maps, with the choose-your-fight gimmick in map 03 being perhaps my favorite moment of the whole set - it's a nice thing that rarely seems to be done. I also liked the way the doors and keys were placed, and the compact nature of the maps also helps since when there is some backtracking to do, as most of them can be beaten in roughly 5 minutes after the first time. I wasn't expecting that archvile fight in map 02, but it was pretty nice if a little tricky with the plasma rifle. The reptile naming for the maps is also a nice touch! I found no bugs or softlocks, aside from this room in map 04 having some lines that aren't visible on the automap:
  5. Yep, that's me! I decided to merge that account's activity into this one, because mapping is something I've grown to really enjoy and playing my own maps as if they were made by someone else was awkward. Thanks for the compliments, by the way! Once I have an opportunity I'll make some slight changes to the first map and add a second map eventually. That was always the plan but keeping my channel going kinda got in the way when I had first released Exalvid. :P
  6. Holy crap, how did I miss these? Thanks for the videos, guys! I'm glad you all liked this little map, it's great to see others play it! As for mapping, I suppose I could share one screenshot of a map I'm making for a project I'm leading: It's a secret map, so it doesn't represent the rest of the lineup and all that. It's what I've been working for the past few weeks with the intention of making something along the lines of plasma slaughter. Expect spooky things once this community project is done. ;)
  7. Just finished playing it today for my channel and I gotta say, the mods I chose, while fitting considering the overall theme of the episode, ended up turning it into a very fast-paced and frantic experience. I'll definitely play it with mods that are balanced closer to vanilla in the future, and hats off to that ending - I really didn't see it coming and was grinning ear to ear when I realized what was going on! Fantastic work as usual, looking forward to the next DBP!
  8. You're very welcome! I'll keep grinding, maybe one day I can play it in UV to get the full experience, haha.
  9. I finished Meat Machine just now and I don't really know what to say - other than thank you for such an amazing experience. I was afraid during most of the fights in Foundation, but getting to the astral plane section while Legion of the Lost played was simply beautiful and made me feel like I could see this through the end. I can't commend you enough for what you've achieved here. Expect a playthrough of it soon!
  10. Had the pleasure of taking a new mod for a spin one day before it released! Here's a link for those who want to play it now!
  11. Like any other map, really. Drag and drop onto executable or add to your ZDL load order.
  12. Yep, it'll work a-ok. It's just exiting mormally that causes the crash, for whatever reason. I'll probably stick to DSDA-Doom either way.
  13. From what I've seen, it does support Boom complevel so it should be working fine. It's not a big deal for me, I just happen to like how its software renderer looks over DSDA-Doom's. :)
  14. Hey, just dropping by I've been grinding away at getting good in order to play these maps through a couple of different ports (mostly because I keep finding interesting ones)! That last room in map 01 does get a lot easier if you focus on the pinkies, so thanks for the tip there. With that out of the way, I have a possible bug to report: attempting to exit maps 01 and 02 when playing in Doom Retro causes the game to stop responding. It works just fine in DSDA-Doom, though!
  15. You're welcome, I've been playing it with both DSDA-Doom and Doom Retro and it just opens up some very different possibilities. As for the report, glad to help!
  16. Hey, just dropping by to say this mod grabbed me with both hands and made me take a look at a few different ports other than good ol' GZDoom and the like! I'm kinda bad when playing with it, but it's still a whole lot of fun even if I find I keep running out of ammo sooner than I imagine (I have the same issue with Struggle as well). I put GZDoom's MBF21 support to good use last Saturday and uploaded a small showcase of its weapons, which you can see here: Now, I'm not gonna act like it's a bug report since I was playing the mod on a port that it wasn't quite designed for, but the Vile Driver's sound is cut off in GZDoom 4.10, at least on its standard gameplay settings. Do you know if this could be fixed by setting it to limit removing?
  17. Thanks! I didn't expect much at all considering it was quite a bit of a hackjob on my end, haha.
  18. ENGINE REQUIRED: GZDoom or LZDoom. DOWNLOAD: Drive (version 2) Version 2 adds some moving targets at the back of the range, that's about it. MODS THAT GO WELL WITH IT: Damnnums by Xaser. This lets you see how much damage your attacks do. Good to get a rough feel of how powerful guns are. Bullet Time X by Xortts. Good if you're into making videos and want to show how guns look in slow-mo. 😎 Screenshots! Exactly what it says on the tin - this is a small, very simple map with tons of items and custom target dummy monsters courtesy of DeeDeeOz and LossForWords. Aside from that, there's really not a lot else to say. It includes no custom music so you can put your own over it or just turn it off! Currently, it could use some extra polish and is missing a few things (namely more target dummies), but it should work a-ok if you'd like to test some guns. To-do list:
  19. You're welcome! Now, for more resources things get a bit more complex but as a rule of thumb resource threads are your best friend. There's lot of them over at the ZDoom Forums, and I'm also more familiar with that site in particular so here you go: -Sonik.O.Fan is an insanely talented spriter who consistently pumps out masterpieces. You can find mostly weapons here, but as of late he has done a few other things like custom hands, powerups, pickups and the sort. He's also very chill with people using his stuff. -Joblez is another excellent spriter and all around modder. His style is a sort of inbetween spriteripping (screenshotting 3d models and slapping hands on them) and more proper pixel art, so it might take a while to grow on you. Tons of guns included. -breadbagfly has a very distinct, kind of grimy style I personally can't get enough of. You might find some cool decorations here, but making his guns actually work may prove challenging. Share your work-type threads might also be a good idea to go looking through, such as this one: However, do keep in mind in these the authors may not give explicit consent for you using their stuff. When in doubt, ask or keep looking for another sprite, really. ZDoom Forums has its own version of this kind of thread too. As for sounds, I can't really think of anything. Usually I see people making their own sounds from files they got from Sounds Resource and the vast majority of coding examples I'm aware of is in decorate, so I'm afraid I can't really help you there. What I can do, however is share two vanilla-compatible mods that really push dehacked to its limits! Hope that helps! EDIT: Kinda forgot this thread with a bunch of hands. I wasn't able to track down a huge sheet with Brutal Doom hands I had, but it might prove helpful either way.
  20. Hey, gave this a quick test since I'm a fan of vanilla-ish oriented mods and it's pretty good! I'm not sure how good of an advice this is, but you could check Malevolence as it features a few changes to the vanilla weapons via dehacked. Relevant to your specific request, its pistol fires in three round bursts. One odd problem I ran into while testing this on DSDA-Doom 0.26 was that the IDCLEV cheat used for changing maps didn't seem to work while your mod was loaded. I have no clue what could be causing that issue, as I'm pretty much illiterate when it comes to modding - especially dehacked. That aside, it worked flawlessly. I'm also pretty sure Realm 667 has a double chainsaw somewhere, but failing that, you can also use Doom 64's chainsaw with minor alterations if you don't mind the art style being a little off. Sounds Resource is also a good place to start if you need more sounds! I hope this helps you out, and I'll wait a little longer before I put this on my channel since it sounds like you have more plans for it. :) P.S.: Add the Mother Demon! Boss variety is always welcome.
  21. Well, hey there! Somehow I completely missed this thread and nearly posted in the wrong one. My thing is pairing mods with maps that fit them somewhat and that's pretty much it, really. Now, how much that influences my lack of skill is a whole other can of worms. :P
  22. I started a small series combining Urban Crusade and Hardboiled Spetsnaz today, and I must say, the combo turned out pretty great! The more realistic design means you usually have enough cover between reloading and firing if you have to take it slow, but it also gives the monsters some distinct advantages - try dodging a revenant's missile in a tight corridor or running away from the archvile in the train wagon, and you'll know what I mean. All in all, a very good urban episode with some breaks from just being city blocks or huge buildings, with plenty of doomcute. Definitely worth your time!
  23. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I wound up playing this map and shedding some light on the thought process behind it! Also found a few more issues that I probably SHOULD fix, but...ehhhh the map's beatable, right? :P I'll eventually make a thread for Exalvid's spiritual Sequel, Lost Locus! I've barely started laying down the lines for its first map and will start from scratch, since it was in WAD format and I'd rather have it be in PK3.
  24. Hey, congrats on the release! I played an early version of this but wasn't able to record it, so it's probably better that I waited a bit longer. Can't wait to take your maps for a spin!
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