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Matt Eldrydge

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Everything posted by Matt Eldrydge

  1. Hey, here's a showcase video for Pandora's Wrath! I didn't really show everything since I don't understand all of the mod's functions and features, but it should get more people to play it. :)
  2. Assuming you got GZDoom from the ZDoom downloads section site or DRD Team, you just have to extract the compacted file's contents to a given folder and you'll have an executable in there. After that, make sure you paste your doom, doom2, plutonia, tnt, heretic, hexen, etc files in it - these are the games themselves and GZDoom will automatically detect them on startup. To load mods, you can just click and drag them onto gzdoom.exe and select the appropriate game you want to play. You can also use a launcher like ZDL if you have complex mod lists or just want to make sure things play nicely with each other - this is important as sometimes maps will have their own sprites that might override ones present in mods. One important thing, unlike some games, Doom mods tend to be standalone - meaning you shouldn't expect all of them to work together. Think of them as individual experiences instead of picking and choosing sweps you like in Gmod or just downloading a bunch of indvidual weapons and clothes for Fallout 4. Pairing a weapon mod that only changes weapons and player attributes with a mod that changes enemies, on the other hand, will usually work a-ok. It's also important to check maps for custom assets in general, mappers tend to like changing up how Doom plays and sometimes will make some pretty radical alterations to it. Struggle: Antaresian Legacy is one such example, you might be able to run it with mods but something will break if you do. Not all mods are compatible with GZDoom, but if you're going out of your way for them you likely will be more knowledgeable about sourceports for Doom. If you still need help, this video should help:
  3. This is part bug report, part hilarious annecdote, part warning to anyone running this: MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND USE THE SUGGESTED PORTS, ESPECIALLY IF YOU USE THE ALTERNATE WEAPONS. I was playing through Doom 2 with D4V and most of the alternate weapons on DSDA-Doom. The only one I didn't load was the vortex rifle since I pretty quickly realized it would work for one shot and then get stuck in its lower state, and that's a-okay. I don't really understand what happened when I got to Tricks and Traps, but when the cyberdemon in the baron room was about to shoot at me, DSDA-Doom crashed - and it wasn't crash to desktop either, it froze up and went into a blue screen of death that had me freak out for a second. The error printed said something about no OS being found on disk and this is a new computer, so it was safe to say that cyberdemon got me by the neck there. After another BSOD and reboot, things went back to normal. The scare was enough to make me stop messing with the alternate weapons and honestly I'm a bit unsure if I want to use DSDA-Doom to play it. :P Anyway, this mod was fantastic then and it's fantastic now. Just make sure you read the instructions again!
  4. Very solid little mod, been having some fun with it and Ultimate Doom 2. Good work!
  5. Surely nothing good. Who could want such a thing? Jokes aside, props for actually taking the reins of the project - I can't imagine it being easy, so best of luck!
  6. Yo, that's actually my box. I'm okay with it being shuffled around if need be.
  7. Okay, I managed to do it as of yesterday but wanted to get through and implement all of the new things and make sure they worked first. Thanks a lot @boris, @plums, @Doomy__Doom - I was under the impression I had to make a dehacked file first, then edit it through Decohack so I could use DSDHacked and I finally understood that's not the case at all. Here's some screenshots to show things have indeed worked out: I will ask for some more examples to follow if you guys know of any, though! Up next is figuring out how to make breakable decorations and ambient sounds as well, maybe even some new weapons. :)
  8. I've been trying to get a simple decoration to work for around an hour now and I don't understand any of the documentation, same with the examples presented in them. I really don't understand what the next step is after putting the sprites inside the wad. All of these are simple, static things. From there, I tried making a patch in WhackEd4 and none of these sprites were recognized by the editor. I tried naming them as just "SP00" and so on, but it wouldn't recognize even those.
  9. Ah, I see. I was under the impression I could just do it all through Doom Tools (which is where Deco Hack comes in). I'm sorta familiar with Dehacked and figured it was more or less a single step. I'll take a look at this again tomorrow.
  10. What it says on the tin, I'm unfamiliar with Decorate and just barely familiar with Dehacked. While I did look at Doom Tools' documentation, I just didn't really get it. I mostly want to make some new static decoration items, but I do want to eventually take a shot at making weapons.
  11. My experience with dehacked is pretty limited, but I don't think you can make this change through it. Dehacked is more like copy/pasting, if something isn't present in the game data then you can't replace or mess with it. You can edit everything in the WAD, but you can't add new functions beyond what is already there if that makes sense. Then again, Doom mappers repeatedly show impossible things aren't actually impossible, just rather tricky to achieve.
  12. It's less "invisibility" and more "all monsters now have a 33% chance to shoot directly in your direction", which makes chaingunners a laughing stock (play Machete map 03 for a quick example) and arachnotrons one of the most despair-inducing monster to face out in the open. Here's a vid by Ducino which goes into more detail. If you want a stealth route, I think you could achieve better result by using monsters set to ambush, sound-blocking linedefs and walk-over triggers as well as self-referencing sectors for walls monsters can't see through. P.S.: I don't know if it's actually a 33% chance or not, but it kinda feels that way. What matters is they'll usually not shoot straight ahead if you have a blursphere active.
  13. We got lanterns now! I gotta check what's up with their chains, though, doesn't look like they paletted nicely.
  14. Think I got the vibe down, so more screenies are in order. Just kinda proud of this odd little "mouth" in the building, can't quite tell why.
  15. This is a fun little mod! I haven't gone over all of the weapons yet, aside from the WIP weapons I only have one piece of feedback: the SMG definitely feels like it could fire faster, given it's pretty inaccurate and seems to be more of a crowd control weapon. The MP40 can stay the way it is, since it being accurate but slower is pretty handy too. The Melter is amazing, by the way! Probably my favorite weapon in the whole set. I also like how a lot of the weapons seem to have little quirks about them, it's not something you see that often. Quite dig the voice acting as well, seems quite fitting for the character. Good job all in all, will be keeping an eye on this!
  16. Been a while since I posted anything here. Suffice to say I kinda get bored from focusing on any given map for too long, so here, a green place. Kinda trying to incorporate some Quake-y-ness into the design and flow where possible. Very WIP but I already have a good handle on what the aesthetic and vibe will be, likely easy slaughterlite-type stuff. Your brain tricks you into thinking the palette is different.
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