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Matt Eldrydge

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Everything posted by Matt Eldrydge

  1. Hey, hope you're doing well! Just dropping by to say I've had a lot of fun with Grime both on and off the record, it's a very cool experience and the new sounds are more than welcome. The maps are exactly the kind I like, owing to their nice detailing and not too hard, not too easy difficulty. This is perfect for getting through in an afternoon, in other words! I try to match maps and mods together to showcase both at once, so I hope the mod and WAD go together well!
  2. Hey, just wanted to say I've been playing your mod for a little while in order to get more familiar with more streamlined ports (namely DSDA-Doom) and it's really good! Aside from some things like stray glowing pixels and odd colors on the red door colors, I couldn't find anything to warrant criticism and consistently have a blast playing whatever I load it with! Good job! I also used it for my April Fools video, in which I pretend it was the latest update of the actual Brutal Doom as the gag. It must have worked because no one called me out yet. :P
  3. Hmmm, good points regarding the unlimited FPS there. I didn't really consider how it can put unnecessary strain on my graphics card and I record at 720p 30 FPS, so I'll at least set it to 60 on both GZ and DSDA-Doom next time I do record. Thanks for the tips, guys!
  4. Hm. I did try administrator mode and found it worked fine, but at some point the encoder was overloaded but I'll try changing the bitrate as you mentioned. I recorded something like 20 minutes of it yesterday for only 888mb (!) at a very stable 160 FPS, with plenty adequate quality, so I know it at least works most of the time! Yep, I used window capture in the end which isn't quite ideal since I suspect this is what causes the encoder to overload, resulting in the occasional lag spike. I'll keep tinkering with the settings until I get it to work or my patience runs out - preferably the former! Again, thanks to everyone who has given me tips on how to solve this issue!
  5. This has been on my list of maps to play for a little while, so I went and played up until map 08 in one sitting just now. This is...actually kinda scary. I was playing it without the MP3 music pack and now I shudder to think what map08's high quality music must be like - that MIDI is following me into my nightmares. Still, very impressive stuff! Will report back when I put some videos for it up!
  6. Tried playing it borderless and it worked for the most part! Gave me some lag spikes due to the encoder overloading for some reason, but it ran fine most of the time. It's just a bit weird, GZDoom 4.10 runs a-ok but DSDA-Doom has been giving me some trouble. I'll keep tinkering with it, because I just really like the way it feels.
  7. Glad to see Supercharge got updated! It's one of my favorite vanilla+ style mods out there, and the new visual changes are absolutely fantastic. Looking forward to playing this!
  8. Hm, not yet...I might have tried something with the exclusive fullscreen option, but I don't remember if it worked at the moment. Will give it a try again this evening, thanks for the heads up!
  9. Yeah, I tried that as well but that's a bit of a performance hog on my rather low-spec machine and historically, it's liable to cause choppy footage since it takes up a lot of memory and processing power. Still, thank you for the tip!
  10. Yeah, that didn't work but I'll figure something else out. For some reason OBS keeps seeing it as another window open but I at least figured out how to make it not run super choppy. Thanks for the tip anyway!
  11. Hm, didn't try doing that yet. Will test it later tonight, thanks for the suggestion!
  12. Hello, yesterday I tested DSDA-Doom since I'll use it for playing larger maps (as well as a few MBF21 mods) but for some reason OBS wasn't capturing it. I tried window capture instead of game capture, which worked if I kept DSDA-Doom in windowed mode but I'd prefer if it was full screen - it's more space to work with, if anything. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do that? I'm using DSDA-Doom v0.25.6 and OBS 28.0.1. Not sure if the latter makes much of a difference, but I should list it anyway. One more thing, sorry if this topic has been submited to the wrong place! This is my first time actually using Doomworld, I knew about it but never really poked my head in here until I found out it was a great place to find new maps!
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