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Chariot Rider

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About Chariot Rider

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. I have been working on something a bit out there for a GAYhem map. I've written a 7 stanza poem, and am writing it out for the automap, but I also feel like when it comes to poetry, fonts and text spacing can be incredibly important, and I didn't want to just crudely block out letters. So instead I took screenshots of my poem in Google Drive with the proper font and kerning, and then I used those screenshots as guide textures to let me draw sector letters that look really nice. I worked on the first stanza tonight, and I think the text looks really good and I wanted to show off this in development project on the picture thread.
  2. When I was doing my playthrough, I discovered one soft lock on my section. In the lava pit, if you fall into the southmost part of the lava, you will be stuck because the walls are too tall for you to walk over, and the spaces on the sides are slightly too small to let you squeeze through. However, I did experiment with a pretty easy fix. If you move the 2 vertices on the right of the metal box in the lava, you can create a gap of 40 units, which will allow the player to get to the front of the steps which allows them to get out of the lava pit.
  3. I've updated my map Do whatever you think is best. I did whip up a quick set of doors on the area, as well as removing a few hard mode monsters since some people found the UV version of this map way too cramped and exposed for the number of monsters. Feel free to change the textures on these doors if you'd like, if you think it might help them better connect to the connected areas. MAP15 Industrial Zone v6.zip
  4. I've played a decent amount of the map so far, and I'm really liking how everything is coming together so far. The one thing I might change about my submission is to add doors on the sections that connects to The Focus and The Underhalls. I had left the red and blue fire texture in place since I didn't know what would be surrounding my section.
  5. Alright, I've touched up the map. I fixed all of the doors, and changed the skull door texture Chariot Rider Industrial Zone v5.zip
  6. I'll edit the doors to use lower unpegged textures asap. As for tag 156, I had intended the skull on that door to be a visual telegraph for the player, indicating that this door would open if the player pressed the skull switch by the chaingunner. The idea is that after seeing the door open, they would rush in to collect their reward of energy cells, only to reveal the shotgunner to their now exposed back. I could change that door's texture to avoid this bit of ambiguity, but that was the intent behind the walkover switch. How did you activate switch 155 from below? I tried recreating this myself but I wasn't able to do so.
  7. I've put together a version of the wad with different difficulty levels and some updated textures and fixes. Chariot Industrial Zone.zip
  8. My map (Map 15, Industrial Zone) has been coming along well! Industrial Zone is interesting because it has a lot of individual buildings and some set pieces, though each could be fairly self contained. I chose to make a map that kept the central tower and the fire chasm, while having smol recreations of some of the level's setpieces. I used this opportunity to make the architecture of Industrial Zone look a lot better. The original map has a lot of massive buildings with exteriors made of a single texture. The central building in the original is mostly one giant slab of wood. Wherever possible, I tried to inject a bit of visual interest into the architecture. I also tried to make the space make a bit more sense. The giant lava pit has always been interesting to me because I've never fully understood what it's supposed to represent. It's just a surreal little cube in an world of recognizable architecture. For my recreation, I took some steps to make the lava pit seem like a weird science experiment, connecting it to the water with pipes and implying some sort of connection between the two. Hopefully others find the added details in this level visually appealing. I still have a bit to edit with the map. I'd like to run it past more playtesters before properly submitting it, and I also need to implement difficulty changes. Additionally, my map is currently sitting at 1176 linedefs. It's a bit over the 1000 limit, however I will have to think about what I want to cut before moving to remove more linedefs because doing so will probably require me to get rid of some of the visual details I worked into the map. Regardless, here are some screenshots.
  9. The romantic flags are a good idea. As for the fetish flags, I could maybe add those, but we'll see.
  10. I'm interested in participating. I see there are only a few more spots, but I'll do map 15 if it hasn't already been claimed.
  11. Happy Pride Month! I spontaneously decided to make a texture wad with a bunch of pride flags in it, all converted to the Doom's original color palette. Some flags definitely made the transition better than others. Feel free to download the wad and make your maps a bit gayer. At the time of posting the following 11 flags are in the wad. Pride Progress Progress with Intersex Bi Lesbian Gay Men Trans Non-Binary Aromantic Asexual Intersex If you want to download the wad, you can find it at this link. If you make anything with these textures, I'd love to see it. In the future I would also like to make flat versions of the textures.
  12. I've been fascinated by non-violent Doom wads like The Given for awhile, and last year I started development of an art museum in Doom. Development began back in March of last year, and if you're curious I have a development thread where I have been posting in progress pictures on twitter. There are no monsters, nor anything to fight. It's meant as a space to experience some interesting art and to think. Development is still ongoing, but I figured I might post a few screenshots in this thread. Once I finish a few of the rooms I'm currently working on, I'll upload my current build. I figured I'd post here before then, just to reserve a spot and express my interest in submitting a map.
  13. Oh, if you I can send another download if you need it, but it looks like DoomGappy has a copy already
  14. @DoomGappy I apologize for the late reply. The map that I had originally given for my room was "A Gift for Minos" but it might have gotten lost in the shuffle. That's the name I'm sticking with for me room
  15. I have been busy this month, but I have done a little more work on my map. The pace will be picking up in the new year, but I wanted to post some pictures to show a bit of my progress. I've been working on one of the main cities which will contain the keys, and I am also incorporating some elements I made elsewhere on the map into this forest tile. I even threw in a little shipwreck Easter egg on a beach.
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