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About LightningBoltForever

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    Owner of the Phobos Amphitheater

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  1. Happy Saturday. Just wanted to mention in this thread about the in-progress four-part mini-series on the channel that involves bringing Doot Eternal into video format! Each of these videos cover each page of the article and feature narration, gameplay footage, and highlights of MIDIs that are mentioned there. They're meant simply to accompany the article, and all of the original writers are credited in each. So, check 'em out when you get the chance. Parts 1 and 2 are just below with parts 3 and 4 to come soon. Thanks y'all!
  2. Hey there! Hope today's been a great one. I'd like to introduce a new four-part mini-series over at the Phobos Amphitheater channel called, Doot Eternal: A Retrospective of Doom Modding's Most Significant Music. It's meant to accompany the Doot Eternal article released with the 2023 Cacowards. Think of it as an audio/video version, featuring narration, gameplay footage, and highlights of MIDIs referred to in the article. With this video being the first of four, it focuses on the first page of WAD soundtracks that are listed. I really encourage you check it out (after or in tandem with the article, if you haven't read it yet), especially if you're new to composing and are interested in the history of Doom music. Please keep in mind, though, that everything was written by the contributors to the article. All credit for the words you'll hear is theirs. The remaining episodes will be posted here as they're uploaded. Thank you for your time! Part 1: Part 2 is out now!! Check it out right here:
  3. Finished this here standalone piece a few days ago. If there any mappers reading, feel free to use it in a WAD or wherever if you'd like!
  4. One of the best things about Hell Revealed 2 was no doubt its soundtrack - so many memorable MIDIs from Metabolist and Thyrbse, ranging from eerie and atmospheric to metal af. For our second deep dive, we're exploring the work of the latter. Check it out!
  5. Thank you for the kind words about the MIDI for E2M4 @RaRu Des2122, and for E1M8's track as well! :)
  6. Back with some more Doom music theory! This latest video discusses tempo and MIDIs that make prominent and/or subtle use of tempo change, featuring a new group artists and WADs on the channel. Check it out!
  7. Mine was the first Prince of Persia on the DOS computer in my Dad's office when I was 6. Those chopper blades were terrifying
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