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About SPCell

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  1. What if these photos were made by an AI?
  2. There are not only small streamers from Doom community, but also popular streamers like SpaceYeen and Vinesauce team. Their videos have tens of thousands of views.
  3. Most of influencers are millennials and most of millennials played Doom and many of them stream Doom mods/wads and zoomers watch these streams. This book in its original form wouldn't interest much of influencers and especially zoomers, but a book adapted through Doom wad will definitely gain their attention.
  4. After I've read posts about tons of House of Leaves references including all the story between Steve and Tom and that the wad caused the book to increase its sells a thought came to my mind: what if Veddge is Mark Z. Danielewski himself or someone the latter hired to make a mod/wad with tons of references to his book for the sake of advertising it and therefore boosting its sells? Before MyHouse I never heard about House of Leaves. Or maybe Veddge is such a big fun of the book to the point he decided to make a mod since 2020 with references to it so his favorite writer who wrote his favorite book will give additional income from its sales and the book itself will be known much more.
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