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About dmh094

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  1. Might have a go at this. Not sure yet. I will be in touch though! šŸ˜ sounds like something different, which is always good! šŸ‘
  2. Hye there! just had ago of this one! I was gonna make a recording but I kept dying haha :P Didn't manage to complete it yet as its very slaughter like. Not really my kind of cup of tea. But I do like the environment puzzles. Aesthetics are on point as usual. Awesome texture work. Might have a go of finishing it later, but that's all I can say for now :) Cheers :)
  3. Awesome news! glad to finally see it released! :) Hope everybody enjoys the maps! I know it was great fun working on my little contribution :D Here's to Doomium III!
  4. Hey there Ashstral! I'll check out the playthroughs! glad you found the final versions a bit better to play :P sorted out some over the top meaness haha :P Appreciate the support as always :) Cheers!
  5. Hey there! hope you enjoy the wad! look forward to what you thoughts are! :)
  6. Hey Gappy! Thanks for playing! I don't think it would really work as a linear episode haha :P all the maps are meant to be different stories of Marines. Plus the without pistol starts, it way to easy :/ Glad you enjoyed map 1 though! This isnt the graveyard map, that one is coming soon :) this one is just called "Tales from the Graveyard" :P Good to hear from you :) Thanks for the feedback! it is very much appreciated :)
  7. Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it! What monster? Might have been the hell knight at the start. Think I have to move around some teleporter stuff. yeah, palette kinda spices up all the colours haha :P yeah cyberdemon has low health. uv? You mean bloodcharged? Come on now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll check it out :) cheers Dan
  8. I am to please! Thanks for playing! Very much appreciated :) cheers Dan Awesome run, but thereā€™s no sound :P aw weā€™ll still good nonetheless. thanks for playing! Appreciate it! cheers Dan
  9. Hello there! Glad you enjoyed it! I tried to think at little bit outside the box in terms of encounters haha. Not that great at that kind of stuff yet but Iā€™m working on it :) I find im Not so good at big areas but cramped spaces are my thing. Too many survival horror games maybe? šŸ˜‚ thanks for playing! :) Iā€™ve seen your videos on some other maps as well! Your a bit of a celebrity round these parts :P awesome run btw! appreciate the feedback! Also yeah, cyberdemons had lowered health :P Cheers Dan
  10. Hey there! Thanks for playing! Appreciate it! :) yeah I always cyberdemons more fun if they are manageable but not easy. Thereā€™s that sweet middle spot you got to have šŸ˜‚ I figured 1750 health was pretty decent. hmm. I can understand the blue key cyber not doing much but the end one shouldnā€™t be that easy. Maybe I should move around teleport destinations?? Not sure, Iā€™ll work it out. yeah I think the first cyber has a chance of getting blocked by the hell knight. what other monsters didnā€™t spawn in?? I will check out the run for sure :) Thanks for the feedback! Greatly appreciated! :) cheers Dan
  11. Tried this one out the other day. Pretty damn good mod. The only thing Iā€™d change would be the imps, but I spose if your going for box art look šŸ˜‚ yeah, really enjoyable. Might make a map set for it if I get the time :) thanks for making this šŸ˜
  12. I used A less saturated version of earthbound for my ongoing wad set underground. Great results. Really gives it a claustrophobic feel.
  13. Ashtralfiendā€™s palette station :P I wouldnā€™t mind seeing a horror type palette with some dark reds :)
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