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Shakariki Heisenberg

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Everything posted by Shakariki Heisenberg

    i just came back to doomworld and i see this bruh its a shame

    1. xScavengerWolfx


      This is basically what happened to him.



  3. Needs better ceiling texture alignment Chaingun table with ammo has no floor texture exit door has no margins (8px silver doorstop things) no exit indicator 3 silver rooms not 1 so false name exit room has lights but theyre not imitting any light into the room (needs better lighting) 4.20/10
  4. geneva suggestion is kinda overrated

  5. i used to think megawad meant 15 or more levels and anything below it is a miniwad but john romero made a 9 level set and called it a megawad, and he was one of the id bois who made DOOM so i dont even know anymore lmao. How many levels is a megawad?
  6. i just reverse time instead of saving ngl but saving is good and it was added into the game and pretty much every other game in the world for a reason so
  7. dayum carmack looks & sounds so much dif than i remember
  8. MF DOOM (real MF DOOM not DOOMBOT ofc) and this isnt rlly an "artist" its a band but whatever, tallyhall
  9. DOOM without BLOOD!?, im pretty sure yt doesnt age restrict or take away ads if u have footage of doom lol. but in this thread Linguica posted a deh file where it takes away all the blood in sprites (not textures tho) (i just played the mod and the monsters have no blood in the animations and when they die they just disintegrate into archvile flames without any body or anything)
  10. Im new to making MIDI or just music in general and i cant really afford to buy a actual midi keyboard and what ive seen with other music editing software like FL or Bandlab is that you can use your Computer keyboard as a device to put notes on a track and im wondering if its possible to, instead of clicking the mouse and dragging the length of notes forever just use a keyboard. (im using sekaiju version 7.9)
  11. Prompt: Disney movie style poster with the title : "DOOM"
  12. The ad thing has made me watch less youtube but, it is so fucking annoying to watch multiple ads on a 5 second video, and what ive noticed is that when i watch my own youtube videos THEY HAVE ADS ON IT AND MY CHANNEL ISNT EVEN ELIGABLE TO GET ADS ON IT OR MAKE MONEY FROM ADS so theyre just putting ads on literally every video and profiting off of that without even paying the creator (also ik u can download vids with ytdlp and i use it too but im not tryna download every single video i see yk)
  13. Brusell sprout bacon + rice combo goes hardd
  14. me personally mine is imp = imp Cyberdemon =cyber-emon, cyber Revenant = larry (CR ref) Cacodemon = Caco, meatball Pain elemental = pain, soul shitter, Spider master mind = momma spider, big brain Arachnotron = lil baby,spider Archvile = Archie, Mancubus = fatass, your mother,
  15. is that the mexican language (spanish variation)?
  16. What changed when the "software update" happened i wasnt around dw back then so.
  17. as someone who is not a mod and most likely never will be a mod, i would guess its hard especially when ppl are spamming and shitposting. and this sites been here for like 25 years so...
  18. is the wiki wrong or sumtin cus doom64 has much more advanced tech and ik 64 was 1997 and doom1 was 1993 but still it seems a little weird to me that doom64 and doom1 were both developed on the same game engine? link to the wiki : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id_Tech
  19. breaking bad was meth not molly but yea ig
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