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About houston

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  1. It's always been at least optional since like, the 80's. Thanks for buying our game from a computer store, send a letter or email so we can know we're loved and get the investors off our tails or something, and in return you get something lame like a print-out of the game's world map or a little hint sheet. Starting around the later 90's there were some pop-ups to do this instead, and it started becoming mandatory here and there. Going by the games I've installed on my VM, I know that at least Quake I-III and Fallout offer optional registration. You probably get access to an already publically-available FTP link for a wallpaper pack or something as thanks. If you're against any and all DRM/telemetry at all I can respect that, but I haven't heard you complain about Steam so far. If you'd like to start opting out of this kind of stuff, it's always legal to install cracked executables for games you already own. But then you start risking bans and malware and stuff, so I wouldn't personally recommend it. Oh yeah, them suddenly changing the deal and causing a bunch of people to lose access to the game they already bought isn't any good. Plus Sony's historically pretty bad with managing private user data (email addresses, in this case?). But aside from that, you just know a good portion of what people were really complaining about was, "Playstation account? But I don't have a Playstation! This is like they're forcing me to walk around with a Playstation t-shirt!"
  2. Guess what? If you've played Quake Champions, Doom Eternal, Quake Remastered, or Quake II Remastered, you already have one! You already read that EULA Steam pops up, so there's no need for you to record or verify an email address, pick a username or password and click "sign up"... your product has already registered its CD key for you! It's just bog-fucking-standard product registration, I really don't understand why people freak out about it. And if YOU do suddenly have to create a username and password which makes it oh-so-scary versus relying on Steam's own authentication to not shut down at some point in the future instead, then I really don't see the big deal outside of the minor inconvenience caused by having to type a little.
  3. Actually, there's this guy called "Veddge"... Jokes aside, one pretty obvious thing which his two maps don't deign to demonstrate is that when it came to room-over-room in Doom, you pretty much either had to use super-jarring teleports, or just use architecture that implies room-over-room even when it's not.
  4. The original Rogue is surprisingly hard to come by. All of the Linux ports are either plain old clones, or fail to compile. It's still available if you use simh (vax780 architecture) with one of those BSD 4.3 images getting around however. Getting that one to work is pretty complicated, but there's tutorials available. It really is a complete wonder nobody maintains it, it's open-source and everything. Here's how it looks in Unifont EDIT As for me, my favourite roguelikes are Fallout and Fallout 2
  5. The comment they made about "streamlining" the gameplay and inputs in the GameSpot interview were a little concerning to me. All of the micromanagement and twisting around of all of your fingers of Eternal felt like the greatest thing new-Id had going for it in my eyes. I suppose it's fine if they're just referring to things like combining the "Use" and "Melee" key, or like, how they mention, the creation of the Shieldsaw being inspired by the combination of the "Shield" and "Chainsaw" input. I'll definitely give it a shot either way, but it kind of smells like they might be dumbing down their original vision for the fundamental gameplay mechanics because it doesn't work well enough on gamepads. And they do mention ease of use on gamepads specifically in that interview.
  6. You mean that comment made in the interview at 13 minutes, 5 seconds in? Maybe I'm looking too deeply into it, but considering the reaction of the guy sitting next to him I'm pretty sure he's referencing/mocking an infamous comment made by a developer or marketer once regarding a different game. I can't find any information about it, but I was pretty sure it was made by Todd Howard in regards to Skyrim, one of the 3D Fallouts, or Starfield.
  7. Probably no way they're going to do an invasion mechanic for real this time around? Battlemode was such a huge waste of the work put into playable demons
  8. I think the basis of his argument calling Gauntlet an "RPG" is already flawed, even if the game appears to have some distant inspiration from Rogue, progenitor of the pretty much the entire CRPG genre. Gauntlet is an action-maze game. I think Id's lineup of FPSes could be described the same way, if you didn't want to invent a new genre.
  9. I realise that it takes less talent to develop for, but wouldn't basing this game on GZDoom be missing the point a bit? Id's entire identity at the time was, "look at how much the technology for our engine is developing for every single iteration/release!" This was pretty much Doom 4's entire selling point as well. Without the 12 years of introspection on the franchise to pass (and none of the original employees remaining on the team...), the idea of a development on or "return" to form would have never been considered. The game would play and look much more like Doom 3, or Quake 4. And I guess Doom (2016) could be considered a bit of a spiritual successor to Quake 4, but still.
  10. Oh, very interesting. Looks like Nukey published a method to dumping the missing bits of the ROM for some machines which haven't been fully dumped (i.e. everything but the mk2) either. Looks like he's still hogging them, but I'm sure it'll crop up one of these days... EDIT: Nevermind all of that stuff I said about how different/much lower-pitched it sounds by the way, it turns out that was just an oddity with generic MIDI drivers/aplaymidi instead of using a proper Roland driver, where the card doesn't get "initialised" or something. More info here: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?p=1249528#p1249528 "It's some kind of init bug, it appears to happen based on what game you ran first, it's like some of them don't initialize SC-55 properly. You need to do the reset procedure if you run into this: 1) Press Q to turn it off. 2) Press and hold Y and U, then press Q to turn it back on. 3) Press W to answer affirmative to the reset prompt."
  11. The only source-port I recommend to anybody is Belgian-Chocolate Duke3D. It's available over here https://github.com/GPSnoopy/BelgianChocolateDuke3D I don't know whether it's perfect, but it's at least better than any other port I've tried.
  12. Here's two fonts inspired by the Doom logo, they should make a good start: https://www.dafont.com/ES/amazdoom.font (CCAN 3.0, I believe it wouldn't be legal to use it for a paid product, without negotiating buying a personal license to this font from the author) https://www.fontspace.com/doom-2016-font-f43672 (Similar situation, contact the author if you want to make your gamebook commercial) I don't know much about generative model stuff, but a round of "Image to Image" with some descriptive text along with an image of your logo (coloured orange on the bottom, gray on the top) might give you what you're looking for. Otherwise you could commission an artist, or give it a crack yourself using some layering and maybe a couple of tiling patterns you should be able to find on the net.
  13. The specific method they propose has an issue with stuck notes, too. To get around that, you should add a command beforehand either sending an "AllNotesOff"/CC123 signal (or playing a .mid with just that signal in it), or find some other method of clearing out those held notes. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38687774 amidi's got no support for software synths (run amidi -l: nothing will show), so I'm still looking into that first method.
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