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Daymond (VwV)

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About Daymond (VwV)

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  1. Corruption is a thirty-five level MBF21 mapset created by @NinjaDelphox, @EVILNECK, and @Arsinikk, comprised of detailed and action heavy maps inspired by Back to Saturn X2 and Hell Revealed II, along with other games such as Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid, Resident Evil, and Mega Man. Corruption.wad on idgames Suggested prefix: corr Map 01 UV-MAX in 6:13 YT link: corr01m613.zip
  2. Map 14 UV-Max in 1:35 In the archive I also put a demo with a cool ending and where I got exactly the same time as Bredd YT link: junk14m135.zip
  3. Map 13 UV-Max in 7:21 YT link: junk13m721.zip
  4. Map 10 UV-Fast in 7:41 YT link: va10f741.zip
  5. Map 04 WILD!-Max in 2:09 YT link: smax04-209.zip
  6. Thanks, but that was actually my normal retreat plan. Only once did I not have to resort to it.
  7. Map 03 WILD!-Max in 7:57 YT link: smax03-757.zip
  8. Map 02 WILD!-Max in 7:39 YT link: smax02-739.zip
  9. I haven't seen anyone do this, so... Map 01 WILD!-Max in 2:33 And also a question: this bonus difficulty has been implemented for all maps? YT link: smax01-233.zip
  10. Junkfood Map 09 UV-Max in 5:43 Map 10 UV-Max in 2:17 Map 11 UV-Max in 2:52 Map 12 UV-Max in 2:13 junk09m543.zip junk10m217.zip junk11m252.zip junk12m213.zip
  11. Junkfood Map 06 UV-Max in 1:51 Map 07 UV-Max in 2:05 Map 08 UV-Max in 4:06 I put YouTube links in demo's text files. junk06m151.zip junk07m205.zip junk08m406.zip
  12. Map 05 UV-Max in 7:27 YT link: https://youtu.be/IBWcbi_X9Ss?si=9yuT-fafRvW-Mon8&t=15 junk05m727.zip
  13. Junkfood Map 02 UV-Max in 2:36 Map 03 UV-Max in 2:23 Map 04 UV-Max in 1:41 I put YouTube links in demo's text files. junk02m236.zip junk03m223.zip junk04m141.zip
  14. Map 08 UV-Fast in 5:26 Map 09 UV-Fast in 9:52 I put YouTube links in demo's text files. va08f526.zip va09f952.zip
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