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About BeefyBoi

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    A Dingus That Somewhat Knows What He's Doing
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  1. You heard right! Half-Life DOOM! (Note: I found out while writing this that this idea basically already exists, and they did it better. Oh well.) This DOOM mod tries to put several things from Half-Life 1 into DOOM! (No Maps though.) It replaces several weapons, sound effects, and music tracks! This DOOM mod has been designed to be as modular as possible! If you don't want the music to be changed, don't load the music wad (or any other of the wads included)! There are 4 total wads each have different contents. There's the Sound Effect wad, the Music wad, the Item wad, and the Weapon wad! --SCREENSHOTS-- --WHAT'S INCLUDED-- 4 separate WAD files All weapons except Super Shotgun and Chainsaw replaced All demons sound like scientists Wolfenstein S.S.es sound like Human Grunts (Mostly) Ammo pick-ups replaced Music for level intermissions, episode intermissions, secret levels and more! --MORE INFORMATION-- The Music and Sound Effects WADs should work with any source port, however the other 2 WADs require ZDoom based ports to work properly, because they both have ZDaemon format DeHackEd lumps. Also the Items WAD has a DECORATE lump too. This was tested with GZDoom 4.10.0, and ZDoom 2.8.1 I apologize for the absurd file size. It's because of the Music WAD being full of MP3s (I'm pretty sure). --WHAT SOURCE PORT TO USE-- You can use any ZDoom based port, such as ZDoom, GZDoom, LZDoom, or any others, but it's recommended to use GZDoom. You can use Non-ZDoom based ports with the Sound Effects and Music WADs, just not the other 2. --DOWNLOADS-- Unfortunately, I cannot directly attach the file, due to the size being to big (I tried to compress it as much as I could). Mediafire link: Half-Life DOOM.7z --HOW TO INSTALL-- Simply use 7-Zip (Or install it if you haven't already) to extract the .7z file, and use a mod loader to play! P.S.: Sorry for the formatting being weird. P.P.S.: I forgot to mention, it should work with any IWAD. DOOM 1, DOOM 2, Final DOOM, etc. Have fun! P.P.P.S.: I know about how terrible the rocket launcher looks. I can't figure out what to do with it with my limited knowledge of DeHackEd and DECORATE. I tried my best, OK? Be sure to reply with any questions, comments, concerns, controversies or commentaries!
  2. I've created a Doom mod. Again. I've tried to make it copyright compliant. It's called Weirdoom (I probably should've called it Cursedoom). I made it the proper way (Making an empty archive with slade3). It modifies weapons and demons to be... weirder. I wanted to make something while I was working on another, rather large project. Here's what it does, in detail: HERE IS THE DOWNLOAD! Weirdoom.zip Note: I'm not going to post this on moddb. IMPORTANT NOTE: This only works on ZDoom derived ports (For some reason I'm not qualified enough to know)! Have a great day everyone, and stay tuned for the rather large project in the some-what near future! (As always, please let me know if anything goes wrong, or if you have any questions.)
  3. I've fixed Fart Doom (Again again) Fart Doom is a Doom mod that changes all the weapon sounds to fart sounds. -DOWNLOAD- Fart Doom.zip -KNOWN ISSUES- NONE Please let me know of any issues with this.
  4. As, the seven people that saw my Derpy Doom mod, know, my mod Derpy Doom was made incorrectly and thusly was illegal to distribute. It has been difficult fixing it, because of the fact that where I live is very old (1940s Old), the breaker keeps tripping because of hot weather. And so, I keep losing my progress in fixing it, and it's taking a while. And that's why I decided to make another doom mod in the mean-time, Fart Doom! Fart Doom replaces all the weapon sound effects with matching fart sounds! I promise that I specifically made sure this was legal. -DOWNLOADS!- -removed- Please respond with any further issues you have found.
  5. I've been having a problem lately, slade3 has been displaying graphics in greyscale for some reason. And when I go to remap the colours, the colour palette is all black and white. I've reported this to the github issues page, but the answer wasn't very helpful. Can someone here help?
  6. Should I also delete these too?
  7. Thank you! I will start work immediately.
  8. Is there a way in slade3 to select multiple files at once? Also, do I delete even the other markers? Or do I leave the other markers in there?
  9. Thank you! I really don't want to get into trouble. I have also deleted all my other mods that have been made that way.
  10. I don't really know how to do that. What I do is I just modify my DOOM2.WAD file. Can you select multiple files with slade3? My idea to fix that is to edit my .wad and delete everything that isn't changed. Is that a good solution?
  11. For some reason, when I try to replace a doom 2 sound effect with a .wav, it just deletes the sound. It also deletes the sound when I bookmark it. I've tried looking it up, and I can't seem to find anyone else having the same problem. Please help me.
  12. Derpy Doom is a doom mod that changes every demons eyes to be looking in opposite directions. (Derpy Eyes) I have also posted this to Moddb.com Moddb Link -VERSIONS- Derpy Doom v1.1 Derpy Doom v1.2 Derpy Doom v1.3 (Note: Screenshots are from version 1.1) -CHANGELOG (For the people who want it)- Derpy Doom Changelog
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