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Did you think i took time off from here just to relax? NO SIR. Right now, i've been caoght up with work. I've also been trying to finish off a Zdaemon project (clan [BFG]) and stuff. Well, for work, my boss has been asking more and more of me. I have this huge file of assignments i haven't even started. But, I'm going to Minnesota for vacation with my Uncle Paul and my Uncle Seamus for the weekend. And, regarding [BFG], i've put a lot of time into it, so zdaemoners should be surprised what i do with it. Well, "I'm not dead", and have a nice day. Although i bet you wished i was.
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I must confess that I involuntarily thought of DooMer87 when I recently bought a DVD player.
I got a lot of work done today, as today is labor day, and my day to work at home. I filed a ton of papers that i had been putting aside for a while and procrastinated for a long time. Anyway, yesterday, I played a round of golf with my friends, and i came in 2nd place. I had a drive on the 16th that went 200 yards to the right, but, hey, i knocked it on and 2-putted for par. Very good short game, right now i need to work on long. Anyway, since this IS labor day, i only filed papers and worked on my schedule. Nothing else, because i need to control my work-a-holic lifestyle.Saw my mom yesterday, and tomorrow im going to the fantasy football draft. In 3 years i can actually be a team member, but for now im an unofficial guy. The team this year is me, my Uncle Jack and my cousin Eric who's 25. We've got the first pick as last year was dismal. We plan to take probably the bears quarterback YEAH RIGHT. The bears cannot find a quarterback these days! Anywho, i'll finish it up with a reminder that i will close this thread immediately if anyone chooses to fuck it up.
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Something very wrong happened on Labour Day because I was awakened by a constuction crew 3 houses down at 7 in the morning. What the fuck? You think of all the poeple what would get a day off on Labour Day, it would be the MANUAL LABOURERS. Oh well. I did actualy kind of get a lot done, as I decided to order all the D&D monsters in books I own inot one .mdb file, and I almost completed it. Of course, I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with a .mdb file, but it was a better idea that an Exel file or any kind of normal text document.
Umm...oh yeah, I also made ncounter lists for my D&D campaign which is probably going on hiatus anyway, so whatever. I'm kind of pissed off in general recently for various reasons. I wish I had a job or better yet shcool where I could redirect my frustration into progress. -
At first, I was scared to do this. I feared that too many people would continue to step in and ridiculously flame me. But no, I've got to return to blogs because it's senseless to sit in the corner trying to bar myself. But first, let me state one thing.
This is not your life. This is mine.
In my last blog, some of you remember how you found out i was a lawyer's assistant, not a lawyer (after law school, of course, that will change). As repeated above, this is not your life. If you have a problem with the way I live or work or play then boo hoo, it's not my problem. It's yours. Now who cares what i drive or do or write on doomworld on? It doesn't matter. It's my life, and not yours. So don't click the post reply button if you have a problem with me. Now, onto the blog...
I've been thinking about hockey and all. Tryouts have started for my local team, and I'm trying out. I play defense, one of the toughest positions. Last year, my AAA team (not the orginization, just the level i play at) folded due to a lack of players. My team consists of a few co-workers, a few neighbors, a family member, and me. I am the captian. We play in a men's league. The coach will be my Uncle Seamus. He's went through the USA hockey levels and crap, and thanks to me, he is a level 4 coach. But i dont think that mens league coaches are required to have usa hockey thingies. But, he did coach me when i was little. My father taught him all about hockey when my dad was about 10. He heard of this great sport, and taught him. Seamus never got the chance to play. However, he is one hell of a coach.
Anyway, on to the rest of my life. I'm going to be a freshman at Harvard this year. I will major in political science. I'm hoping to have a great time at college, and from time to time, will go visit Seamus and the rest. Also, about 4 days ago my cousin Joey moved to San Diego for work. It's great to be an Alumni of my high school. I had some bad memories, but that was mostly in Senior year. I heard my house in Ireland will be taken care of by my uncle Sean. So, that's it. I returned to blogs. Now just do me a god damn favor and don't click that post reply button if you've got something nasty to say.- Show previous comments 26 more
If you would be so kind as to point out the Political Science major on http://www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/handbooks/student/chapter3/index.html I would appreciate it thx in advance
Linguica said:
If you would be so kind as to point out the Political Science major on http://www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/handbooks/student/chapter3/index.html I would appreciate it thx in advance
Does history and literature make you happy? You know, it doesn't sound smart that i'm majoring in that. So i said political science, because some people wouldn't believe that i want to be a lawyer.
No one would believe me that i'm becoming a lawyer due to the recent blog post, so i had to say something. Keep taking shots at me, people. Especially Ling, Dan, and other guys. I'm not gonna fall to my death anytime soon.
Here's my full explanation: I post a blog, i get harassed. I try to cover it up so people won't harass me anymore, and ling goes and unearths my last cover-up. To ling: It was a defense, not a big fat lie. I had to say something.
So, i am hereby closing this thread. LAUGH ALL YOU WANT AT ME. I'm absolutely appauled at the way this thread was treated. I wanted to restore peace to my name, and all i got was a full of shit stamp under my name and a lot of people's harassments. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING OFFENSIVE TO ANYONE. I repeat, I NEVER FLAMED ANYONE. And i will not. I come here and try to be nice, and you know, i get shit shoveled in my face. I am not leaving doomworld, nor am I asking for anything to happen to me. ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO JUST STOP.
Now, if a mod is reading this, you may assume I'm lying and all shit. Just remember i've tried my best to stop the harassment, and the only way was to fight harassment with a little white lie. And you people go and make a big deal about it. I am not leaving doomworld. This is not a goodbye message. I just want people to know that I'm offended and I WILL CONTINUE TO POST ON BLOGS, LIKE IT OR NOT. I don't care if you say things behind my back, all i am asking is that you just stop the harassment. I still am the same person. I've been questioned about everything, even MY OWN RELATIVES' DEATH? WHAT THE HELL! I do not feel respected when I mention my family's recent deaths. I feel harassed about that, too. I'm going to end this with one last sentence:
Hmm...seems like things are getting TOO complicated. Quite strange. I've been having a great time lately, enjoying all my friends and parties and trips to ireland and work meetings and union meetings and hockey clinics and pissing in the bathroom while at a meeting and stuff...but i'm too busy. I think my remodeling of my cousin's megaWAD has taken too much time alone, so i formed a team over the videophone, you know, that thing that's a screen that you can talk to other people with? I've got 2 of them and a computer at my work desk. I was bored and had nothing to do, so i opened my cousin's file. I added some more health and worked on the textures for the new weapons in it, and started new enemies. I thought that it would take too long to work by myself, so i videophoned my bro on the south side and my cousin in Dublin, who recently moved there. We formed a "team" which included me, my cousin, my brother, my cousin's neighbor, and 2 of my friends. We all now have the incomplete file. The team name is "Finish Them Off" or FTO for short. Team FTO has a new crappy unfinished 1997 wad in the works...i guess. Heh...well i don't care when it's done. It's done when it's done. Well, i guess complicated is good. And no one sing avril lavinge in this topic, she's another wannabe like ashley simpson.
my cousin, when he died, left behind some stuff that surpirsed me. He had started a megaWAD project. It would be his first thing that he would do that wasn't DM or CTF. He had told me once, and had showed it to me, but i thought it was a megaWAD of DMs. Anyway, we had recently switched our DM sessions from sunday to saturday morning at 5 a.m. and made it so we would DM every other saturday. The sessions would be quite fun. my cousin would make a brand new WAD for DM online. I would play him, and I usually won. He had a great process, and i'll show it to you here.
1.Planning-What would make this "Saturday Morning" WAD be a great one?
Once that was done, he would move on to
2.Architecture-What will it look like?
He would usually fax me the layout or e-mail it to me, and i would make my own changes and stuff and send it back to him.
3.Extras-Where will all the weapons/ammo/health be?
He usually swept through this one in an hour or two.
4.Images-He usually worked on new weapons at like 2 a.m. with me.
5.Building-Usually on the second Thursday. It sometimes was a skyscraper, a plain, simple path, or even a small room that would fit the two of us and the two of us alone!
6.Now that all that was done, we would spend time Friday Night just practicing and figuring out where everything is.
Anyway, he had in progress about 3 wads. I'm still working on them, due to the mess of stuff going on. His megaWAD was in the process of images. Now, i've started working on this. It will be great. Anyway, i wont tell you about the megaWAD, but i'll tell you about the 3 wads in progress.
1.Law-2 levels, one would take place in a court room. Zombiemen that couldn't see you would be in the seats. The other level would be about the Family Guy. I'm also working on that, it will take a while for that one to be done.
2.History Eraser Button-Based on ren and stimpy. A small DM map. Only planning had been done.
3. This-a spinoff of the level "dis". Very early planning had been done. Not much known.
Anyway, i bet you want to have some ones that we always played on in the past. Well, i'm still looking for the collection of DM floppy disks, some dating back to 1997. Haha no 1994 crap here. Anyway, this reminds me of how john k was fired off of ren and stimpy, and Dickelodeon had to finish his work. (AKA THE DUMBASS 9-YEAR-OLD-POSERS-WHO-THINK-THEY'RE-15-NETWORK also known as...nickelodeon) I have to go back and finish my cousin's work. Well, at least i'll -
aargh...i was gonna spend the next 2 weeks saying goodbye for like a year until i visit again to everyone and i get to Dublin and it turns out i missed my flight by 5 minutes. now i gotta rebook. makes me wish i would just take a boat.
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Ralphis said:
Sorry to inform you with such a subtle tone but you're obviously retarded.
i may add i'm quite obviously retarted. heh whatever um well i rebooked and on Friday im flying back. Then in september ill go to harvard and then in maybe october-november ill go back to arlund (accented) and then for christmas and spring break. Now ive thought it all out. My dad wasnt here to help me, so i gotta think for myself now. Im very forgetful. Anyway, life is awesome. Ive gotten to a high point right now. Spring break im goin with my friends, so itll be a blast.
I went to go to where my dad is buried yesterday, and my Uncle Seamus and Aunt Mary brought up quite a question. Since i'm a double citizen, [i was born in Ireland, moved to U.S. when I was about 2] I can move to Ireland. My uncle Seamus noticed a kind of pale feeling inside me, and that it was gone when I came here. He offered me a large plot of land next to his, that he has owned for a long time. My Aunt Mary would live with me, since she is selling her home. I would build a big house on it. I would not be a farmer, I would be a lawyer. Every day, I would go into the town of (do you think i would tell YOU?) and go about my business. My family back home doesn't want me to move, but I must. And I will. I will, however, keep writing to you, via my laptop.
Yours Truly,
Michael- Show previous comments 8 more
Danarchy said:
Please tell me they don't have the internet in Ireland.
That would be me.
I have come a long way from what happened in October/November. It's a long story, how so many family members cried for me, how my Uncle Seamus told me stories about him and my dad when he died, and how I managed to deal with this and still live. But I moved on. I did something no other family member could do. Well, currently, I am in Ireland, once again, where my father was born. I visited my family 2 weeks ago, then about a week ago I drove from where we are, in Ireland, to Northern Ireland, the place I want the British to return to us. I drove up to Belfast to visit a cousin. I bought Family Guy DVDs. Then, I drove back, and today we are going to Dublin to spend the evening. My Uncle Seamus and I have had a lot of fun here. I think it's my 1000000th time in the old country. Anyway, I'll be here for another week, then head back to Chicago to work on many things. My dad left me his Law business. Quite a business he had. Many people work there. I remember coming there for the first time. My father then had a very string Irish accent. It slowly faded over the years, as he became accustomed to the states. Well, i have to go now. Got to help Seamus feed the sheep.
Mike (my name is Mike, but i used to go by my middle name, Scott.)
EDIT: By the way, I'm also Catholic. -
This "thing" has absolutely no sign of stopping!
My dad died in intensive care(hospital).
My cousin died(yes, he died)of a shot to the chest.
My grandpa died of heart failures.
Everyone who goes to my high school hates me except for my friends, who are the smartest group at our school ever. We are considered the "fucking morons who are so smart".
When will it stop? My social life has kept me from coming here. But there is a good side to this. The friends I do have are very smart people, just like me. We may graduate early. Maybe in the next month or two. My dean has said a few words about it, but I dont know anything else. We are going to a meeting on Wednesday. Maybe we'll find out there. But everything is still confusing. My dad left my mom and me and my 5 other siblings. My ALIVE grandparents are moving in with them because I do not have the time to be with them right now. My sole concern is to concentrate on my studies and my hockey team. I have started to become optimistic now.
Things are getting better. Kind of.- Show previous comments 4 more
Alexmax speaks truth, as i was saying to this woman giving me a lift last night, a year after you leave school you'll be laughing at the pricks who bullied you. Mainly cause they will be the barely-literate spotty jerks working on the tills at tescos, doing a ton of overtime to support thier kid they had when they where 15
The question i have asked earlier was "Why me?"
I still continously ask that question.
My cousin(MikeTheDooMer)has been shot and now is in Critical care in a Chicago hospital. My uncle is also fighting for his life in Chicago(he has heart disease, lung cancer, pneumonia maybe) and i drive over there, every day, to visit them from my Condo. I have just heard my cousin may die tonight. I cannot describe this dark month i have had...
NOTE: Just recieved this info, more edits and updates to follow.- Show previous comments 19 more
DooMer87 said:
It was a beautiful day, and i was taking a walk with my cousin and uncle. All of a sudden, my dad was there. "This is my gift to you." he said, and gave me a handshake.
Did I mention my dad died?
If you're serious, you have my full honest condolences.
If you're fucking with us, we'll burn you at the stake.
The reason I have been away from doomworld for a while is because my life is FUCKING FALLING APART. My hockey team folded(i cannot fully describe it in four words). My aunt can't walk anymore. My cousin is near death. Everyone makes fun of me, being a FUCKING RETARD towards me. I never did anything to them, and ALWAYS, either it is at work, at school, at hockey, or just plain on the phone(answering machine). I think if i died tomorrow, about 15 people would care. MAYBE 20-25. At the most. Now, i have no criminal or juvinile background. I have never stole anything from anyone, nor loved money more than anything in the world. I dearly hope nobody else will get deeply sick in the next year, or I don't know what i am going to do. But why me? Sure, i have lied(well, who doesn't once in a while?) but that really doesn't make a big deal. Something is probably going to happen next. I have no idea at all, but if it's at the same level of horror this is, then, well, that would suck, wouldn't it? I cannot and will not describe my other personal fears and happenings here on doomworld. They are just too horrible to describe in one sentence. Take my hockey team, for example. My travel hockey team folded. Now, we could have gone to Toronto, Cleveland, Holland(i would have been in holland, michigan right now), St. Louis, South Bend, Chicago, and many other places. But because one of my friends dropped out, the dominoes fell. My coach left. My goalie left. A ton of players left. All that was left was a new coach and 6-7 kids. He tried to repair the team and promised not to fold and big, awesome tournaments, but that never happened. I waited until the ship sunk. And it did sink. The team collapsed. I now play for a different hockey leauge. But that was just the start of it. But why me? What did i do?
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dsm said:
Being a popular person in school usually means that you end up as a loser later in life. I say suck it up, ignore the smucks (you will grow accustomed to their insults) and focus on your education.
Ok? What if you're intelligent and well-liked without being a jerk. You know just because you're popular in school doesn't mean you're a dunce cap faggot boy -
It's too bad this asshole who hate me for NO FUCKING REASON who i was previously nice to (letting him touch my vice city, inviting him out to Friday's) I even drove him to downtown Chicago for a Bears game (packers suck, farve is a dick) but it's too bad i cant figure out why. I even tried to get him on my former Travel team...but i ended up at the bottom of the spectrum(house league) but, of course, im one of the best on my house team.
Well, yesterday, i was drinking my starbucks, checking my e-mails. I saw something about some ghost lady in the civil war, read it, then clicked on the link at the bottom of the page. It appeared to be some kind of kitchen, with a table and laptop and chairs. After 30 seconds, i decided to click out, but then.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!1 Some black and white picture popped up. It was a screaming lady. Heh, it scared the hell out of my cousin. Anyone else here got that e-mail?
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Psyonisis said:
What a clever idea! A seemingly static picture suddenly switches to something scary! Why has no one ever done this before ever!?
You know, I never did understand why the word static is used in that context. When I think static, I think of static like on the tv or radio or something. The static on the tv is moving, and you can't really hear a sound move but sometimes static will grow louder or softer. Its just like when used in that way static is seemingly the opposite of another meaning for it. Wierd. -
Ok my friends just got arrested for battery. It was my cousin's College party, and he was about to go away for college. My friends must have snuck in some beer while they were at it, and they also must have stolen a car on our small street. Here's what they did:
1.Rolled a ball into the street.
2. Pretended they were going to go get it.
3. Opened the car door and threatened them to get out.
4.The guys refused, and unfortunately the cops pulled behind them.
5. They got charged with battery. -
Well, i decided to write a timeline of my DooMing. I had written like 2-3 paragraphs last time but now i wanna write a timeline. here's my timeline:
Dec.10, 1993- I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Didnt know DooM was released. I was 6.
Feb.1994-My cousin shows me his new copy of DooM full version. I play it with him(he was 9 at the time)and i was amazed at it. I was really impressed.
Apr.1994-My dad gets the shareware for me. I play and play and play.
Aug.1994-Finally, my dad buys me DooM full version. i become obsessed. The obsession begins!
Dec.1994-I got DooM 2 for Christmas. My cuz had had it for 2 weeks now. What a way to end my 1st year of dooming. Let the obsession begin...AGAIN!!!!
1995-I find my old shareware DooM file and toy with it. I go back to attempting to beat DooM 2 on nightmare.
1996-By now i decide to go get Final DooM, and my fave level was TNT level 9 on nightmare. Heheh...
1997-My cuz makes his first wad, only for himself and me. He starts to toy with Ultimate DooM, as i purchase it in december.
1998-I seem to forget about DooM as i turn 12, as my cuz starts to make some preety cool levels, but just for him and me.
1999-I re-rediscover my OLD doom shareware, and i mess around with it again.
2000-I find my old, dirty DooM 2 disc. I put it in my windows 98, and im pissed because the CD was damaged or something. I find on the internet many old WAD files like Aliens TC and i rediscover them as my old files of them were outdated.
2001-I call up my cuz, and we play co-op Doom 2.That started a tradition that every 2 weeks, we would engage in either deathmatch or co-op.
2002-2003: Not much dooming in these years except for the tradition i mentioned above. Not much SP to be exact.
2004: Let the obsession re-begin...AGAIN!!!! I buy DooM Collectors edition amd im thrilled. I re-download cyberdreams. I call up my cousin and he buys it too. The tradition still continues, with him and i both every 2 weeks playing DooM together. And most of all, i learn a whole new generation of doom-DooM3. and shit, i still haven't got it! Dammit!- Show previous comments 4 more
january 1994 - mother shows me doom, she had been playing it for a week. the computer, a DELL 486 88MhzDX, had finaly arived in late december. i was hooked
some time later in 1994 aug-december, i will guess october we got doom II thru her work. yes he installed it on floppies. ironicly i was not very good with dos, so we had the game for 5 days before her firend installed it. played it that night, however she didnt install it in the standard dir. c:\chester over c:\doom2 so i had to call her the next time i came up there.
in 1995 i finaly bought a full version of doom, i only had the shareware version and doom II. i also got D!zone
1999, i began to come to DW
2004 i got doom III -
The first way i got to doom was by my cousin's comp back in mid 1994. It was slow, but we got to still get high detail on the levels. My cousin had registered doom on his comp, so i decided to download shareware on my comp. Then, i showed all my friends in 1995(i was 8) DooM 2 and they all got scared. haha. so then i decided to go back to my cuz to play doom for a while. My cousin was a doom expert, he made some wads over the years, some were quite complex. He never released them, only to his joy and delight. I was able to try to make a level, but it turned out to have bazillions of errors. It was barely able to load, but it still worked for 5 seconds. It eventually was deleted. So, then we got final doom, and it seemed like doom was really old. My cousin made 1 wad for himself, then went on to Quake and never went back. I decided to just stick to doom, and eventually i beat it on nightmare. I was surprised, so the game was so addicting to me. My cousin was so impressed. He wasnt even able to beat it on hurt me plenty. He enjoyed making DooM wads with little time on his hands. He never beat the game without cheats. He used to enter idspispopd and run thru the entire level. After 1998, i never played doom again, and i started dreamcast, ps2, and tons of other stuff not related to pc games or video games at all. In 2003, i found this site after calling up my cousin to borrow Quake 3 for the weekend. He said i could borrow doom 2, and i remembered. i said yes, and after 2 days of intense DooMing, he came over and showed me this site. I followed the controversy of Evilution, Doomsday 2003 before i saw this site, and i had never seen doom so active. Many more people were coming back to this game, and now we are on the eve of doom 3, coming out August 3rd-5th. So, it was January, and i knew doomsday 2003 was coming soon. I stuck around for the aniversary, and got to see Evilution, UAC labs, and wow.wad on the top 10 most infamous wads. I remember aliens TC, and i still had it. But i found this forum a while ago, thought i might post my story, and here i am. Typing these letters, after 3-4 years of forgetting doom. And all i can say is,