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About Bezby1

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  1. Happy new year everybody! Here's a fun map with the best name of the year (the name has absolutely nothing to do with the map itself). Base game: Doom II Advanced port needed: GZDoom (the map was built to be vanilla compatible but with the textures I added it was easier to use GZDoom) Map format: Boom Tested with: GZDoom Description: This map is more challenging than BASE and I would compare the UV difficulty to Plutonia. It is probably more fun to play on the lower skill levels. Also I didn't have an idea for the whole map (only for the central area) as I had for BASE so this might not be as interesting (couldn't find a better word) as BASE was. I'll probably release some deathmatch maps soon... Screenshot time: Turbomies.zip
  2. Well here is some of my maps https://www.moddb.com/members/bezby1/addons. They are definitely not on the same level of quality as BASE but I personally like both of the Slaughter maps. Simple 10 is very bad and should not be played, but the other stuff isn't too bad.
  3. Thank you everyone for playing! But I must say that this isn't my very first map. Just the first I released here on doomworld.
  4. Hello everyone! This is my very first map posted over here at doomworld, I hope you like it. Here is some info: Base game: Doom II Advanced port: Boom -Not designed for freelook, jumping nor crouching Map format: Boom Tested with: GZDoom and DSDA Doom Description: The UAC base has something wrong with it so you are sent to check it. What lies in that base? Play this map to find out. This wad contains one map which is MAP01 and there is a new sky texture taken from OTEX 1.1. The map isn't too difficult (with the final fight and one secret fight being more difficult) and I would say it's not much more difficult than Doom II maps from a pistol start. And here's some screenshots (only from the techbase parts): BASE.zip
  5. Doom 2 MAP01 NoMo 100s in 27.60 MAP01_NoMo100s 27.60.zip Back Me Up MAP01 UV Speed in 26.57 backmeupMAP01_UVSPEED 26.57.zip Chex Quest E1M1 UV Speed in 29.11 chexE1M1_UVSPEED 29.11.zip
  6. Ultimate Doom episode 1 UV Speed in 12:26 E1_UVSPEED 12..26.zip
  7. Does this demo desync? MAP01_NoMo100s 27.60.zip (The IWAD is from the old doom2 cd)
  8. Ultimate Doom E4M1, NoMo E4M1_NoMo 22.80.zip Plutonia MAP01, NoMo MAP01_NoMo34.46.zip Doom 2 MAP01, NoMo100s MAP01_NoMo100s 28.37.zip
  9. Ultimate Doom E1M1 UV Max in 0:53 Zip: E1M1_UVMax53.zipE1M1_UVMax53.zip Video:
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