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Everything posted by Logamuffin

  1. This is my attempt at something more conventional. It's a large research base on an island populated by lots of demons (and lots of trees!!). Very Valiant-esque. I may turn this into a larger wad, so consider this a preview. It's MBF21, so anything play it on anything that can run that complevel, though it was only tested with GZDoom and DSDA-Doom. If you find any bugs, let me know. Download: Metamorphosis.zip (UPDATED v1.1) Screenshots: Credits:
  2. My favorite ones, so Going Down, Epic 2, Valiant, 50 Shades of Graytall, Lost Civ etc..
  3. I'm gonna follow netcurse2000's template (kinda) because I think it's good: Doom Favorite: E3M2 Slough of Despair 2nd Favorite: E3M6 Mt Erebus Underdog: E1M8 Phobos Anomaly (I would put Slough of Despair since everyone seems to hate it but it's already my fav from Ultimate Doom so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) Doom II Favorite: MAP16 Suburbs 2nd Favorite: MAP02 Underhalls Underdog: MAP08 Tricks and Traps TNT: Evilution (ugh do I really have to pick these) Favorite: Map07 Prison 2nd Favorite: Map05 Hanger Underdog: Map15 Dead Zone The Plutonia Experiment Favorite: Map01 Congo 2nd Favorite: Map15 Twilight Underdog: Map26 Bunker
  4. Update: I know I said I would start playing through Season 2 and I am doing that (Speed of Doom is kicking my ass currently) but I also beat 50 Shades of Graytall (S3E9). 50 Shades is kind of a weird one because I've played through it plenty of times but I've never beat it. I always would tap out somewhere around Map10-14. But, I stuck it out this time and gave it the full look. As for comments on the WAD, there's a reason when I did my vote for the community poll for top WADs, 50 Shades was among my top 10. The first 9 or so maps alone qualify it for being one of my favs, they're seriously the greatest streak of awesome maps I've seen from a community project. And visually, the maps look abstract and awesome as hell. So finally playing it through all the way was just a bonus for me... Ok, so other thing I want to say: I may be switching ports, too. GZDoom's modding capability is good, but DSDA-Doom just looks and feels SO much better. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully give up GZDoom mods, but for playing classic-style megawads (which is most of what I'm gonna be doing with this anyways) I'm probably gonna switch to DSDA. I don't know. We'll see.
  5. I’ve known about this poll for a while, but I was holding off until I’d played more wads. I think I’ve played enough at this point to cast a good vote though. 10: Going Down 9: Epic 2 8: Valiant 7: Alien Vendetta 6: 50 Shades of Graytall 5: Overboard 4: Lost Civilization 3: Nostalgia 2: TNT: Revilution 1: Plutonia
  6. I know it’s already been said but Midnight sucks. I used to watch him when I first got into Doom because I didn’t know any better. He’s like one of those shitty true crime podcasts that just read off wikipedia but for Doom. Because everything is so spooky and scary if I add horror movie background music and random stock footage to it! Soulless clickbait garbage. Honestly, I can’t tell if he’s taking it on the chin or if he’s trying to play it off as “Oh, I’m laughing with you guys” when everyone is clearly laughing at him.
  7. Going Down. Each level has it's own gimmick which keeps the action fresh while also flowing together so seamlessly and having a narrative on top of that. How???!!! That mapset single-handedly convinced me that mouldy is the greatest doom mapper to ever live. Someone already mentioned it but Hell Ground, specifically Map04: Warp of Time. That map is freaking huge and amazingly cinematic (as MtPain put it "A feature film in doom map form"). Eternal is another candidate for GOAT in my book.
  8. I mean for Mock 2, the Dean cheated so why can't I? :P I did also already play through Mock 2, it was... an experience.. an electric duck experience, one might say.
  9. OK, I'm a massive MtPain27/Dean of Doom fan. In fact, I don't think I'd even really be a part of this community without him. His videos have inspired and comforted me a lot, and shaped my perceptions of Doom. Which is why I'm embarking on a journey to follow in his footsteps. That's right, I'm attempting to beat every WAD he's ever reviewed. I forget when exactly I started this but I think it's been like 4 months or so where I have been going down the list. So why only post it now. Well, I didn't know if I would give up before getting anywhere with this. But today I hit a very important milestone: With my completion of Hell Revealed, I've officially beaten every single WAD the Dean reviewed during Season 1! It's definitely a strange collection of wads, but along with some wads I had already completed beforehand, I have completed 39 out of the 118 wads that he has reviewed during the series (that's including Sawed Off and Halloween Episode Wads). With that number, I feel like I'm finally committed enough to post about it. Now, I should note that I'm not going by Dean of Doom rules when playing these. I'm not playing on UV, since HMP is much more my speed and I think it's more fair for first time playthroughs. And I'm probably not going to be completing everything twice. I'm dedicated but I'm not that dedicated. And I'm using GZDoom with freelook on (I know, sue me). But the challenge isn't as important so much as my own personal journey, and I want to share it with y'all. How am I keeping track of these wads, none of you may have asked? Well, I have a spreadsheet that lists every individual wad Dean of Doom has ever reviewed with my completion status of each (I even have sections for each Sawed Off Wad). I also keep track of my own opinions and comments on some of them, though not all. For those curious, you can view the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F-q711KO7k57I6Fd6DSg2-CbgBugZB2GOPRc2enokls/edit#gid=0 So what am I going to do now that I've completed all of Season 1. Well, Season 2 of course! So in this thread, I'm going to update y'all on my progress and what I'm thinking along my journey.
  10. Hey Skeletron, just wanted to let you know I remember you. Your MK mod for multiplayer doom was rad and I had a good time playing it with you even if I didn't stick around for too long... So it's a bit upsetting seeing you breaking down all like this on the forums. Just keep trucking on and participate in the community as much as you can!
  11. Might I recommend my mistake of a community project Mock 7: General Unintelligents, which was supposed to be a "so bad it's good" surreal shitpost wad but ended up just being a "so bad it's terrible" mistake of a wad. Some of the maps are interesting though... Also I second Mock 2.
  12. New version of my map, Turn Left at the Space Crab Nebula. (yes, i am saying its full name just cause it's funny) Changes: - Overhauled thing placement - Lowering floors move faster - A few minor fixups for texture oddities and such - Changed the progression a bit https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/841814524385951788/1222574345201914058/tlatscnv2.wad?ex=6616b616&is=66044116&hm=187fe6a7c7d929715ce38abf466e7cf59d1ecca4c4487b26e429b0740a3f9681&
  13. Dang, that area was supposed to be inaccessible. I’ll fix it up and post another version within the next few days.
  14. That’s a great idea, I’m going to start doing that right now! ;)
  15. How do you guys resurrect the most random old threads. And why?
  16. Okay, I played through this and I have a couple notes: - The out of bounds sector on map04 should really not be instakill. It's really easy to take a corner wrong and just die for no reason. - The yellow door on Map11 doesn't take a yellow key. You can just open it from the start. - The lava pit on Map14 is inescapable (this could be design choice but it's still really mean) - I think Map15 may be broken. I hit all the switches but nothing happened and couldn't figure out how to progress after like 10 minutes. Am I missing something? - There were a bunch of broken sectors and HOM effects in the brown elevator room of Map17.
  17. This. Only part of E3M1 that really sucks is the pinkie hallway which is cheap and unfun. Rest of it though is decent. The first room is a great introduction to hell, the bridge room is a good trick and while the rest I can take or leave, at least the mediocre parts go by pretty quick.
  18. I think the main issue is that the Spider Mastermind is just really anemic as a boss monster. Its freaking huge hitbox make it easy to shoot around corners or BFG and its damage is pitiful when compared to the Cyberdemon, the other boss monster. I’ve only played like 2 maps that made the Spider feel like an actual boss, and one of them used trickery to make it invincible for the majority of the map (Struggle’s Map11, for those curious). To be fair, pistol starting Dis does make for a somewhat engaging boss fight but I don’t pistol start so I’m not counting it.
  19. For me the worst levels are really long ones that may not be *the worst* from a technical/design standpoint, but are still bad and thus outperform the REALLY bad ones (like Nirvana, Habitat, etc) in pound for pound suckage. So for me Mill, Admin Center, and Limbo take the cake.
  20. HMP Continous, casually (not going for all secrets/kills). I also save a lot, I have quicksave bound to capslock and quickload bound to v, which is the standard control scheme I use when playing a game that have qs/ql. Also if the wad doesn’t do it for me, I pistol start manually at the beginning of each episode. So for 32 map megawads that’s a pistol start at map12 and map21.
  21. Map title: Turn Left at the Space Crab Nebula Author: Logamuffin Build time: 2 hours for the layout and about an hour and a half for thingplacing and texturing Midi: Rushing Headlong by Jeremy Doyle from TNT: Revilution Gameplay: Traditional Theme: Space Co-Op Starts: Yes Difficulties: Yes Comments: I really like how this one turned out. Very brutalist architechture in a space voidscape. Even threw in a doomcute spaceship! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/841814524385951788/1219839431616237709/tlatscn.wad?ex=660cc300&is=65fa4e00&hm=0e8ba5671d9f1c19421afeac7e2e06d921aab6761d1b2e48728db65af49b473a&
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