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Lemon King

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About Lemon King

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  1. HXDD is now passing as fully playable with DOOM mods, wads and megawads now. Depending on your settings - some will make runs harder than others. If no other major issues are found, an update should be out sometime this weekend.
  2. I was a bit off on my estimate. Ended up needing to do some heavy reworks on the underlying supporting code to make it work, cleanly. Currently starting on audio splitting. Once that is done it should be ready this weekend. If you're feeling adventurous you can always check the latest builds under Actions.
  3. I can finally say Soon™ for the next update, aiming for sometime this week as a release. Hexen II Paladin Player Class and DOOM PWAD Mode support are up next.
  4. Is your screen at 720? If so, It may be hidden below your screen resolution. The next update has a fix for this.
  5. Early commits for PWAD Mode as the next feature in the coming update.
  6. Which is funny, because those are the only classes which have on kill drops too.
  7. This is right. Hexen II classes on paper look like they do the same damage, however their mechanics don't line up in anyway. Which is what makes this mod's classes quite fun. :D
  8. Gamepad support is currently not in the new UI components, as its currently using z-forms 1.x which does not support controllers in the menu. I'll see what I can do to make it work. Nice catch on version in the UI, not sure why that string wasn't updated correctly.
  9. Toying around with what will be a default feature in the menu for a smarter system to display what wads are loaded with custom episodes. Using Hexen: Veil of Darkness for this test.
  10. Running pack-o-deamon via Github Actions so it all happens serverside, when say something such as a commit, tag, or a nightly is triggered. https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/about-custom-actions
  11. I like this, reminds me of Webpack but for DOOM. Now if there was support for Github Actions releases could be built and distributed purely on github.
  12. Just a bump for 0.7.2-Beta release! https://github.com/Lemon-King/HXDD/releases
  13. Tech test for feature I'm hoping to add to the project in a future update. :D
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