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About thecringefactor

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    serial doomcute warcrime crafter
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  1. I return after a hiatus to take care of work stuff in real life to resume crafting doom abominations 💀 Will add more to it later as in a back door to a different area but—other than that speculating what else to add or come back to it later.
  2. Going to post my covers here. Not sure how many I’m going to do, definitely one more, but I’ll keep this thread as my storage place. Feel free to use them in any mods cause that’s what they’re for :) I only made one for now. Sorry, no .midi, only .mp3 cause I really didn’t like the sound when it was converted. Just yanno, rename the file to whichever level you want to use it in :) Hope you enjoy my first attempt at my COUGH first song cover in anything whoops— Here’s the download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Kv3Mh2bd4x9RRzUfNwraRcYgueQZrIW/view?usp=drivesdk And here’s the fun little video I put on my alt channel cause I made goofy images in Google slides and thought it would be cute:
  3. Sorry, I just said that because it felt that way, I’m not very music smart. Ill go ahead and edit my post
  4. Allow me to brainwash y’all to listen to this artist: Take two aggressive songs and two chill ones. The two more-metal ones remind me of DOOM sort of (the same artist actually made a song called Scarlet/A# that was directly inspired by “The Only Thing They Fear is You” but I didn’t include cause it’s not my top pick, still dig it though).
  5. Hello, regarding the banned react thread—I made a status version on my profile. It’s not going to go anywhere, but I thought it would be a nice gesture to make people feel better. I only sent this message to the two people on that one other thread discussing its removal. 



  6. Hello, I saw you got in trouble for posting a topic regarding the banned react thread, so I made a status version on my profile. It’s not going to go anywhere, but I thought it would be a nice gesture to make people feel better.



    1. DiceByte


      Thanks for letting me know. Btw, my account didn’t get banned, warned or anything like that so no need to worry about my account.

  7. Quote

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You? 

    New “Status” Thread

    I was hardly active on the old thread, but here is a status for the people who still want to do this ridiculous game thing, I dunno 😂 spam my notifs I don’t care.

    Old instructions:


    Title is self explanatory. I got this idea from a few other forums I’ve been in. 

    You can react with a 1-10 plus why you’re’ screwed, a quote of what you’d exclaim, an explanation of your battle strategy, etc.

    I’d just provide one or two sentences of why or why not you’d be in danger fighting the above avatar to keep each post full of substance.


  8. Yeah, as a female, it would be an interesting switch up to play as one for once in doom. Though it really doesn’t matter, I just play whoever looks cooler/has the best stats anyways (I usually go for Doom, Ranger, or Crash in arena). There’s definitely always a way to write a character well, but I (personally) dunno about adding anyone other than doomguy as a playable in doom cause the entire series is built around the one main character (if we continue this conversation might wanna do it on my wall so the mods don’t say something).
  9. Thanks! (Awesome, by the way, a fellow quake fan discovered it cause so far I’ve only been able to show other doom fans (who all thought I feminized doom slayer LMAO)). Ye, I love Crash but sadly I don’t know how in the world she would fit in the new doom games (better stick her in quake champions though). So, would that make my redesign an *inhale* a reworked version of low poly Crash, which includes sections of the reworked version of Doom Eternal's Doom Slayer, which is a reworked praetor, which is also a rework of the classic sprite? (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
  10. Hey it’s been a while so have a Crash from Quake III Arena sketch. Cause the original character is low poly I went wild with redesign and such. Some people commented it looks a bit like the Slayer and yeah, I think I subconsciously borrowed some motifs from both Eternal and the classic fit as well as Crash so ye.
  11. Oh my god, that sounds too much like my discord server 😂 Except instead of post hell, we have pins of shame. And muted members can only view two channels: a jail channel with a 6 hour slowmode filled with cursed images from the moderators (mostly clocks filled with baked beans), and the spam ping muted channel which is read only.
  12. So, what brings you to doomworld?

    1. SimonePiervergili


      I just wanted to. Because I visited this site and I liked it and then decided to sign up and become a member.

    2. thecringefactor


      But do you even plan to try doom? Just curious

  13. Doomguy with guns vs grungo caveman with club probably… Unfair. Advantage too much. Doomguy challenges you to deathmatch instead (??/10)
  14. I don’t know if you happened to notice the name in the .txt file, but hello fellow Chinese :>
  15. Yes, I believe even before the dawn of a certain 2023 map, models of houses, cities, any buildings from life are great references to model from life if beginners don’t have any prompts or don’t know how to design an entire blueprint from scratch due to intimidation or unfamiliarity with the controls.
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