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Coconut Crab

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About Coconut Crab

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  1. Thank you for the critsim will be using some of the things you have said later when making maps.
  2. This a Demo for a wad im working on called UAC Esclation. If you notice any bugs please message me or put them in the comments. Lots of the custom textures from a pack I got off afterglow I will leave a link to the textures. Its is inpsired by The second level of Doom(1993) and TnT Evilution. Texture sources: https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures/ (32in24-15 Tex) Uac Esclation.zip
  3. Bro the like 3 videos you made of my maps are awesome. keep up the good work.
  4. I was making a map and put a set of textures in a wad in to UDB and then used the textures but then when I loaded my map into GZDOOM the textures didt load so how can I merge the textures and the map wad.
  5. This is a sequal to the map I made called The Coconut Trials. It has about 278 monsters i think. Lots of chaingunners. I was inspired by The plutonia expermint and thoose maps that Doug the eagle made. The Coconut Trial 2.zip
  6. I did what the one guy said and now it looks normal
  7. no cause ever time i open udb the lines point a diffrent way
  8. It looks like this. Its not a straight line. and neither is the grid.
  9. All of the maps ive bin making in ultimate doom builder all of the line and the grid are at an angle. If anyone can tell me how to fix this.
  10. Hello. This is a 3 level WAD I made. I used Ultimate Doom Builder. I dont have a story for it you can make that if you want. Project Phobos.zip
  11. I like making maps and I like the tech aspects but when I play Doom 1 I alaways think that the Doom 1 textures look better in a way than Doom 2.
  12. When I made this post I had only heard of obsidian but I had never used it. and thought it could only generate 1 map at a time
  13. Im planing on making a wad with more than 2 maps but I dont know how to combine 2 or more maps into one wad. If anyone can leave a reply on how to do that.
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