What is this?
This mod, simply put, allows you to play Supplice on any doom wad, similar to other gameplay mods you see on the forums (The Guncaster, Brutal Doom, Dn3Doom, ...).
It has the needed classes to replace Doom's original actors with Supplice actors.
This mod does not distribute any Supplice code and assets itself, except for some ZMAPINFO data needed to glue things together and some code to apply dynamic lights to inhered actors.
You still need to own the original game (namely Supplice.ipk3). So go buy the game and support Cage, Brett Harrell (Mechadon) and the team behind Supplice. It's worth it!
=================================== Features
=================================== Supplice Weapons Replacement
* Fist -> Pilebunker
* Chainsaw-> Overcharger
* Pistol -> Assault Rifle (1)
* Shotgun -> Rotary Shotgun
* Chaingun -> Minigun
* SuperShotgun -> Slugger
* PlasmaRifle -> Arc Divider
* RocketLauncher -> CycloMortar
* FG9000 -> Fission Dynamo
* N/A -> Cremator (2)
(1) In Supplice, if you pick a second AssaultRifle, you dual wield them. Since in doom maps you usually don't have the opportunity of picking a second pistol,
i implemented a system where Mutalists have a 10% chance of dropping an AssaultRifle instead of bullets.
(2) Carbonizers have a 10% chance to drop a Cremator instead of a Fuel Cylinder Supplice Monsters Replacement
* Zombie Man -> Mutalist
* Shotgun Guy -> Mangler
* Doom Imp -> Brain Trooper
* ChainGun Guy -> Tandem
* Lost Soul -> Hiveteeth
* Pain Elemental -> Hivepod Creep
* Cacodemon -> Ophaneon
* Baron Of Hell -> Lummox
* Hell Knight -> Sevore (?)
* Revenant -> Cereberog (?)
* Spectre -> Carbonizer
* Spider Mastermind -> Trepidon
As you can see, not all monsters were swapped. Supplice has 3 more monsters that were not mapped here, but with the exception of the "hostile turret" mob, i don't think they are useful at this moment. Two of them don't even appear on the game, i think. I'm also not sure about some changes (marked with a question mark).
(?) not really happy with the swap. It may change in the future Decorations Replacement
Barrels, Eyes, Pillars, Lights where swapped with Supplice equivalents Texture Replacements
Liquids, Door lights (1), gates (teleporters) where swapped with Supplice equivalents
(1) Supplice does not use all the same key/door light colors that the original doom. For instance, there is no yellow card key, but a green one. So, for the sake of clarity, i switched the door light colors when appropriate.
Combine it with other mods
=================================== Screenshots
=================================== https://postimg.cc/gallery/D4r6MBM
=================================== How to install
Just use it as any other mod.
1) Download supplice_infinity.pk3
2) Run gzdoom, making sure you include Supplice.ipk3 and supplice_infinity.pk3
Command line example:
gzdoom -iwad doom2 -file PATH\TO\SUPPLICE\Supplice.ipk3 PATH\TO\supplice_infinity.pk3 PATH\TO\YOUR\FAVOURITE.WAD
=================================== How to play Doom 1 episodes and Doom 1 wads
=================================== Final Notes
That is all. Please let me know of any bugs you find. I'm sure there are some. If you have any suggestions for better alternatives for monster swaps, feel free to suggest.
This mod was made with the released early access Supplice in mind, but should work fine with future versions, as long as the actor names remain the same.
I will also be keeping a look at new versions of the game to check the mod still works and maybe implement new content into the mod.
I posted this also on zdoom forum, but unfortunately, since I'm a new forum user, every time i update the post, it must be manually approved by a moderator. A process that could take a day. That is great to fight spam, but it's badly implemented because if you edit your post to fix a typo, you will have to wait hours for it to be approved. In the meanwhile, your post is completely erased, leaving only the comments. That can lead to the wrong conclusions. This is the main reason i'm posting this mod here, on DoomWorld in hope things work better here.
=================================== Changelog
=================================== Known issues
=================================== Disclaimer
It is in no way, shape or form my intention to cause any harm to Mekworx, Hyperstrange or the game future marketing plans by distributing this mod. My only goal is to provide
people that bought the early access version of the game (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1693280/Supplice/) and played the hell out of it, to have more Supplice on their lives by allowing them to play any doom wads with it.