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About Bertt91

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  1. Suspended in Dusk Category: 1 Survived Time: 56:03 I never heard or played this wad, but I loved the atmosphere, design and fights. I had a hard time on map 4 with low health, but when I got health, I calmed down and survived. Bauhaus Category: 1 Survived Time: 59:32 Like the previous wad, I had not played or seen it either, I loved the music, and the route of the maps too. In the last one I lost a lot of time looking for the exit. dwironman_bertt91_SiD.zip dwironman_bertt91_bahaus.zip
  2. Category 2 (played 4-5 years ago) Dead: MAP13 Kills: 87/602 Time: 45:08 Well, I finally finished taxes yesterday and was able to do this month's terrifying ironman. Death on map13, too overwhelmed and nervous with heights and especially with the secret that I discovered, a chaingunner killed me without knowing where he was located. I really liked how I made map 12, I had to flee from the hell knights with low ammo and no space. I remembered the first maps better, but after the skip, they were less familiar to me. Good luck to everyone, and well played this hard Ironman. dwironman_bertt91_DVII_1i.zip
  3. Cat 2 Death: MAP08 Kills:168/205 Time: 1:28:28 Well, this month I couldn't do a good race due to a lack of concentration. This month I loved Ironman. The duration, the constant search for secrets, the precise fights... I saw this wad a long time ago but remembered very little. The death (on map08) was because I was trapped fighting with the Archivile and an arachnotron hit me from behind, they caught me :( Congratulations to all the participants, especially those who completed!! bertt91_icar2015.zip
  4. Congratulations. I'm going to make a quick and simple summary: I had a lot of fun and the fights have been very acceptable challenges. Furthermore, it took me around 8-9 hours to complete it in UV-MAX, which was not an easy task. The architecture, the design, the traps, the atmosphere, seem outstanding to me. Any megawad fan should play this. My most sincere thanks for your work. 9/10 Mate.
  5. Awesome! I really liked ozonia and seeing that there is a second part makes me excited. Cheer up and a lot of strength for this great project!
  6. Category: 2 Survived MAP07 Kills: 88/97 Time: 30:34 The summary is that I have been able to survive thanks to the maps and secrets being "known", (which are very similar to those of the original doom2) I did not find the secret of the first map (I thought you had to jump to the mini platform). On the other maps I found secrets because they are similar to doom2 (like the jump to the right on map03). I remembered the wad but very little, so sometimes I felt lost. The strong fights were those on map 06 and the last one on map 07. I've had a lot of fun with this wad, good luck everyone! hommage25_bertt91.zip
  7. Thank you, it has motivated me to continue improving. MAP02 MAX 1:05.14 no202-105.zip
  8. I have really enjoyed this wad. MAP10 soundtrack is perfect, it motivated me a lot and surprised me a lot. I also liked having the pressure of having low health and fighting at the limit. The difficulty of the fights is not very high, but health is low and forces you to work hard. Every fan should play this wad yes or yes. Congratulations team, it is a magnificent job.
  9. Category: 1 Kills: 190/766 Time: 14:39 The run is not bad, I was quite nervous when opening doors and new areas appearing. I got a good scare with the appearance of the Baron of Hell haha. In the end I think I was too risky in the confrontation with the arch vile and died with my own explosion.Watching my replay, I should go calmer to be able to survive, this is not UV Speed and I always pay for it by not going far on these maps. dwrionman_cchest3_bertt91.zip
  10. Category: 1 Dead on: MAP06 Kills: 64/86 Total time: 33:14 Well, perhaps is the luckiest run I have ever had. Both for finding secrets and for remaining health in many encounters, I even almost died on map 1 haha. In my death I think I got too confident and my Ironman nemesis (revenant) owned me again. I hate REVENANT MAN. Happy Holidays to all and see you next year. dwironman_rwdyrudy_bertt91.zip
  11. Well, as I promised, I have played the entire wad and it has been an incredible experience. Episode 2 was the hardest for me, perhaps more because I got lost on the map, not because of the extreme difficulty. The spectacular maps force you to pay attention. In addition, you have to look for switches at almost all levels so that it is not all shots and shots. Thank you very much Chris for your contribution and congratulations on such a great wad. Recommended 100%.
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