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Everything posted by Croaker

  1. What's up with the resolution? looks too low even for crispy doom. But nice
  2. And how is it? I am currently playing Abyss, but I am close to finish, so starting looking for the next one
  3. Every time, I chainsaw a Pinkie, my brain makes happy juice

  4. Honestly, I also don't like what did it end. But to be fair, bad talks about gzdoom, were not what I expected, but kind of understandable. "I use crispy doom because I hate XYZ in GZdoom" can be an answer to my question. What I can't understand, is why people, related to gzdoom development came here and turned it into a full grown argument. But let's say, they just feel defensive about their work. It's something,I can relate to. I don't know what is soit, but I'm seriously intrigued. Also, nobody in the thread mentioned Helion before, so thank you for this hidden gem. I'll go read about it.
  5. To be fair, it also allows to create wads, impossible on any other port, so higher demands for hardware are understandable. But the attitude "buy a new PC to play our amazing port of 30 years old game, OR PERISH" is, indeed, the funniest thing I saw on this thread
  6. DSDA and PRBoom are pretty clear to me, but I am curious about Doom retro. The list of features looks pretty interesting, but what's with optimization? Is it on heavier side, like GZDoom?
  7. Problems of LGBTQ community have as strong connection to DOOM as National Corn Growers Association's problems. And, in the context, bother me as much as the latter. So yeah, I agree on that. That's a great reason, actually. If I want to see this "classic" game behaviour, but do not want to get radical and download DOSBOX/Chocolate Doom, what ports should I look at? As far as I understood, GZdoom is a base for many other active ports, so just picking a random one might not suit this purpose.
  8. By this question I do not imply some kind of GZDoom supremacy. There are numerous ports around the internet and since they're popular enough, they probably have their advantages. I am just interested, what are these advantages and why some people prefer other ports over GZDOOM. What I've already discovered: 1. Purism. Some people just want to play DOOM as it was intended back at the 90x (Although I do not fully understand this one. Doesn't GZDoom allow turning most of "modern" features off?) 2. Multiplayer. Some ports, designed specifically for multiplayer, have much better code and more active (by means of multiplayer) community. 3. Optimization. GZDoom is a relatively "heavy" port, so some owners of potato PCs prefer to use ZDoom or LZDoom for better performance. 4. Speedrunning. It requires demo recording and even minor differences in code or RNG can break them easily. Are there any other reasons, why one can decide to use a different port instead of GZdoom? Are there any reasons for an average casual player to look at other ports? EDIT: This thread made me look differently at source ports. Tried a lot of them these days, following recommendations of people and realized, gzdoom might be my least favorite port for vanilla gameplay (although I do not want to detract its contribution to modding community. We have a lot of great mods thanks to GZ). But this thread turned into a mess and it's getting progressively harder to find useful information in it, so I want to make a quick summary for people, who might have the same question, as I did. So, scraping all the information I've got here, I'd split doom source ports to a few different categories with different auditory in mind: 1. Chocolate doom and its forks (mainly crispy doom), feature gameplay as close to original, as possible, with improved code and some of quality of life changes. I'm not sure, who, except for people, feeling nostalgic, might play it as their main port. However, it indeed has its charm (and I think I'm going to return to it, from time to time) and has the best compatibility with vanilla wads. 2. "Slightly modified" doom source ports, like prboom and its forks. They're NOT a single family, having its roots in one project, I don't remember, which one comes from where and I don't care enough to remember. Their main difference are changes in source code, allowing to run wads, impossible in vanilla game due to hard coded limitations. Also, some of them feature more of quality of life changes, oftentimes additional features, like freelook or alternative renderer. However, they stay faithful to their origin (at least, to some extent) and have gameplay, very close to the original. Forks of this type, mentioned more often in this thread: - Woof! - DSDA - PRBoom+ 3. Heavily modified doom ports: GZDoom family, Zandronum, Eternity. I feel like most of newcomers, trying DOOM for the first time, come to one of these. These ports have the best modifications support and people create impressive things with those. Due to their nature as "feature heavy" ports, they might not be the best suited to vanilla gameplay. Physics, monster behavior, controls, RNG might feel different from the original. Optimization is going to suffer, often unnecessarily. 4. Some unique works: Some ports don't fall under any of these categories and have sets of features, noticable even for inexperienced users. Doom retro is one of these. Another one is Helion. There probably are more, but I'm not encyclopedia :D. I might miss on something or mistake some things, but I hope it can give general directions to people, who stuck with their first choice port and want to try more.
  9. Currently playing Sunlust, which I've got recommended by more experienced users (I know it's one of the most popular ones, but I'm just starting:D) Looks like extremely buffed vanilla doom 2 for me. Everything is technically the same, but so much more... Deliberate? It's hard to find an appropriate word. Also played some single map wads with Hearts of Demons: Baron mod. It just feels relaxing and satisfying, combining this one with Bolognese gore and beating some map on ultra violence. Of course, HoD protagonist is hilariously overpowered and raising difficulty doesn't make the game with him any more challenging, but higher difficulty = more monsters = my brain makes more happy juice
  10. I actually like new BFG more, than classic one and removing bullet time would make lives of console players much harder. The rest is completely understandable though
  11. It was funny to read, not gonna lie. I am a college student, so my Saturday was pretty busy with studies, but during (very limited) free time I was mostly messing with Doom settings and mods. I like to record my gameplay sessions and upload on youtube (it's not like I am a wannabe youtuber. It's just a way for me to document, what am I wasting my youth for) so I was looking for a way to minimize lag and still be able to see, what's happening on the screen. Also, this thread gave me a lot of information to process, so I am slowly crawling through the links and names given. How did you get a custom title, by the way?
  12. I myself found out about Doom community thanks to Myhouse. I rarely get hyped about something, but before this, I was not aware, how serious progress Doom modders had made since 1993. The gulf between Doom II and, for example, Total Chaos, is fascinating and makes me wish to know more about how did it come to this. I think resurrecting old drama isn't worth it. I doubt something positive awaits me there. But thank you I don't get it XD. Why would you ask Doom community, if you should install steam? And what exactly should I look at?
  13. I am not sure if I should answer to a reply, telling I am replying too much, but I'll remember that. I used to avoid forums, so I was not familiar with this.
  14. From OpenRift reply, I thought it was a classic "toxic community" case. But it sounds kinda... serious
  15. I guess I should have checked it more often... Completely missed anything but the first reply You mean, TNT Eviultion? I am not sure what you're talking about Thank you! I am going to look at these What even happened in there? You have made me really curious Thanks, I will read these ASAP. EDIT: oh, these were for ZDoom forum. I thought it was about Doomworld
  16. Hi everyone! I recently discovered classic Doom and it's huge modding community and got really caught by it. Right now I finished the original game, downloaded a few mods I like and it's going to be enough for a while, but I am interested, how big the active part of the community actually is? Are there any big names, worth checking out? Any modders, still active, or more or less full multiplayer servers? What forums/social media are the most active at the year 2023?
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