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About HumanBean

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  1. i just do bean 1 bean 2 bean 3 and sometimes i will change it up depending on what wad im playing
  2. Knee deep in the dead for sure (if we are counting sigil i would put it at close second)
  3. Wanna hear a joke about cliffhangers? Ok Knock Knock Whos there
  4. why did the doomguy start a bakery? to make killer pastries and to raise some dough
  5. How did the Archvile become a successful comedian? He had a fiery sense of humor that really lit up the stage
  6. thanks i will have a look at this
  7. nice! i wish i was able to do this kinda stuff but i have not the talent or patience
  8. I wanted to make this thread to share and find out some small details in DooM, eg: did you know that the idea of Doom was inspired by a Dnd campaign the devs were playing where the forces of hell invaded. that was one that a lot of people know but i am purely making this so people can share all the obscure facts about the game that they know So enjoy this forum and please share any obscure things about the game that you know!
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