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About Dan_kowalski

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  1. what do you mean? I actually think there is something special in how there is no monetization of this whole thing. reminds me of the early days of the internet when people just made things for the sake of it. Not to become famous or get money or thank our sponsor or build some brand and branch out. The innocence of this project was part of its charm. Fuck.. now that I think of that there is nothing on the internet to really hold me back. I mean yeah there are few niche forums and communties but as a whole this place just became too commercialized. every thing is googled/facebook/microsoft/apple. opening a browser makes me feel like Im getting into a skinner box.
  2. Made account for this. Haven't played doom since 2005, and basically stopped playing games around 2021 but after hearing about this thing I had to revisit. This was great experience. For real. Reminds me of Planescape torment, KOTOL, spec ops, earthbound. The stuff I used to love video games for and never expected ever to come across again. Thank you. This was amazing.
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