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About siliconn

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    dumb tanuki
    Green Marine

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  1. pondering the light that shines in front while wearing an interesting hat
  2. Very funny when you see "X Formerly known as Twitter" or "X/Twitter" on TV, but this isn't the first time he's tried to rename something "X" If i remember exactly, him trying to rebrand PayPal to "X" was basically what got him fired from paypal.
  3. Bonus (because it's not really media per-say, but i found it fitting for this): Hardheaded Harold's Horrendously Humorous Haunted Hideaway (or, HHHHHHH for short)
  4. Stupidly easy to get popular on there, just post a clip from the Venture Brothers and Boom. Instant 200k views & 200+ followers. other than that, a lot of the better content seems to be buried by all the mind-numbing garbage on the popular page.
  5. Always like to pick Left 4 Dead 2 up every once in a while and kill 30 mins on multiplayer.
  6. Microsoft Flight Simulator X, recently flew from Copenhagen to Miami in a Boeing 787-10
  7. Midnight Club Los Angeles, just bought an Eclipse
  8. Same game (Gran Turismo 4) but this time i created a 704hp Monster that eats Tsukuba for breakfast (0'57.365) ...the host body for the monster? a 1991 Lexus GS300, as bonkers as it sounds.
  9. This was the shit back in the day, i'm still mad they discontinued it like more than a decade ago.
  10. "I see dead people..." - Duke Nukem
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