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About Skullzrawk9

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    Professional Idiot

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  1. Cool map! Love the hellish theme and the combat design. As others have said, the map feels a little flat and could benefit from some verticality and moving parts, but otherwise good job!
  2. Im sorry you feel that way. I generally also feel sort of purposeless when school’s out. Even though I do work a job, it’s more or less a student position not meant to be a long term career, so it doesn’t really give me the same sense of purpose as school does. But when I’m not at work I’m usually just in my room playing video games or watching YouTube, finding it hard to be motivated to work on any long term projects or reach out to friends. I don’t have any advice or anything, I guess I’m just in a similar place, and I hope things get better for you.
  3. I work for my college campus store, and depending on what department you work it can either be great or kinda suck. When I worked in the textbooks department, I was actually friends with my coworkers and manager. The manager would set up various pizza parties for us in textbooks after work hours, and she paid for the pizza and stuff out of her own paycheck, so that never felt disingenuous. But when HR just leaves pizza in the break room, that does feel like a slap in the face. That money could be used for raises or something.
  4. image.png.d1f4b89f1abd73e198ec295e37ebb183.png

    Finally figured out how to make decent looking lighting.

  5. Hotline Miami by far, has my favorite sound design. Not only do the guns sound good, but melee combat has these sort of crunchy/juicy sounds that tie in with the visual game feel.
  6. Blood Temple Blood Temple is a single-level WAD for Doom 2 to be played with GZDoom or ZDoom. Descend into an ancient temple nestled deep within the jungle and discover a terrifying secret within! Information Filename: blood_temple.WAD Required Port: GZDoom or ZDoom Primary purpose: Singleplayer Author: Skullzrawk9 Description: An ancient, demon-infested temple Game: DOOM2 Map #: Map01 Freelook: Recommended Jumping: Optional Crouching: Optional Download Google Drive - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pix-dMS2JrItw0EFRkp8XYTqV6BITfen/view?usp=sharing IdGames - [I'll link it here once the map gets approved] Screenshots
  7. You know, I thought the same thing, but I very recently decided to download Ultimate Doom Builder on a whim to see what garbage I could come up with. To my surprise though, making quality maps is actually very easy. UDB has a lot of nice features like that make mapping feel more like playing with legos than filling out a spreadsheet. My first map, while far from the best was received well despite some mistakes (which are now obvious in hindsight). This video also inspired me to an extent: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c4-5d10dCyQ&pp=ygUJRG9vbSBtb2Rz
  8. Your wish has been granted: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-1EKIIM3ShI
  9. This song is absolutely life changing.
  10. Squirrel Stapler is a short, surreal horror game. It’s created by David Szymanski, who also made Dusk, Iron Lung, and Gloomwood. The game is based around quietly hunting squirrels in a forest and stapling them to your wife who may or may not be dead. Also, God is coming in 5 days. Cruelty Squad is an immersive sim that is also surreal and is known for its strange, psychedelic graphics and wonky controls. If you can get past its deliberate assault on the senses, strange control scheme, and poor balance, it’s a genuinely fun shooter, with a wide variety of character upgrades (some are useless jokes, others are powerful enough to break the game), off-the-walls story, and fully interactive stock market (which fluctuates based on actions you take throughout).
  11. My favorites are probably a toss-up between black ops 2 and world at war. But honestly, I really like Infinite Warfare mostly for zombies in spaceland. The amusement park theme is really cool and the various interactive rides and mini-games really add a lot to the map. IW’s campaign was okay, the multiplayer was awful, but the zombies mode is an underrated masterpiece, and I’m sad to see that that zombies storyline was never continued outside of IW.
  12. Thanks everyone for the feedback! Yeah, looking back I should’ve made the bridge to the blue key more obvious, like adding a switch or something, I’ll definitely be taking all of the feedback into consideration for my next map though.
  13. Solid feedback, but it looks like the map you played in your video is not the map I made. Sorry if there's any confusion, but here is the proper Techbase Terror download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DyLobtGSu9PiacaRdd4LC5xi5Xu1GJwD/view?usp=sharing
  14. Thanks for the catch! Added a google drive link
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