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About Trustanus

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    Red Marine

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  1. The problem with this idea is that we don’t know exactly how the levels are laid out entirely for each episode. Episode 1 for example, the first two maps are clearly right next to each other and both take place near and around Vine St/Hollywood Blvd, but Duke gets captured at the end of level 2 and is taken to a prison. It isn’t clear where exactly this prison is, and to make things more curious, when Duke escaped via the Submarine, we enter the next level (Toxic Dump) after Duke discovers the submarine has been boobytrapped. We don’t know how much time nor distance passed between Duke escaping the prison and reaching Toxic Dump. It likely wasn’t a very long amount of time, but we cannot be certain how long his journey was between levels to end up at the toxic dump level. Now, Toxic Dump leads to both Abyss and Launch Facility and each of these maps seem to be connected via the sewers that branch them together, so we can assume the last half of the episode all takes place near the San Andreas Fault. Episode 2 is a bit trickier. It takes place in multiple locations much like episode 1, but the distance between each level is likely far larger. Duke starts the episode in various distances along the orbit of Earth before landing on the Moon, which of course orbits the Earth as well. Episode 3 would likely be the easiest. This episode makes it clear throughout that the levels are all very close together in the same general area of LA. Episode 4 would be hard because it isn’t as clear as the previous episodes about level progression. The last few maps seem to connect but many of the maps just feel like randomly selected maps they cut from the retail game and shaped into a new addon episode. If you want to count Episode 5, it would be hard unless it was a world map, since Duke travels from one country to the next here. So basically, I feel it would be a bit too much effort for little gain to have a screen for each episode.
  2. It sounds more like ghastly gasp for air passing through holes that are usually covered by flesh and whatnot.
  3. I know that the DVD I have had a lot of behind the scenes stuff included on the disc, not sure if any of that is anything you’ve seen already. There was at least one documentary included that must’ve been from G4TV, but there was one other I remember that showed the cast using the blank firing guns and their instructor showed them that even though they’re blanks they can still be dangerous as he demonstrated firing at the face of a mannequin point-blank. The face was completely messed up and it made the point clear that you shouldn’t play around with blanks. There’s also a rumor that the Doom movie was planned to be made sometime in the 90s, apparently with Arnold Schwarzenegger and would’ve had demons using practical effects instead of CGI. I have heard this rumor since the 90s actually, but there’s two sides to this rumor. I’m fairly certain the movie was at least in planning stages with Arnold was planned to play the lead role, but what I cannot confirm to be true is the rumor of why it was cancelled. Allegedly it was cancelled after teenagers wounded themselves with a chainsaw. I have never seen this reported anywhere besides being mentioned online, so I am not sure if that is at all true. What is true is the movie was at least in planning stages in 1994, and from then onward the movie was changed and Id became less and less involved with the project. There’s some art for the demon effects online that I’ve seen before, mostly looking very faithful to the look of the demons from the games.
  4. While it wasn’t specifically made for westerns, it has been used in many westerns dating as far back as the early 1950s.
  5. Doom went with the pistol being the last resort weapon, Duke 3D the pistol is useful throughout the game. It’s mainly due to its rate of fire and having its own ammo. If the pistol and chaingun had their own ammo it probably would help more than changing their accuracy, and the pistol only needs to be so much faster really, maybe a bit like the SMG from Wolf 3D, to feel more useful.
  6. Doom 64 made you feel untalented but over time it helped you come to terms with your bisexuality?
  7. QuakeCon maybe something will be revealed. I feel like it may not be at all what many are expecting to hear though.
  8. WDC and ChaosEdit can be used to work with and extract OBC and C7 data. Use whichever feels more intuitive for you.
  9. I’m fine with either when they’re done well but even the more “realistic” games aren’t really all that realistic. A realistic game such as one set in a war would have guns that are far more fatal than most games make them out to be, be it a pistol, shotgun, rifle, or anything else really, but that makes for much harder gameplay and for less emphasis on needing to switch between weapons, but even that is more realistic in of itself. Most soldiers only use their issued long gun (typically a select-fire rifle), with pistols and knives rarely being used at all even for those that are issued them. The way ammo is collected and used would also have to be different, a bit more like the Rainbow Six games where you have X number of magazines to switch between or reload with, and not just infinite magazines and bullets. Stuff like that would most likely bore gamers and so even the most realistic of games have to take liberties to make the gameplay more engaging and fun.
  10. I’m not talking about visually I meant personality wise. There’s no way she’d be like that photo if she’s a hardened marine.
  11. Yeah.. no. I imagine more like an armored Ripley or better yet, more like Vasquez, than that.
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