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Rafael Farofa

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About Rafael Farofa

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  1. Well welll well, one more Brazilian around here. Nice to meet you.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DoomGappy


      Você vai refazer os dois? Haja força de vontade, amigo! Mas gostei. Depois dê uma olhada no nosso projeto, Amalgoom.


    3. Rafael Farofa

      Rafael Farofa

      nossa, que foda, deu até vontade de jogar aqui!

    4. DoomGappy


      Vou te mandar a ultima versão na DM.


  2. YOU WANT BLOOD!? nah, you want fun, a thing that must be in this project! well, imagine Doom 1 remade and reimagined, much bigger and challenging, being a megawad for Doom 2? so it is! I know that almost no one wants another wad that remakes classic Dooms, but I feel that this project is special, I'm trying hard to make the map look beautiful visually and have gameplay that when you complete a map, you have a feeling of achievement and joy, and that fun and challenge go hand in hand. for now there is no menu image, but there are two maps, both remake the first two maps from episode 1 of Ultimate Doom, but bigger and much more difficult, you better test it, I want to receive a lot of feedback, and if you want to participate in the project making maps together with me, my discord is this: rafaelfarofa_ Anyway, I hope you read it! marsbath.zip
  3. Oh yes, I understand, I changed to map 13 because I think it would be interesting to improve it.
  4. I read everything, saw the themes and I can do it, so I'll stick with map 10 and 13.
  5. hey buddy! can I join? I wanted to join the project, making maps 09, 10, and 29
  6. hey man, I'm a big fan of your work, both on wads and on youtube, would it be possible for you to make a maps of chaos of "the way id did it"?

  7. by the way, I'm also creating a remake, to be specific, of Doom 1 in the format of Doom 2
  8. I believe that soon this remake will be complete, it will be chilling, I REALLY love this project.
  9. and i'm doing this project to both reimagine the first doom in doom 2, and increase my knowledge in making maps and gaining experience
  10. not necessarily, I will work more on some maps, like redoing E2M6, E1M8, E3M7, E1M7 and E1M3, and yes, I'm not American, I'm Brazilian and I'm using google translator
  11. if any map maker who already has experience wants to participate in the project, leave it here in the comments.
  12. I'm creating a mega wad called "Mars Bloodbath", which has the purpose of doing a remake and reimagining of Doom 1 in Doom 2 with full vanilla compatibility with any source port or engine. I already did everything, except the texts between the levels and the maps themselves, there are only three complete ones (remake of E1M1, E2M1 and E3M1). I thought I could do it on my own, but it's been a little difficult, I want some map makers to do the rest of the levels, I give credit to everyone who does this, and it will also be more fun! remembering that this is my first Mega Wad, but not my first maps. Anyway, I hope you understand! Pictures so far:
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