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About ginoskewer

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  1. These past few days I've been having a blast coming up with ideas for a mod, and designed a helmet to go along with it. I attempted to mix elements from both the classic and modern designs, in addition to taking inspiration from the Shin Kamen Rider helmet, as well as insects in general. Here is my very simple drawing: In canon, the helmet would originally be from a (modified) bootleg action figure based off of Doomguy himself.
  2. these choices were made because i'm currently brainstorming an idea for a mod, with a shrunk-down doomguy versus zombified, fungus-covered insects/arachnids, so real life size as well as other aspects would most likely be exaggerated, and the species chose is simply a base to work off of and not 1:1. pseudoscorpions were chosen because of how, at least in my mind, the baron of hell relates to the cyberdemon as a similar-looking, less-threatening version of it, much like the pseudoscorpion and actual scorpions. and aside from the arachnotron and spider mastermind being, obviously, both spiders (though the latter is also a tarantula), and the demon and mancubus being both beetles (though at different life stages), i wanted there to be a bit of a variety species-wise.
  3. truth be told, there was another grasshopper that was more in line with the color scheme of the shotgun guy, Phymateus morbillosus, but since i'm envisioning an insect/arachnid based mod of doom, i wanted there to be variety in the palettes of the prospective enemies, and also felt that a red-colored grasshopper would look a bit too severe when taking in the roster as a whole. crickets and grasshoppers, to me, fit with the progression of the former human enemies difficulty-wise, with the weaker zombieman being the smaller cricket, and the comparatively stronger shotgun guy being the generally larger grasshopper.
  4. true true. i just used 'insect' because the majority of my picks aren't arachnids
  5. Imp: Red carpenter ant Demon: Giant stag beetle / Lucanus elaphus Cyberdemon: Emperor scorpion Zombieman: Sword-tail cricket / Trigonidium cicindeloides Shotgun guy: Large marsh grasshopper Chaingunner: Little Barrier giant wētā Cacodemon: Peacock butterfly Pain elemental: Cecropia moth Spider mastermind: Bornean neon blue leg tarantula Mancubus: Goliath beetle / Goliathus goliatus (larvae) Baron of Hell: Pseudoscorpion / Neobisium sylvaticum Arachnotron: Dancing white lady spider Lost soul: Fruit fly Arch-vile: Devil's flower mantis Revenant: Crowned stick insect
  6. That's a fun name. I've personally been mulling over "A Bug's Strife" but I don't know if it's catchy enough.
  7. Doom except instead of fighting demons in and out of hell, your targets are cordyceps-infected zombie bugs in a miniature world. The regular helmet our protagonist dons would take on an insectoid, Kamen Rider-esque appearance. The most brainpower I've yet invested in this concept is rough, unfinished sketches of the surrogate imp and demon enemies--ants and stag beetles, respectively. Other ideas for the insect stand-ins of classic doom monsters thus far: Cyberdemon (emperor scorpion), Spider Mastermind (tarantula), Cacodemon (butterfly), Pain Elemental (moth), Lost Soul (fly), Arachnotron (black widow spider), and Revenant (praying mantis). The former human enemies would all be orthopterans, with the Zombiemen being crickets, Shotgun guys being grasshoppers, and Chaingunners being wētāpunga. Additions: All ranged attacks would be variations of a harming spore dispersal. Ant-imps would have an animation of releasing a mushroom cloud-like spray (as depicted above), while the actual projectiles would be similar to the regular Doom fireball attacks. Tonally, the game would be a mix of horror and whimsy. There would be NPC bugs, such as a female wolf spider that crafted the player's suit out of silk. Armor upgrade items would also be spider-related. Because it's fun and I need the creative outlet, I've started to refine my sketches digitally:
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