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About BhopCyber

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  1. (Sorry for Bad english) This might look crazy but I had a dream about a doom mod that I played when I was around 9. I've tried to find it anywhere, no success... Not sure if I can call it a mod or a map! I remember lots of things but some of them may be wrong: - It's for modern ports (gzdoom, zandronum...) - When you start a new game, you spawn inside a house, that were flooded by water. - There were a lot of dialogue in your screen, you know, when you find a secret and it shows "A Secret is revealed!", it appears just like that but with dialogue. - The next map shows a flooded city, with cars, monsters. - Not sure if it's the same map but there was a map where you need to dive to advance to the next maps. - There was a map with some Marines, and with cutscenes (you talked with them, and they talked with you). After that, there were lots of monsters to fight with you and the marines. - Not sure if I'm wrong but there was also a map (i guess it's Episode 2) where you drive a car (cutscene) and you needed to fight some custom imps! I'm not sure if anyone here can help me, since this mod never got so popular but it would make me so happy!
  2. It can be very specific what I want, but I'm tired of playing the same levels as Doom 2. I wanted maps that involve glide, void glide or things like that. (and again, I'm not sure if this is the correct thread to comment on this, if not, let me know ASAP and I can delete this thread, srry for bad english btw)
  3. Thanks for solving my problem! And discard what I said about FPS. Well, now that you mentioned about the demos, i'm thinking more now, maybe i've set it up wrong thus making DSDA-Doom more difficult? I don't know, but it helped a lot!
  4. Ok, so... It's my first time creating an account here, i just created to talk about this (I'm sorry if there are typos, I'm Brazilian, i don't even know if that's the correct topic here) (Also please note that i'm new to speedrunning) First off, I don't know if Chocolate Doom is allowed in speedruns, but I've been told yes, so I can assume it's allowed. I was speedrunning The Ultimate Doom using DSDA-Doom, but i decided to switch to chocolate doom. And after playing in E2M6 and doing the void glide glitch, I realized that it's much easier to do this in Chocolate Doom, I'm not kidding. In DSDA-Doom it takes me about 40 seconds (even worse) to do the void glide glitch, in Chocolate Doom it takes me about 20 seconds. Here's what I'm trying to say: That's not the only suspicion I have. On the Nuts.wad map, I was trying to do the All-Ghosts glitch. (better explanation on decino's channel: In Chocolate Doom it's much easier, and in DSDA-Doom I can't even do it. Maybe it's something with the complevel? I really don't know. That's basically it, my suspicion is that since the game is old, it is not made to play with high fps, and chocolate doom has a cap of 35 fps. (For those of you who don't know, high fps can mess up the game, especially older games. See for yourself a gta san andreas gameplay with 1000fps.) but i could be wrong, i just want an answer to this all. Edit: I also tried Crispy Doom, it's much easier too.
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