Ok, so... It's my first time creating an account here, i just created to talk about this (I'm sorry if there are typos, I'm Brazilian, i don't even know if that's the correct topic here)
(Also please note that i'm new to speedrunning)
First off, I don't know if Chocolate Doom is allowed in speedruns, but I've been told yes, so I can assume it's allowed.
I was speedrunning The Ultimate Doom using DSDA-Doom, but i decided to switch to chocolate doom. And after playing in E2M6 and doing the void glide glitch, I realized that it's much easier to do this in Chocolate Doom, I'm not kidding.
In DSDA-Doom it takes me about 40 seconds (even worse) to do the void glide glitch, in Chocolate Doom it takes me about 20 seconds.
Here's what I'm trying to say:
That's not the only suspicion I have. On the Nuts.wad map, I was trying to do the All-Ghosts glitch. (better explanation on decino's channel:
In Chocolate Doom it's much easier, and in DSDA-Doom I can't even do it. Maybe it's something with the complevel? I really don't know.
That's basically it, my suspicion is that since the game is old, it is not made to play with high fps, and chocolate doom has a cap of 35 fps. (For those of you who don't know, high fps can mess up the game, especially older games. See for yourself a gta san andreas gameplay with 1000fps.)
but i could be wrong, i just want an answer to this all.
Edit: I also tried Crispy Doom, it's much easier too.