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About GrayFace

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  1. YouTubers I forgot: IcarusLIVES, Mutant Mods - both review Doom mods, Icarus also streams.
  2. Sergeant Mark IV best known for Brutal Doom, but also a talented mapper, his Extermination Day megawad is really awesome. (upd: now I've also played VietDoom and it's not great - gets interesting over time, but you'd die a lot to things you can't see and save-load abuse is a must) Vostyok because Ashes series is incredible. Darch, because Pirate Doom is amazing. (Preacher also won Cacowards, but I haven't played it) YouTubers Karl Jobst, the only one I'm aware of who makes speedrun history videos on Doom.
  3. Just make sure secrets are either marked by time codes or chapters or secret counter is always on the screen. That's what I'm looking for when searching for gameplay of maps. As for mouse look, I guess you might get a few people being annoying in comments from time to time because of it, but that's about it.
  4. It changes things enough to often break author's intentions for engagements in cases where such specific intentions exist. Such highly-specific engagements seem really rare, but I'm sure I also don't notice many of them by playing with PB. Sometimes this has the opposite effect of creating new more difficult puzzle-like situations. E.g. in MAP09 of Plutonia you're supposed to kill a room of enemies by using invincibility, but in PB the way to solve the map is by killing them without it by hiding in a cubby where the secret is, because that sphere is pretty necessary for an engagement towards the end due to PB hell knights jumping down. These things come with the territory of changing the game so much. They make all smaller engagements better: E.g. instead of boringly filling a lone Baron of Hell with bullets, you either dispatch him quickly, or he becomes a real problem by spawning as Belphegor. That's added depth coming from mod mechanics, while some part of the depth coming from author's intention is inevitably lost or transformed. I definitely don't care about what difficulty is selected in the menu by default.
  5. Yes, especially the fact that you start with a rifle (BD) or an auto-sniper (PB) flattens power progression. Activity of engagements are a mixed bag. On one hand, they have incentives to make you more active, like fatalities with berserker pack restoring some health, advanced melee and movement capabilities, or enemies throwing grenades. PB also turns hitscan attacks into very fast projectiles, which helps you be more active, however the fact other enemy projectiles are more varied in speed in PB makes dodging them less feasible and using cover more desirable. What do you mean by "sandboxy"? This is obviously not true. It's not surface level stuff that makes BD/PB good, the depths stays similar, just different.
  6. It's surprising to me that BD/PB get boring for many people. I guess they just get too easy if played without fast monsters, because they increase your damage output so substantially. More dangerous monsters make traps and ambushes more dangerous, but don't affect the rest of clearing out of enemies that much. Fast monsters do fix that. As an ex-BD, now PB 2.03 enthusiast, I play all vanilla-friendly mapsets with it for 3 main reasons: - Lower time to kill, both for you and your enemies. - Great feedback for shooting, hitting enemies and getting hit. - Headshots making aim matter more. Vanilla Doom mechanics formula is "fast movement, slow shooting" and to me it feels like a decision dictated by its input method, as it was made playable with keyboard only. That's kinda how BD presents itself. "The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines" (c) its ModDB page.
  7. Doesn't work in GZDoom with nrftl.wad+doom2.wad. Game just plays vanilla Doom music. [edit] Oh, looks like it requires newer version of ZDoom for MAPINFO (latest released version has bugged quick saves, so I'm using an old one I have from back in the day). Also, is there a preferred midi device to be used with it?
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