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About psycheduck

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  1. No so sure what this means, but that reminds me, due to some technical difficulties with my Mediafire account, all download links from now on will lead to Mega.
  2. I'm sorry I couldn't reply sooner, but thank you sincerely, this is exactly what I needed.
  3. Help would be appreciated because not having the assistance I need is preventing me from finishing my WAD.
  4. Ok, so I need two things now, how would I change the ending text using ZMAPINFO in Slade (for GZDoom), AND how would I use Ultimate Doom Builder (or slade) to make the end of my level lead to the end of the game, but not the list of the enemies, the ending text block. How would I make it so that the end of my level leads to said text, but also how would I change said text using ZMAPINFO?
  5. I used WhackEd4 to change the text, then put the Dehacked file into Slade, I didn't know how to use MAPINFO to do this, so I just followed a tutorial. I want it to work in GZDoom. All the other changes I made in WhackEd4 carried over, so I'd assume this one did, I just can't get the end text screen to happen.
  6. Say I want the end of my level to lead to the text block seen at the end of Doom II, of course with the custom text that I already have in place. How would I go about doing that? I have the end of my level set to end the game, but after the stats screen it just has the list of the enemies instead of the text. A while ago, in an older version of my WAD, this worked just fine but with an earlier level. Now it does not work, my friend suggested that it has something to do with clusters, but I also don't know how to make a cluster.
  7. NEW UPDATE: TAKE BACK MARS V1.2 Includes: NEW Map01 Handful of bug fixes Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ji6j5hz4eozvwvp/Take_Back_Mars_V1.2.wad/file
  8. HOTFIX: Added back in one missing door track texture Invulnerability sphere in final room not in some difficulties fixed New download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lpitoo0z7j5fus9/Take_Back_Mars+V1.1.wad/file
  9. And now: the hardly awaited update to the decently rated Take Back Mars... TBM, V1.1! Now featuring: 2 new secrets, 1 new room, new room architecture, slightly more enemies, much more ammo, a few more health pickups, more armor, more moving parts, and (probably) MORE! Download link (DEAD, HOTFIX LINK BELOW): https://www.mediafire.com/file/jt9qx6r0tcstafk/Take_Back_Mars+V1.1.wad/file Have fun, always open to criticism, and I'm not sure if Ultra Nightmare is/has ever been possible. If it is, I'd love to see a run! Edit: there has been a mistake, that was NOT the most recent version, that error has now been rectified.
  10. If I were to post an update where would I post it? Would I add on to this thread (I'd assume so) or make a new post?
  11. I'm currently hard at work on an update to the original, and will probably also make a full remake/sequel of sorts afterward.
  12. I'll probably release a 1.1 version or something including a couple fixes to the existing map, and another update later to revamp it entirely, in case some people prefer the old version.
  13. I'll do my best on the height stuff, and try to fix the rooms in the future. And, I knew it was easy to run past the last fight, but not that easy lol Thanks, and I'll definitely try to improve on those things next time!
  14. Thank you! I'll keep the squareness and the ammo issue in mind on my next map!
  15. My very own (and my first) single-map WAD, complete with custom difficulty levels, multiplayer differences, and 6 secrets. VERY short, but incredibly challenging on the later difficulties. This map was made for Doom 2, and it was made in the UDMF format to add an extra difficulty. EDIT: MAP REPLACES MAP 01 AND MAP02 - MAP03 IS CURRENTLY A WIP! IWAD: DOOM2 Difficulties: Wanna Call Your Mommy?; We'll Go Easy on You...; The Average Joe; I Wouldn't Recommend It.; Doom God; Ultra Nightmare; Jumping is required and so is crouching. Compatibility is GZDoom only It does have multiplayer. Use hardware renderer or some visuals may be a little bugged I tested this WAD using: No extra add-ons, Vanilla Essence, Led's Generic Weapon Mod. (I tested with each of these individually and with Vanilla Essence and Led's Generic Weapon Mod at the same time, and no big issues cropped up. I presume you can use almost any weapon or item-altering WAD as long as it doesn't change too much. Vanilla Essence is heavily recommended for the visual side of things because I playtested most of the development using it. I play DOOM frequently, but this is my first map, and I hope you enjoy it. Below are screenshots that you can avoid if you wish to go in blind. Please notify me of any bugs or criticisms you may have involving this map. Download Link (V1.0): https://www.mediafire.com/file/k0sbqkcxu5olj51/Take_Back_Mars.wad/file Download Link (V1.1): https://www.mediafire.com/file/lpitoo0z7j5fus9/Take_Back_Mars+V1.1.wad/file Download Link (V1.2): https://www.mediafire.com/file/ji6j5hz4eozvwvp/Take_Back_Mars_V1.2.wad/file ~~ SCREENSHOTS BELOW ~~ Screenshots were taken in this WADs equivalent of Ultra-Violence, I Wouldn't Recommend It.
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