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About Skemech

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    He who Skem's
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  1. ignore the fact that i'm drunk as fuck... That's a pretty good idea my man. Of course, for the specific wad I'm working on (very ddlc style) , It would in fact rely on the player not looking into their saved files. but i think it would be dope as fuck if i take whatever the default text in the top left corner of the screen, like "Your game has autosaved". and changed it into "You don't deserve an auotsave". creepy ya know?
  2. Some guy made a tribute map of his dead friend, and recreated his house
  3. Is there any way to add a custom menu screen then? I'm no stranger to using Strife Dialog in acs if it's anything similar. If so I could add a "Save your game!", then later just delete those in wad "saves"
  4. I'm only trying to build atmosphere. Much like in ddlc, when act II begins, you think "wow that was un-nerving, but what if I go back and chang-", and your saves are gone. sends a chill down my spine every time. I just wanna recreate that very specific emotion, but in GZDoom
  5. Mother fucker dude, your help is immeasurable. Thank you!!!!!!
  6. That one part of MyHouse where when you die, you end up in a hospital... How exactly do you activate a script via player death?
  7. Cause it would be cool as hell to have like a switch on a wall, you press it. Alakazam, techno wizardry whatever the fuck, now a portal has opened up. 156 lineportal. I hope they add this as a feature in the future
  8. Is it possible to change a linedef's ID tag via ACS script? (In UDMF)
  9. Is there a way to make a poly obj swing/slide/ect. and crush the player? Much like a sector moving up or down crushing the player?
  10. "12am... the first night... If I didn't wanna stay the first night why would I stay anymore than five?? or why would I stay any more than two, hello?"
  11. agreed, though it was actually sectorsetportals (or "action: 57"). And thanx bro
  12. Rooms on top of rooms... A doom engine sin
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