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About Winnkar

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  1. Where new projects, Winnkar? Well, I'm working on some new WADs, making music... But, this is not all. Bloody HELL V2 publish in 02.04.2024

  2. Hi you All! How your things? Well, I want show you FIRST BETA BLOODY HELL.


    See Here: 


  3. Hi for All! I want share you my two levels PWAD - Bloody Hell. About: You wake up in the HELL! Escape, and kill, Evil Demons! My first COOL WAD I made. Well, this will be HARD and NOT EASY. Take your SSG, and immerse yourself in the world of nightmares right now! IWAD: doom2.wad Complevel: Boom Number of Levels: 2 maps Port: dsda-doom, ZDoom, GZDoom Dowload: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xoj8ropwuu9ddrb/BH_Winnkar_v1.zip/file
  4. Hi for All! Well, I'm have other many problems, and, time on Bloody HELL wasn't enough time. But, if you don't thinking about "Me bad man", I publish First BETA Bloody HELL.


    Dowload: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xoj8ropwuu9ddrb/BH_Winnkar_v1.zip/file

  5. Hi for All! So, I have a bad news. Bloody HELL will be relised in 27.12.2023. Why? Well, I have more other things to do, and I don't have time for a Bloody HELL. Sorry and thanks for  attention!


  6. Cool! I created some maps for this project. Awesome, people make so beatiful WAD's, for some hours. Well, my impressions, big and good project. What's cool part? Freedom! UDMF, BOOM, without a difference! I can't wait part 3, where people will surprise everyone with new things!
  7. Hello Guys! So, I making Bloody HELL, and, I'm publish this in 22.12.2023! 


  8. Something terrible is coming...




  9. Wow! What's it? Heh, it's Bloody HELL. In fact, it remains to do some more mechanisms and make a balance... Screenshot_Doom_20231101_161916.png.8a3ec2d580d87f38647ebcf64ef15033.pngScreenshot_Doom_20231101_162015.png.9ae0b29ecd56b5803fac16a84a1d7049.pngScreenshot_Doom_20231101_161927.png.ab0b03cb7da3342371a5a445ffdd805b.png

  10. Hello everybody! I'm preparing a "Bloody HELL" WAD, for all of you. I recently participated in the community project "Russian Random Speedmap Pack #1", and now I can do my own wad :)





  11. Cool! I was glad to participate in this project! This is my first speedmap wad and my first participation in a community project!
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