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About randomsounds01

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  1. Definitely, since the only versions I have are 2308 and 2407.
  2. Hey, saw this and though it would be fun to test. Could you DM me it?
  3. Vines, Doors, Steps, and 90 more textures to use! Oh, and guess what? 50 flats! (Now we have 300 extra textures) https://mega.nz/file/tGliwDAC#E7gpqMh5fazV7aoBV0iYvSkfM_rneJum9POA6sLdj5U cause the zip file is too large Flats: (Probably not all seamless, but most should be)
  4. You should just update the original post instead of creating a new one.
  5. I think they're called 'Self-referencing sectors', although I just got that name from a tutorial showing how to make 3-D floors with them.
  6. Yeah, if you right click on the linedefs they will have a ‘Sector index’ and you just change the back side ones to be the same as the front side.
  7. entryway.zip This is an edit of Entryway inspired by Dario Casali's Punisher 2 along with most levels in CASALI.zip. I feel like its style matches Plutonia MAP32 (Go 2 It) in a way. Tested on complevel 9 with dsda-doom although I think it might be possible complevel 2. Got no running title for this, so if any of you have any suggestions, please put them in the replies. Screenshots: Have fun!
  8. Okay, so I might have overestimated how long these maps will take. So far, there are only 3 unsubmitted boxes, as @Halfblind has notified me. (In PMs) So it is definitely coming out a lot sooner than I thought. I've got all the textures, and that secret 81-82 idea might be a good idea!
  9. So after seeing maps like Wood5Flat5, I decided to make my own with RROCK12 as the flat and BSTONE3 as the texture. I also included the F_SKY flat and SW1BROWN for a switch texture. Made for Boom format, tested using DSDA-Doom on complevel 9 for Doom II. There is also a start of a MAP02, using BRICK7 and FLAT1_1. one texture one flat.zip (Feedback appreciated) Screenshots:
  10. Anyone have version 21813? I've searched everywhere and can only find references to it. Also, anyone have the sources for the MAK 512-1024 textures used in Map20?
  11. Just realized I am still in this, but I've got no ideas. Don't think I'll be able to finish a map for this. Good luck!
  12. I feel like I could do this. Put me down for MAP05: Ancient Castle. Edit: Here's some screenshots of my ideas.
  13. Oh, and since not all maps are submitted yet, but all slots are filled, I'm gonna change the deadline all the way to March 2024 just in case. (I'll stop extending the deadline once we have all submissions.)
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