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About The_Gennie

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    Palmadita Aria!!!

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  1. It is one thing to be civilized and another to know that the things on which they are going to be based are so different between the tastes that exist in Doomworld, I mean, the OP is surely a child of 11 to 13 years old who came to Doomworld alone to ask if there was a mod instead of searching for it and not finding it, then I'll ask here, (I don't like Digital Circus at all anyway) so honestly. Maybe this will change if someone is seen making a Digital Circus mod (like what happens with The Simpsons or Batman). But I doubt that, because those who like that and want to make a doom mod that is much more complex are very different.
  2. I loved having contributed a map to this mini pack of Dm Maps. It was a pleasure to have been there!
  3. Interesting post bro, just talking about habitat we were making a wad Duel based on Habitat
  4. @A smart puppet Waoz, es medio raro ver otro Venezolano por aqui, un gusto ver que haya otro :P (Venezuela xd)
  5. Ugh, this project has been the bomb in my opinion, grateful for having participated in this with map 02, happy that it has been launched, All the maps are tremendous in their own way, being: Ingenious, beautiful, fun and all Unique. Also in this Great Project mappers debut as in the first community project, Como Pancrasio, being only their second map made, has a Very good detail, combat and concept, and I am the first CP that has come out and that I have dedicated the Map02, A beautiful project. (I wonder if anyone has already found the secret of the switch at the beginning?) And sorry for commenting late xd
  6. Muchas Gracias Pancrasio, Deseguro que si se pondrian a hacer demos, Los gringos si que tienen suficiente tiempo libre, Deseguro que tambien haran demos de "El futuro llego hace rato" :O
  7. A little map that started with a midi of a GTA San Andreas song, it's short and won't take long to finish. Feel free to say what you think of it :o Also, excuse me if there is a text in Spanish Inside the wad xd PS: I did this at the beginning of January and I didn't publish it xd Format: Boom Iwad: Doom 2 Map01 Umapinfo and Zmapinfo Tested on: Pr boom plus, Dsda Doom And zdoom sexy screenshots: Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iabp0qoyv7s43g9/You+Dropped+a+Bomb+on+me!!!.wad/file Special Thanks to: @Denzel20 for testing it @DevilMyEyes for helping me with Umapinfo Greetings to Hell!!!
  8. I sincerely think that someone who has started mapping and is already setting goals that they don't even know how to get to is a very bad idea to start with, as the others said, start little by little, trial and error, keep practicing, learn from your experiences. mistakes, watch tutorials, learn things, play wads to get inspired, and so on, I honestly don't call myself a good mapper, I mean, my maps don't make a visual mess, and I've improved A LOT since the last time I published a map on Doomworld ( I have yet to post some) so don't feel bad, if I say that when you start your maps are going to be shit, the first map is always like that, so keep improving, take criticism and things like that. And please, don't set goals that you don't even know how to achieve or when you know you don't have enough talent. that :3
  9. Anathema 2 Trailer - Episode 1 | not official Something I did :3
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