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Desperately girly

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About Desperately girly

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    Erm, its called doom not woomb
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  1. I needa know, how much effort is really getting put into this gimmick? What does your (internet) life look like outside of Doom? How many plushies are there in your room? What's on your playlist, does girliness mean listening to boring chart music too? Dabble in nail-painting, maybe?


    I don't mean to confront or offend, I am just intensely curious. The whole persona doesn't start and end with a Doomworld account does it? Which already seems like a massive juxtaposition as it is, but there's no reason you can't enjoy and try to combine two different hobbies which might be slightly at odds. How much is there that we're not seeing?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Desperately girly

      Desperately girly

      the sims and animal crossing are occasional interests of mine, as for my plushes they're just sorta cute lil guys.

      I suppose your guess of what I define as femininity is at least partially correct, but beyond what you said I'm not exactly sure.

      My identity is basically... have you ever been to that store where the gimmick is that it's girly and the front is filled with tons of glitter and pink and then there's a section in the back that's supposed to be "for your brother" that looks like a hot topic?

      that's my identity in a nutshell.

    3. houston


      RC truck toys (pink) stored in the corner, hell yeah

      Will be interesting to see how you girlify your other hobbies I guess. Planning on posting more about non-Doom stuff on this forum, or I guess will that be in other corners of the internet?

    4. Desperately girly

      Desperately girly

      Not sure tbh, I really hope so!

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