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About DankMetal

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  1. Yeah, but i hope someone finds something that they like for their map anyways. Maybe a good soul can make mashups for this project? I would offer myself as a volunteer if it wasn't for the fact that my brain is expert at procrastinating.
  2. There's also the Amalgoom ost, both the A and B sides for people to use however they want. I made a handful of songs for it, and there's a lot of talent in there too, so i recommend checking that out.
  3. You know what? Screw it, i'm gonna join >:3333 Selection 1: E4M4 from Ultimate Doom Selection 2: Map 14: The Inmost Dens from Doom 2 Map slot: 14
  4. HELL YEAH, LET'S GO FOR ANOTHER ONE!!!1!1111! Question, do console exclusive maps count? There's a lot of potential in some maps from PSX and Jaguar, or someone who's crazy enough could make a Sewers + Betray map. If they're not allowed, that's fine. I will keep an eye on this project, i may or may not pick a slot in the future.
  5. More proof that liminal spaces inside doom is a cool concept.
  6. Hell yeah, i'm in for this (if it ever gets made)
  7. Doom 64 For Doom 2 already have them, but they shoot cacodemon fireballs. There's also a "Nightmare Cacodemon" which also uses the fuzz effect, shoots three fireballs and doesn't get easily stunlocked like its counterpart.
  8. Here's the newest version of my map. Not a lot to say outside of what Violent Beetle told me to fix... aside from a little surprise for multiplayer: I hope this is the definitive version. Download link
  9. Oh, i actually wanted to upload it as a standalone map, but i will try to make it as fast as i can!
  10. Cool to see this project finally being released! It's sad that i couldn't finish my map in time, maybe next time i will not suffer of a severe case of burnout (if there's ever a next time) Also, i played map 8, which was started by me and later finished by @JackDBS, and i think it's a good level. However, it doesn't follow what i was going for, which is good! But now that i have motivation to mapping, can i make my own version of it?
  11. Almost in time, hehehe Here's Downtown, sorry if i didn't show anything until now, my job has consumed a lot of my time. It has 3 exits. Download link and some screenies:
  12. I've been playing The Binding of Isaac since i was 11, when afterbirth was launched. If i count all the hours i've spent on every DLC, it could be easily 2000+ hours of play time. It's a shame that i've only experienced this game pirated, because it's genuinely cool. If i had to talk about a game i actually own in steam, then it's TF2, with nearly 1000 hours of play time.
  13. The funny pizzapasta man surely is an artist huh.
  14. Alright, sorry for taking so long Here's the extended version of Spinal Cord Waltz. Now it's 4 minutes long, which i still think it's not enough for map 3... But at least it loops, yay. Spinal Cord Waltz Extended And now i will take a moment to share some nerdy facts about the song. I hope y'all like it!
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