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Everything posted by Plerb

  1. My Doom Bible sketch map is done! This one is on the shorter side if you know where you're going (it only uses 2 keys), but it may be the most difficult one I've submitted so far, at least on UV. As usual @Melodic Spaceship helped test it. It uses the E3M3 music from DTWID. dbible_plerb.zip
  2. Yeah I noticed that section worked as well, better than nothing I suppose.
  3. Test map for the very early stages of a 90s CGI themed vanilla total conversion I'm making. I made all the textures and things myself using a 1998 version of 3DS Max (and edited with GIMP). I also made a custom palette. The pistol from Equinox is a placeholder that I threw in there because it fits, and the sky is from UAC_DEAD.
  4. People's profile pages haven't been showing any activity the past couple days either, other than avatar changes.
  5. Christmas hasn't felt very special to me since I was like 10. Other than the presents and christmas lights etc, it feels like any other day.
  6. Yesterday I came up with a way to do diagonal lighting/shadows that simply uses a special midtexture, and a few very thin sectors for flat bleeding purposes, instead of 5000 tiny sectors. Here's the proof of concept WAD: litslope.zip
  7. It's interesting how songs derived from Mars, the Bringer of War are a common theme throughout id Software games that Bobby Prince scored. Commander Keen 5's last level straight up uses that song, and both The Ultimate Challenge from Wolfenstein 3D (which was also in Doom 2) and Getting Too Tense are derived from it.
  8. I almost always complete a map as soon as I reach the exit. It's cool if I happen to get an 100% or two, but it's never something I shoot for.
  9. It's been almost 2 weeks since I claimed my maps, so I'll share their current status. I've been chipping away at my Doom Bible sketch + COMM6 + id Software floor plan map almost every day. The rough layout has been done for a while, and I'm just polishing it at this point. It should hopefully be done before the end of the year. The Alpha E2M2 map is on the back burner until I finish my other one, but I did do some work on it as well. There might be a mix of materials in the former crate maze, but I've mostly replaced them with vine-covered walls for now.
  10. TNT: Evilution is worth playing for the truck in MAP19 alone.
  11. Considering how obscure that WAD is (I hadn't even heard of it until now), especially since it was apparently never even released, I highly doubt anyone will confuse the two. This project gets its name from Real Mode, a CPU operating mode which is limited to 640k of RAM and is what anything designed to run on an 8088 runs in.
  12. E2>E1>E3>E4. I like all of them though. I enjoy every map in E2. I even like E2M3 and tolerate E2M9. Tom Hall is my favorite id Software mapper, and the maps Sandy did on his own here are his better ones. E1 is also great all the way through, but it's not as memorable as E2 for me. E1M7 is my favorite E1 map. E3 is good, but half the maps are seriously flawed. E3M1 and E3M2 are some of the most nostalgic maps in the game for me, as they're the only ones that I vividly remember seeing as a toddler, and they aren't horrible maps either. E3M3 is my favorite map of the episode, I like it's mix of techbase and hell themes. E3M4 is great, up to the horrendous skull switch "puzzle". E3M5's teleporter mess is annoying and the rest of the map isn't particularly interesting. E3M6 is cool but it's extremely confusing the first time you play it. E3M7 is the worst map in the game, I've only ever beaten it once. Every time I try to replay it, I give up after a few minutes. E3M8 isn't horrendous but it's probably the weakest boss map in the game. E3M9 is a fun secret map. E4... it's fine, but nothing about it really stands out to me. I've barely replayed it.
  13. I played Demonstar as a kid! It was on an eGames compilation CD (Raptor was as well). It was a cool game.
  14. Ohhh, I was under the impression your map was a Deimos map. Sorry for the misunderstanding! Maybe it could be E2's secret map, as it'd be quite different from the rest of the episode.
  15. In this project, Episode 2 is Hell and Episode 3 is Deimos, as it was for much of Doom's development. It's fine to keep making it in an E2 slot though as it'll easily be changed later.
  16. Cacodemon187 and nicolas monti's map was already declared to be the Deimos episode's secret exit map.
  17. I've decided to just drop out of this, there's just no chance I'll get my map finished before even the extended deadline. Like I said before, though, it'll get released in one form or another eventually.
  18. Suggestion for the initial post: It should list what the current music tracks are for each map and which ones still need a track. I think Observatory can use my un36 cover.
  19. I was personally thinking un39 should be the intermission music, as John Romero himself said it'd be a cool intermission screen (and I do too). I feel like that works better than my un36 cover.
  20. I've done...almost no work on this since my last post in this thread. I did a bit of work yesterday but it's still very far from being completed, and there's only 4 days left until the deadline. How late are extensions allowed to go? I can't guarantee I'll finish it even with an extension, though. Even if I don't end up finishing it in time, I'll eventually finish it and publish it seperately from this project.
  21. I made another song! A very spooky track based off of un13. I did the conversion from .it to .mid myself this time. Again I don't have a name for it (yet). un13 cover.zip @YeOldeFellerNoob, are you still planning to make music for this? Also @Faceman2000 I played your Hangar 02 map a few days ago and I thought it was really good! Your usage of alpha textures is really impressive.
  22. I finished my un36 cover, but because converting .it to .mid can be such a fucking pain in the ass sometimes, I don't have a MIDI ready yet. Hopefully I will by tomorrow. I really need to look into MIDI trackers at some point. EDIT: Okay, we got the errors ironed out sooner than I expected. Here it is. As with my last music contribution, @Melodic Spaceship helped with the conversion from .it to .mid. I don't have a name for it this time. un36 cover.zip It's entirely possible you searched for un36, but un31 also came up, because search engines tend to also show results that are very similar but not exactly the same as what you typed.
  23. That's interesting. I wonder if it could be used in this project. (The one I just talked about was un36, not un31, however I did happen to start a cover of un31 a few months ago. I didn't get very far with it though)
  24. I'm also open to making the Containment Area map Hell-based, but I wasn't sure if crates make sense in hell. But now that I think of it, I could scrap the crate concept completely and make it a maze of hellgrowth instead or something. Any thoughts? (And yes, I'm going to use 0.3 as the base, however I will incorporate some lost concepts from later versions, such as the position of the exit in 0.5.) Also I started working on a cover of un36.mid that should be MUCH less annoying than the original.
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