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About Ralseiwithagun

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  1. Probably Susie or Noelle from Deltarune, not a weird thing where I would smash either of them I just like them as characters
  2. I would like to say that Deltarune is a non-rpg disguised as an RPG, the whole theme of the game is “your choices don’t matter” and while it does deviate from that a bit (ex: chapter 2’s snowgrave route) it still doesn’t affect the major plot points of the game And Deltarune feels more like a regula RPG than a Jrpg not trying to start a riot just saying
  3. Why the fuck does everybody hate it??? It’s better than X7 or X8
  4. Ok 1. I know this is a map not a game 2. I know this thread is dead but anyways Tranzit from bo2 zombies, I mean the denizens are annoying as fuck and the jet gun is the worst wonder weapon ever but apart from that I never thought anything to be too annoying, if the bus left on me I’d just camp and wait for it to come back, and fog, although being annoying, makes sense because it’s a HUGE map trying to run on an Xbox 360/Ps3/Pc from 2012, and it makes sense lorewise (look up “bo1 moon Easter egg”)
  5. Hello, regarding the banned react thread—I made a status version on my profile. It’s not going to go anywhere, but I thought it would be a nice gesture to make people feel better. I only sent this message to the two people on that one other thread discussing its removal. 



  6. Call of duty zombies, especially during the moon Easter egg because you would have to find a way to survive 3 missiles striking the earth, the most bullshit bus route known to man (Tranzit) and the most unsafe skyscraper ever built (Die Rise), not to mention the endless hordes of undead and the fact that the universe was ended except for one linear timeline.
  7. Self explanatory, for anybody wondering my pfp is ralsei from the game Deltarune, only with a gun
  8. I think it’s the higher the number is the more screwed you are anyways I’ve fought worse 4.5/10
  9. Left 4 Dead 2 Addons are good but too many horny people make addons (that are for other horny people) 10/10 Characters 8/10 Weapons 10/10 Gameplay 10/10 enemies 11/10 replay ability 7/10 Story 4/10 horror 10/10 graphics 9/10 level design
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