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About Craneo

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  1. not sure if I'll participate, need to read the rules a bit carefully too was thinking of mixing MAP04 from Doom 2 with either E1M3 or E2M2...
  2. having a mental illness for a long period of time does not make someone qualified to give life advice to someone that has had it for less time by that logic I'd have to hear Kanye's advice and... he is not very mentally sound, in spite of him being a good artist imho.
  3. Can't that end up creating an echo chamber tho? EDIT: quoting June I think you are acting a bit defensive there, I read it more as a "hurt people hurt people" thing, you can have a mental illness and love others, I know damn well I wanna find love someday but I am self aware enough (now) to know not to turn my mental health problems into a bagagge for whoever I like (specially after me being a dipshit to someone I loved back when I was 17 eventually led to me burning that bridge due to my own unstability)
  4. I could never get through Stone Ocean, always felt it was too weird, had odd pacing, and was generally uninteresting, Netflix didn't help, personally Diamond is Unbreakable was the comfiest season/part to me.
  5. totally legit face reveal!!!!
  6. ok, I relistened to the original album again after some years and not being 14 anymore, it isn't bad lol now I kinda want a Snare Drum soundfont for Doom, for shits and giggles, call it Angerfont.
  7. I think I'm gonna step down, I know it's a "just do it like you remember it" but I don't think I can remake that map now that I think about it, I barely remember most of it and I don't wanna "make it up" I guess? idk
  8. that's a fake screenshot, made as a sorta joke reference to the original lasergun screenshot cuz I felt it would be fun I guess
  9. maybe in a bit, I already kinda had replaced the sprites with these in a version I have saved is that comment a joke or
  10. Doom 64 Dark Claw, credits to Midway (the hand I used for the first person sprites is my own with heavy editing) chat is this real?
  11. Well, atleast you've credited the people involved in the sprite and I, I think you are good to go 👍
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